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Server-Side Programming Overview

This article provides a list and detailed description of the properties and methods that you can use with the RadAsyncUpload control. For the full list visit the RadAsyncUpload class article.


Name Type Description
AccessKey string Sets or returns a String that represents the shortcut key, also known as the accelerator key, for a specified object.
AllowedFileExtensions string Gets or sets the allowed file extensions for uploading.
ChunkSize int Gets or sets the size of the uploading chunks in bytes.
DisableChunkUpload bool Gets or sets whether the upload will be in chunks (2MB each) or the file will be uploaded with one request.
DisablePlugins bool Specify whether RadAsyncUpload will use 3rd party plugins like Flash/Silverlight or will stick to the native modules only (IFrame, File API).
DropZones string Gets or sets the drop zones for upload.
Enabled bool Enable or disable the RadAsyncUpload control.
EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet bool Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render the link to the embedded base stylesheet of the control or not.
EnableEmbeddedScripts bool Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render script references to the embedded scripts or not.
EnableEmbeddedSkins bool Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render links to the embedded skins or not.
EnableFileInputSkinning bool Gets or sets the value indicating whether the file input fields skinning will be enabled.
EnableInlineProgress bool Specifies whether RadAsyncUpload displays an inline progress next to each file being uploaded.
EnablePermissionsCheck bool Specifies whether RadAsyncUpload performs check for write permissions upon load.
HideFileInput bool Gets or sets whether to render the file input.
HttpHandlerUrl string Specifies the URL of the custom upload HTTP Handler.
InputSize int Gets or sets the size of the file input field.
IsSkinSet bool For internal use.
Localization AsyncUploadStrings Gets the localization.
LocalizationPath string Gets or sets a string value indicating where RadAsyncUpload will look for its .resx localization files.
ManualUpload bool Gets or sets whether the upload will start automatically after the files are selected.
MaxFileInputsCount int Gets or sets the maximum file input fields that can be added to the control in single selection mode. MultipleFileSelection is not supported out of the box.
MaxFileSize int Gets or sets the maximum file size allowed for uploading in bytes.
MultipleFileSelection AsyncUpload.MultipleFileSelection Gets or sets a value indicating whether RadAsyncUpload allows selecting multiple files in the File Selection dialog.
OnClientAdded string Gets or sets the name of the client-side function which will be executed after a new fileinput is added to a RadUAsyncpload instance.
OnClientFileDropped string Gets or sets the name of the client-side function which will be executed after a file has been dropped.
OnClientFileSelected string Gets or sets the name of the client-side function which will be executed after a file has been selected.
OnClientFilesSelected string Gets or sets the name of the client-side function which will be executed after files have been selected.
OnClientFilesUploaded string Gets or sets the name of the client-side function which will be executed all selected files have been uploaded.
OnClientFileUploaded string Gets or sets the name of the client-side function which will be executed when a file upload finishes successfully.
OnClientFileUploadFailed string Gets or sets the name of the client-side function which will be executed when a file upload ends unsuccessfully.
OnClientFileUploading string Gets or sets the name of the client-side function which will be executed when a file upload starts.
OnClientFileUploadRemoved string Gets or sets the name of the client-side function which will be executed after a file input has been deleted from a RadAsyncUpload instance.
OnClientFileUploadRemoving string Gets or sets the name of the client-side function which will be executed before a file input is deleted from a RadAsyncUpload instance.
OnClientProgressUpdating string Gets or sets the name of the client-side function which will be executed on an in-line progress update.
OnClientValidationFailed string Gets or sets the name of the client-side function which will be executed if the selected file has invalid extension.
PersistConfiguration bool Gets or sets whether the upload configuration should be persisted into ControlState (if the upload configuration is different than null).
PostbackTriggers string Gets or sets whether the client state should be persisted (if the postback is triggered by particular control).
ProgressHandlerUrl string Gets or sets the URL which for the progress handler that takes care of the progress monitoring when the IFrame module is used.
RegisterWithScriptManager bool Whether to register with the ScriptManager control on the page.
RenderMode RenderMode Specifies the rendering mode of the control.
Skin string Specifies the skin that will be used by the control.
TabIndex short Gets or sets the tab order of the control within its container.
TargetFolder string Gets or sets the virtual path of the folder, where RadAsyncUpload will automatically save the valid files after the upload completes.
TemporaryFileExpiration TimeSpan Sets how long temporary files should be kept before automatically deleting them. The default value is 4 hours.
TemporaryFolder string Gets or sets the path to a folder where RadAsyncUpload should save files temporarily until a postback occurs. Defaults to App_Data\RadUploadTemp subfolder of the Application Path.
UploadConfiguration IAsyncUploadConfiguration Sets upload configuration. The generic object can be obtained using the CreateUploadConfiguration<T> method, where T is custom class that implements IAsyncUploadConfiguration. If you use this, see Security - Custom Metadata.
UploadedFiles UploadedFileCollection Provides access to the valid files uploaded by the RadAsyncUpload instance.
UploadedFilesRendering AsyncUpload.UploadedFilesRendering Gets or sets a value indicating whether RadAsyncUpload will render the uploaded files above/below the current file input.
UseApplicationPoolImpersonation bool Gets or sets whether the application pool impersonation should be used.

The LastModifiedDate property was added to the AsyncUploadedFile class as of Q3 2012. The value is available only when we are uploading files with IE10, FireFox, Google Chrome and Safari browsers. In IE9 it is not available because it does not support File API while in Opera, LastModifiedDate is not available due to security reasons.


Name Description
CreateDefaultUploadConfiguration<T> Creates an object of type T (that implements IAsyncUploadConfiguration) and populates all properties specified in the interface from this RadAsyncUpload instance.

Properties of the UploadedFiles Collection

Name Type Description
ContentLength int Gets the size in bytes of an uploaded file.
ContentType string Gets the MIME content type of a file sent by a client.
FileName string Gets the fully-qualified name of the file on the client's computer (for example "C:\MyFiles\Test.txt").
InputStream System.IO.Stream Gets a Stream object which points to the uploaded file to prepare for reading the contents of the file. The property is available only in RadAsyncUpload control when FileApi module is used.
LastModifiedDate DateTime Gets the last modified date of the uploaded file. The property is available only in RadAsyncUpload control when FileApi module is used.

Methods of the UploadedFiles Collection 

Name Description
GetExtension Returns the extension of the file on the client's computer.
GetFieldValue Returns the value of a custom field.
GetIsFieldChecked Returns the checked state of a custom field.
GetName Returns the name and extension of the file on the client's computer.
GetNameWithoutExtension Returns the name of the file on the client's computer without the extension.
SaveAs Saves the contents of an uploaded file.

See Also

In this article