
Views Overview

Views are the functional screens of the modules and, practically, each view provides the settings for a single web application page.


The system views are built in and delivered by the Application Module. Even though the system views cannot be created or removed on demand, some of their properties allow you to modify them.

For example, in the App Layout system view, you can reorder and edit the layout of the generated application.


The built-in views offer a predefined layout and a set of predefined functionalities. Even though the layout of the built-in views cannot be edited, some of their properties allow you to modify them.

For example, the Data Grid Form view will always render the Grid to the left and its form field to the right, but you can edit the data to which you bind the view, configure the columns it displays, or group its fields.


The user-defined view is the Blank view. It enables you to meet more complex project requirements and is based on the Bootstrap fluid grid system.

You can customize its layout and also add, modify, and remove built-in and custom components by dragging and dropping rows and columns.

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