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series-defaults-area Object

The series options of the Area Charts. Accepts all values the series options supports.

series-defaults-bar Object

The series options of the Bar Charts. Accepts all values the series options supports.

series-defaults-border-color String

The color of the border. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

series-defaults-border-dash-type String

The dash type of the series Chart border.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

series-defaults-border-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the border. By default, the border width is set to zero which means that the border will not appear.

series-defaults-bubble Object

The series options of the Bubble Charts. Accepts all values the series options supports.

series-defaults-candlestick Object

The series options of the Candlestick Charts. Accepts all values the series options supports.

series-defaults-column Object

The series options of the Column Charts. Accepts all values the series options supports.

series-defaults-donut Object

The series options of the Donut Charts. Accepts all values the series options supports.

series-defaults-gap Number

The distance between the category clusters.

series-defaults-labels-background String

The background color of the labels. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

series-defaults-labels-border-color String

The color of the border. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

series-defaults-labels-border-dash-type String

The dash type of the border.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

series-defaults-labels-border-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the border. By default, the border width is set to zero which means that the border will not appear.

series-defaults-labels-color String

The text color of the labels. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

series-defaults-labels-font String

The font style of the labels.

series-defaults-labels-format String

The format of the labels. Uses kendo.format.

series-defaults-labels-margin Number

The margin of the labels. A numeric value will set all margins.

series-defaults-labels-margin-bottom Number

The bottom margin of the labels.

series-defaults-labels-margin-left Number

The left margin of the labels.

series-defaults-labels-margin-right Number

The right margin of the labels.

series-defaults-labels-margin-top Number

The top margin of the labels.

series-defaults-labels-padding Number

The padding of the labels. A numeric value will set all margins.

series-defaults-labels-padding-bottom Number

The bottom padding of the labels.

series-defaults-labels-padding-left Number

The left padding of the labels.

series-defaults-labels-padding-right Number

The right padding of the labels.

series-defaults-labels-padding-top Number

The top padding of the labels.

series-defaults-labels-rotation String | Number

The rotation angle of the labels. By default, the labels are not rotated.

series-defaults-labels-template String | Function

The template which renders the chart series label.

The template supports the following fields:

  • category—The category name. Available for the Area, Bar, Column, Bubble, Donut, Line, Pie, and Waterfall series.
  • dataItem—The original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.
  • percentage—The point value which is represented as a percentage value. Available only for the Donut, Funnel, Pie series.
  • series—The data series.
  • value—The point value. Can be a number or an object which contains each bound field.
  • runningTotal—The sum of point values since the last runningTotal summary point. Available for the Waterfall series.
  • total—The sum of all previous series values. Available for the Waterfall series.

series-defaults-labels-visible Boolean

If series-defaults-labels-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the series labels. By default, chart series labels are not displayed.

series-defaults-labels-visual Function

A function that can be used to create a custom visual for the labels.

The supported argument fields are:

  • text—The label text.
  • rect—The kendo.geometry.Rect that defines where the visual will be rendered.
  • options—The label options.
  • createVisual—A function that gets the default visual.
  • sender—The Chart instance (may be undefined).
  • value—The point value.
  • category—The point category.
  • stackValue—The cumulative point value on the stack. Available only for the stackable series.
  • dataItem—The point data item.
  • series—The point series.
  • percentage—The point value which is represented as a percentage value. Available only for the Donut, Pie, and 100% Stacked charts.
  • runningTotal—The sum of point values since the last runningTotal summary point. Available for the Waterfall series.
  • total—The sum of all previous series values. Available for the Waterfall series.

series-defaults-labels-from-background String

The background color of the from labels. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

series-defaults-labels-from-border-color String

The color of the border. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

series-defaults-labels-from-border-dash-type String

The dash type of the border.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

series-defaults-labels-from-border-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the border. By default, the border width is set to zero which means that the border will not appear.

series-defaults-labels-from-color String

The text color of the from labels. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

series-defaults-labels-from-font String

The font style of the from labels.

series-defaults-labels-from-format String

The format of the from labels. Uses kendo.format.

series-defaults-labels-from-margin Number

The margin of the from labels. A numeric value will set all margins.

series-defaults-labels-from-margin-bottom Number

The bottom margin of the from labels.

series-defaults-labels-from-margin-left Number

The left margin of the from labels.

series-defaults-labels-from-margin-right Number

The right margin of the from labels.

series-defaults-labels-from-margin-top Number

The top margin of the from labels.

series-defaults-labels-from-padding Number

The padding of the from labels. A numeric value will set all paddings.

series-defaults-labels-from-padding-bottom Number

The bottom padding of the from labels.

series-defaults-labels-from-padding-left Number

The left padding of the from labels.

series-defaults-labels-from-padding-right Number

The right padding of the from labels.

series-defaults-labels-from-padding-top Number

The top padding of the from labels.

series-defaults-labels-from-template String | Function

The template which renders the chart series from label.

