
List View

The List View is part of the Data Management components which the Builder supports.

The Builder supports List View components only for AngularJS applications.


  • Represents collection of items with defined by developer template.
  • Support paging with build in pager component.
  • Provides different ways to arrange and display the item list.

Properties of Interest

  • Data Source—The name of a data source instance that you have defined in the Blank view. For more information, refer to the article on Blank view data sources.
  • Model—The data model that is associated with this component. For more information, refer to the article on using data source instances.
  • Template Function—Represents a function that returns the HTML for a Kendo UI template.
  • Template Id—Represents the ID of an HTML template. If specified, the template must be defined in the \app\src\modules\[module-name]\[view-name]\topSection.html file. If both a Template Function and a Template Id are specified, the Template Id takes precedence.
  • Edit Template Function—Represents a function that returns the HTML for a Kendo UI [editTemplate] which is used for the ListView items during edit mode.(
  • Edit Template Id—Represents the ID of an HTML editTemplate. If specified, the editTemplate must be defined in the \app\src\modules\[module-name]\[view-name]\topSection.html file. If both an Edit Template Function and an Edit Template Id are specified, the Edit Template Id takes precedence.
  • Events

    • Cancel Event Function—Represents a function that runs when the user clicks the cancel button.
    • Select Event Function—Represents a function that runs when a List View item is selected by the user.
    • Data Bound Event Function—Represents a function that runs when the List View is bound to its data source.
    • Edit Event Function—Represents a function that runs when the List View enters edit mode.
    • Remove Event Function—Represents a function that runs before an existing data source record is deleted in the item.
    • Save Event Function—Represents a function that runs when a data item is saved.

    Include any custom code for this event function in the controller.public.js file for AngularJS or in the [view-name].view.component.ts file for Angular which are located in the \app\src\modules\[module-name]\[view-name] folder. For more information, refer to the article on custom code.

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