Overall Result: Pass ------------------------------------------------------------ '24/05/2022 21:29:53' - Executing test: 'ApplicationStartUp-CorrectLogin-InvalidLogin-ShutdownApplication', path: 'ApplicationStartUp-CorrectLogin-InvalidLogin-ShutdownApplication.tstest.' '24/05/2022 21:29:53' - Using .Net Runtime version: '4.0.30319.42000' for test execution. Build version is '2022.1.412.0'. '24/05/2022 21:29:53' - Starting execution.... '24/05/2022 21:30:07' - Detected custom code in test. Locating test assembly: SmartFactory.dll. '24/05/2022 21:30:07' - Assembly Found: C:\Users\Developer\Desktop\Automation_Tool\SmartFactory\bin\SmartFactory.dll '24/05/2022 21:30:07' - Loading code class: 'SmartFactory.ApplicationStartUp_and_Login'. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ '24/05/2022 21:30:07' - Using 'C:\SmartFactory-Installs\CVXSmartFactory\CXVSmartFactory\Programs\CXVSmartFactoryClient\net48\net48\CXV.Clients.SmartFactoryClient.exe' application. '24/05/2022 21:30:08' - 'Pass' : 1. Verify 'NoRoleTextblock' displayed text Same 'No Role' '24/05/2022 21:30:09' - 'Pass' : 2. Verify 'NotLoggedInTextblock' displayed text Same 'Not Logged In' '24/05/2022 21:30:09' - 'NotRun' : 3. [ApplicationStartUp_and_Login_CodedStep] : Verify the Date displayed on the application home page '24/05/2022 21:30:10' - 'Pass' : 4. Click ButtonPartRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:11' - 'Pass' : 5. Click AboutRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:13' - 'Pass' : 6. LeftClick on AboutTextblock '24/05/2022 21:30:13' - 'Pass' : 7. Verify 'AboutTextblock' displayed text Same 'About' '24/05/2022 21:30:14' - 'Pass' : 8. Click ButtonPartRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:15' - 'Pass' : 9. Click LoginRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:18' - 'Pass' : 10. Click CancelBtnRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:26' - 'Pass' : 11. Execute test 'CorrectAdminLogin' >>> Test-as-Step 'CorrectAdminLogin.tstest' log starts: Overall Result: Pass ------------------------------------------------------------ '24/05/2022 21:30:18' - Using 'C:\SmartFactory-Installs\CVXSmartFactory\CXVSmartFactory\Programs\CXVSmartFactoryClient\net48\net48\CXV.Clients.SmartFactoryClient.exe' application. '24/05/2022 21:30:19' - 'Pass' : 1. Click ButtonPartRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:20' - 'Pass' : 2. Click LoginRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:22' - 'Pass' : 3. Type 'admin' into UsernameEntryFieldTextbox '24/05/2022 21:30:23' - 'Pass' : 4. Click NextBtnRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:23' - 'Pass' : 5. LeftClick on Item1Textboxview '24/05/2022 21:30:25' - 'Pass' : 6. Type 'Crest1*' into PasswordEntryFieldPasswordbox '24/05/2022 21:30:26' - 'Pass' : 7. Click ButtonPartRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:26' - 'Pass' : 8. Click LoginBtnRadbutton ------------------------------------------------------------ '24/05/2022 21:30:26' - Overall Result: Pass '24/05/2022 21:30:26' - Duration: [0 min: 8 sec: 308 msec] ------------------------------------------------------------ <<< Test-as-Step 'CorrectAdminLogin.tstest' log ends. '24/05/2022 21:30:29' - 'Pass' : 12. Click ButtonPartRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:29' - 'Pass' : 13. Verify 'AdminTextblock' displayed text Same 'admin' '24/05/2022 21:30:30' - 'Pass' : 14. Verify 'AdministratorTextblock' displayed text Same 'Administrator' '24/05/2022 21:30:31' - 'Pass' : 15. Verify 'UserAdminTextblock' displayed text Same 'User: admin with Role: Administrator logged in.' '24/05/2022 21:30:31' - 'Pass' : 16. Click ButtonPartRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:33' - 'Pass' : 17. Click LogoutRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:34' - 'Pass' : 18. Click ButtonPartRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:35' - 'Pass' : 19. Click LoginRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:36' - 'Pass' : 20. Click ButtonPartRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:37' - 'Pass' : 21. Click LoginRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:39' - 'Pass' : 22. Type 'allmn' into UsernameEntryFieldTextbox '24/05/2022 21:30:40' - 'Pass' : 23. Click NextBtnRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:40' - 'Pass' : 24. LeftClick on Item1Textboxview '24/05/2022 21:30:42' - 'Pass' : 25. Type 'Crest1*' into PasswordEntryFieldPasswordbox '24/05/2022 21:30:43' - 'Pass' : 