
Custom Templates Overview

For both the AngularJS and Angular frameworks, the Builder supports templates for implementing custom views and custom components.

All custom templates reside in the templates folder at the root application level.

  • <view_name> or <component_name> represent the names of the selected view or component.
  • The Builder utilizes the EJS templating engine and generates the .ejs files. For more information, refer to the official EJS documentation.
├── components/
|   └── <component_name>/
|       ├── angular/
|       |   ├── config.json.ejs
|       |   └── template.html.ejs
|       ├── angularjs/
|       |   ├── directive.html.ejs
|       |   └── options.json.ejs
|       ├── design-time/
|       |   ├── <component_name>.png
|       |   ├── options.json.ejs
|       |   └── template.html.ejs
|       └── <component_name>.json
└── views/
    └── <view_name>/
        ├── angular/
        |   ├── generator/
        |   |   └── index.js
        |   ├── __name__.view.base.component.ts.ejs
        |   ├── __name__.view.component.html.ejs
        |   └── config.json.ejs
        ├── angularjs/
        |   ├── generator/
        |   |   └── index.js
        |   ├── controller.js.ejs
        |   ├── options.json.ejs
        |   └── template.html.ejs
        ├── design-time/
        |   ├── generator/
        |   |   └── index.js
        |   ├── <view_name>-large.png
        |   ├── <view_name>.png
        |   ├── options.json.ejs
        |   └── template.html.ejs
        └── <view_name>.json
In this article