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background String

The background color of the QRCode (background in Kendo UI for jQuery). Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

border Object

The border of the QRCode (border in Kendo UI for jQuery). The supported composite props are available in BorderProps.

color String

The color of the QRCode (color in Kendo UI for jQuery). Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

encoding String

The encoding mode used to encode the value (encoding in Kendo UI for jQuery).

The supported values are:

  • ISO_8859_1—Supports all characters from the ISO/IEC 8859-1 character set.
  • UTF_8&mdashh;Supports all Unicode characters.

error-correction String

The error correction level that is used to encode the value (errorCorrection in Kendo UI for jQuery).

The supported values are:

  • L—Approximately seven percent of the code-words can be restored.
  • M—Approximately 15% of the code-words can be restored.
  • Q—Approximately 25% of the code-words can be restored.
  • H—Approximately 30% of the code-words can be restored.

padding Number

Sets the minimum distance in pixels that should be left between the border and the QR modules (padding in Kendo UI for jQuery).

render-as String

Sets the preferred rendering engine (renderAs in Kendo UI for jQuery). If render-as is not supported by the browser, the QRCode will switch to the first available mode.

The supported values are:

  • canvas—Renders the QRCode as a canvas element, if available.
  • svg—Renders the QRCode as an inline SVG document, if available.

size Number | String

Specifies the size (in pixels) of the QRCode, for example, 200px (size in Kendo UI for jQuery). Numeric values are treated as pixels. If no size is specified, the size will be determined from the width and height of the element. If the element has zero width or height, it will use the default value of 200 pixels.

value Number | String

The value of the QRCode (value in Kendo UI for jQuery).


For more details about the methods available in the component's API please check its Kendo UI for jQuery API documentation.



Returns the Kendo UI QRCode instance.