The template supports the following fields:

  • category—The category name. Available for the Area, Bar, Column, Bubble, Donut, Funnel, Line, and Pie series.
  • dataItem—The original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.
  • percentage—The point value which is represented as a percentage value. Available only for the Donut, Funnel, and Pie series.
  • value—The point value. Can be a number or object which contains each bound field.
  • runningTotal—The sum of point values since the last runningTotal summary point. Available for the Waterfall series.
  • total—The sum of all previous series values. Available for the Waterfall series.

series-defaults-labels-from-visible Boolean

If series-defaults-labels-from-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the series from labels. By default, chart series from labels are not displayed.

series-defaults-labels-to-background String

The background color of the to labels. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

series-defaults-labels-to-border-color String

The color of the border. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

series-defaults-labels-to-border-dash-type String

The dash type of the border.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

series-defaults-labels-to-border-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the border. By default, the border width is set to zero which means that the border will not appear.

series-defaults-labels-to-color String

The text color of the to labels. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

series-defaults-labels-to-font String

The font style of the to labels.

series-defaults-labels-to-format String

The format of the to labels. Uses kendo.format.

series-defaults-labels-to-margin Number

The margin of the to labels. A numeric value will set all margins.

series-defaults-labels-to-margin-bottom Number

The bottom margin of the to labels.

series-defaults-labels-to-margin-left Number

The left margin of the to labels.

series-defaults-labels-to-margin-right Number

The right margin of the to labels.

series-defaults-labels-to-margin-top Number

The top margin of the to labels.

series-defaults-labels-to-padding Number

The padding of the to labels. A numeric value will set all paddings.

series-defaults-labels-to-padding-bottom Number

The bottom padding of the to labels.

series-defaults-labels-to-padding-left Number

The left padding of the to labels.

series-defaults-labels-to-padding-right Number

The right padding of the to labels.

series-defaults-labels-to-padding-top Number

The top padding of the to labels.

series-defaults-labels-to-template String | Function

The template which renders the chart series to label.

The template supports the following fields:

  • category—The category name. Available for the Area, Bar, Column, Bubble, Donut, Funnel, Line, and Pie series.
  • dataItem—The original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.
  • percentage—The point value which is represented as a percentage value. Available only for the Donut, Funnel, Pie series.
  • series—The data series.
  • value—The point value. Can be a number or an object which contains each bound field.
  • runningTotal—The sum of point values since the last runningTotal summary point. Available for the Waterfall series.
  • total—The sum of all previous series values. Available for the Waterfall series.

series-defaults-labels-to-visible Boolean

If series-defaults-labels-to-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the series to labels. By default, the to labels are not displayed.

series-defaults-line Object

The series options of the Line Charts. Accepts all values the series options supports.

series-defaults-ohlc Object

The series options of the OHLC Chart. Accepts all values the series options supports.

series-defaults-overlay-gradient String

The gradient of the Chart series.

The supported values are:

  • glass—For the Bar, Column, and Candlestick series.
  • none
  • roundedBevel—For the Donut and Pie series.
  • sharpBevel—For the Donut and Pie series.

series-defaults-pie Object

The series options of the Pie Charts. Accepts all values the series options supports.

series-defaults-range-area Object

The series options of the Range Area Chart. Accepts all values the series options supports.

series-defaults-scatter Object

The series options of the Scatter Chart. Accepts all values the series options supports.

series-defaults-scatter-line Object

The series options of the Scatter Line Chart. Accepts all values the series options supports.

series-defaults-spacing Number

The space between the chart series as a proportion of the series width.

series-defaults-stack Boolean

A Boolean value which indicates if the series will be stacked.

series-defaults-stack-type String

The type of stack that will be plotted.

The following types are supported:

  • normal—The value of the stack is the sum of all points in the category (or group).
  • 100%—The value of the stack is always 100% (1.00). Points within the category (or group) are represented in percentage.

series-defaults-type String

The default type of the series.

The supported types are:

  • area
  • bar
  • bubble
  • bullet
  • candlestick
  • column
  • donut
  • funnel
  • line
  • ohlc
  • pie
  • polarArea
  • polarLine
  • polarScatter
  • radarArea
  • radarColumn
  • radarLine
  • rangeArea
  • rangeBar
  • rangeColumn
  • scatter
  • scatterLine
  • verticalArea
  • verticalBullet
  • verticalLine
  • verticalRangeArea
  • waterfall

series-defaults-tooltip-background String

The background color of the tooltip. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

series-defaults-tooltip-border-color String

The color of the border.

series-defaults-tooltip-border-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the border. By default, the border width is set to zero which means that the border will not appear.

series-defaults-tooltip-color String

The text color of the tooltip. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

series-defaults-tooltip-font String

The tooltip font.

series-defaults-tooltip-format String

The format of the labels. Uses kendo.format.

