
Kendo UI for jQuery

jQuery DateInput

  • Add date and time fields to your jQuery forms with minimal effort.
  • Part of the Kendo UI for jQuery library along with 100+ professionally-designed components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, learning resources and more!
DateInput Header
  • Overview

    The jQuery DateInput component enables your users to enter date/time information via direct input. It has sections for day, month, and year and you can customize date and time format. This component provides base date input functionality, but you can provide additional functionality such as spinner buttons and date range limits through integration with other components such as the DatePicker.

    See the DateInput Overview demo

  • Floating Label

    Saving space without losing the context of the form field is a breeze with the jQuery DateInput floating label. Ensure a smoother and more efficient experience for end-users by adding a label that moves above the input upon clicking.

    See the jQuery DateInput Floating Label demo

    Kendo UI for jQuery DateInput Component Floating Label
  • Disabled DateInput

    For scenarios when you need to show a preselected and read-only date, DateInput makes it easy to set the value and display a disabled component.

    Read the DateInput documentation

  • Integration with Other Kendo UI for jQuery Components

    To provide great UX, the DateInput provides options for integrating it with other Kendo UI editor widgets such as the DatePicker, DateTimePicker, and TimePicker.

    Read the DateInput Integration Documentation

  • Keyboard Navigation

    Improve accessibility and productivity with keyboard-only navigation. This component supports keyboard navigation to help navigate the jQuery DateInput and assist with selecting a value using the keyboard alone.

    See the jQuery DateInput Keyboard Navigation demo

    Keyboard Navigation

All Kendo UI for jQuery Components

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