The supported format placeholders are:

  • Area, bar, column, funnel, line and pie{0}—value
  • Bubble{0}—x value{1}—y value{2}—size value{3}—category name
  • Scatter and scatterLine{0}—x value{1}—y value
  • Candlestick and OHLC{0}—open value{1}—high value{2}—low value{3}—close value{4}—category name or RangeArea, rangeBar, rangeColumn{0}—from value{1}—to value

series-defaults-tooltip-padding Number

The padding of the tooltip. A numeric value will set all paddings.

series-defaults-tooltip-padding-bottom Number

The bottom padding of the tooltip.

series-defaults-tooltip-padding-left Number

The left padding of the tooltip.

series-defaults-tooltip-padding-right Number

The right padding of the tooltip.

series-defaults-tooltip-padding-top Number

The top padding of the tooltip.

series-defaults-tooltip-template String | Function

The template which renders the tooltip.

The template supports the following fields:

  • category—The category name.
  • dataItem—The original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.
  • series—The data series.
  • value—The point value. Can be a number or an object which contains each bound field.
  • runningTotal—The sum of point values since the last runningTotal summary point. Available for the Waterfall series.
  • total—The sum of all previous series values. Available for the Waterfall series.

series-defaults-tooltip-visible Boolean

If series-defaults-tooltip-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the series tooltip. By default, the series tooltip is not displayed.

series-defaults-vertical-area Object

The series options for the Vertical Area Chart. Accepts all values the series options supports.

series-defaults-vertical-line Object

The series options for the Vertical Line Chart. Accepts all values the series options supports.

series-defaults-vertical-range-area Object

The series options for the Vertical Range Area Charts. Accepts all values the series options supports.

series-defaults-visual Function

A function for creating a custom visual for the points. Applicable for the Bar, Column, Pie, Donut, Funnel, Line, Scatter Line, Range Bar, Range Column, and Waterfall series.

The supported argument fields are:

  • rect—The kendo.geometry.Rect that defines where the visual will be rendered.
  • options—The point options.
  • createVisual—A function that gets the default visual.
  • category—The point category.
  • dataItem—The point data item.
  • value—The point value.
  • stackValue—The cumulative point value on the stack. Available only for Stackable series.
  • sender—The Chart instance.
  • series—The point series.
  • percentage—The point value which is represented as a percentage value. Available only for the Donut, Pie, and 100% Stacked Charts.
  • runningTotal—The sum of point values since the last runningTotal summary point. Available for the Waterfall series.
  • total—The sum of all previous series values. Available for the Waterfall series.
  • radius—The segment radius. Available for the Donut and Pie series.
  • innerRadius—The segment inner radius. Available for the Donut series.
  • startAngle—The segment start angle. Available for the Donut and Pie series.
  • endAngle—The segment end angle. Available for the Donut and Pie series.
  • center—The segment center point. Available for the Donut and Pie series.
  • points—The segment points. Available for the Funnel, Line, and Scatter Line series.

series-defaults-notes-icon-background String

The background color of the notes icon.

series-defaults-notes-icon-border-color String

The border color of the icon.

series-defaults-notes-icon-border-width Number

The border width of the icon.

series-defaults-notes-icon-size Number

The size of the icon.

series-defaults-notes-icon-type String

The icon shape.

The supported values are:

  • circle—The marker shape is circular.
  • square—The marker shape is square.
  • triangle—The marker shape is triangular.
  • cross—The marker is in the shape of a cross.

series-defaults-notes-icon-visible Boolean

The icon visibility.

series-defaults-notes-label-background String

The background color of the label. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

series-defaults-notes-label-border-color String

The color of the border. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

series-defaults-notes-label-border-dash-type String

The dash type of the border.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

series-defaults-notes-label-border-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the border. By default, the border width is set to zero which means that the border will not appear.

series-defaults-notes-label-color String

The text color of the label. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

series-defaults-notes-label-font String

The font style of the label.

series-defaults-notes-label-template String | Function

The template which renders the labels. The template supports the value field which represents the point value.

series-defaults-notes-label-visible Boolean

If series-defaults-notes-label-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the seriesDefaults notes label. By default, the seriesDefaults notes labels are visible.

series-defaults-notes-label-rotation Number

The rotation angle of the label. By default, the labels are not rotated.

series-defaults-notes-label-format String

The format for displaying the notes label. Uses kendo.format. Contains one placeholder ({0}) which represents the axis value.

series-defaults-notes-label-position String

The position of the labels.

The supported values are:

  • inside—The label is positioned inside the icon.
  • outside—The label is positioned outside the icon.

series-defaults-notes-line-dash-type String

The dash type of the note line.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

series-defaults-notes-line-width Number

The line width of the notes.

series-defaults-notes-line-color String

The line color of the notes.

series-defaults-notes-line-length Number

The length (in pixels) of the connecting lines.

series-defaults-notes-visual Function

A function for creating a custom visual for the notes.

The supported argument fields are:

  • rect—The kendo.geometry.Rect that defines where the visual will be rendered.
  • options—The note options.
  • createVisual—A function that for getting the default visual.
  • category—The category of the note point.
  • dataItem—The data item of the note point.
  • value—The value of the note point.
  • sender—The Chart instance.
  • series—The series of the note point.
  • text—The note text.

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