26. Click LoginBtnRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:46' - 'Pass' : 27. Verify 'InvalidTextblock' displayed text Same 'Invalid Username or Password.' '24/05/2022 21:30:46' - 'Pass' : 28. Click OKRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:47' - 'Pass' : 29. Click ButtonPartRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:49' - 'Pass' : 30. Click LoginRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:49' - 'Pass' : 31. Click BackBtnRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:51' - 'Pass' : 32. Type 'admin' into UsernameEntryFieldTextbox '24/05/2022 21:30:52' - 'Pass' : 33. Click NextBtnRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:52' - 'Pass' : 34. LeftClick on Item1Textboxview '24/05/2022 21:30:53' - 'Pass' : 35. Type 'vv' into PasswordEntryFieldPasswordbox '24/05/2022 21:30:54' - 'Pass' : 36. Click LoginBtnRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:57' - 'Pass' : 37. Verify 'InvalidTextblock' displayed text Same 'Invalid Username or Password.' '24/05/2022 21:30:58' - 'Pass' : 38. Click OKRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:30:58' - 'Pass' : 39. Click ButtonPartRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:31:00' - 'Pass' : 40. Click LoginRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:31:00' - 'Pass' : 41. Click BackBtnRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:31:09' - 'Pass' : 42. Execute test 'CorrectAdminLogin' >>> Test-as-Step 'CorrectAdminLogin.tstest' log starts: Overall Result: Pass ------------------------------------------------------------ '24/05/2022 21:31:01' - Using 'C:\SmartFactory-Installs\CVXSmartFactory\CXVSmartFactory\Programs\CXVSmartFactoryClient\net48\net48\CXV.Clients.SmartFactoryClient.exe' application. '24/05/2022 21:31:01' - 'Pass' : 1. Click ButtonPartRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:31:03' - 'Pass' : 2. Click LoginRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:31:04' - 'Pass' : 3. Type 'admin' into UsernameEntryFieldTextbox '24/05/2022 21:31:05' - 'Pass' : 4. Click NextBtnRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:31:06' - 'Pass' : 5. LeftClick on Item1Textboxview '24/05/2022 21:31:07' - 'Pass' : 6. Type 'Crest1*' into PasswordEntryFieldPasswordbox '24/05/2022 21:31:08' - 'Pass' : 7. Click ButtonPartRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:31:09' - 'Pass' : 8. Click LoginBtnRadbutton ------------------------------------------------------------ '24/05/2022 21:31:09' - Overall Result: Pass '24/05/2022 21:31:09' - Duration: [0 min: 8 sec: 71 msec] ------------------------------------------------------------ <<< Test-as-Step 'CorrectAdminLogin.tstest' log ends. '24/05/2022 21:31:11' - 'Pass' : 43. Click ReportsRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:31:13' - 'Pass' : 44. radtabitem: item 'Audit Trail' select action. '24/05/2022 21:31:14' - 'Pass' : 45. Click GoRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:31:20' - 'Pass' : 46. LeftClick on CellElement21Textblock '24/05/2022 21:31:20' - LOG: This is the value of the Extracted variable 'DevCraftPTag' from the Extracteion step: Tue 24 May 2022 '24/05/2022 21:31:20' - LOG: This is the value of the Extracted variable from the Extracteion step: Tue 24 May 2022 21:30:43 '24/05/2022 21:31:20' - LOG: dateAndTime: Tue 24 May 2022 '24/05/2022 21:31:20' - 'Pass' : 47. [Verify_AuditEntryDate_for_Unsuccessfull_Login1] : Verify 'CellElement21Textblock' displayed text Same as current date '24/05/2022 21:31:21' - 'Pass' : 48. Verify 'CellElement22Textblock' displayed text Same 'User Management' '24/05/2022 21:31:22' - 'Pass' : 49. Verify 'CellElement23Textblock' displayed text Same 'UnSuccessful Login' '24/05/2022 21:31:23' - 'Pass' : 50. Verify 'CellElement24Textblock' displayed text Same 'allmn' '24/05/2022 21:31:24' - 'Pass' : 51. Verify 'CellElement26Textblock' displayed text Same 'UnSuccessful Login' '24/05/2022 21:31:24' - LOG: This is the value of the Extracted variable 'DevCraftPTag' from the Extracteion step: Tue 24 May 2022 '24/05/2022 21:31:24' - LOG: This is the value of the Extracted variable from the Extracteion step: Tue 24 May 2022 21:30:54 '24/05/2022 21:31:24' - LOG: dateAndTime: Tue 24 May 2022 '24/05/2022 21:31:24' - 'Pass' : 52. [Verify_AuditEntryDate_for_Unsuccessfull_Login2] : Verify 'CellElement11Textblock' displayed text Same as current date '24/05/2022 21:31:24' - 'Pass' : 53. Verify 'CellElement12Textblock' displayed text Same 'User Management' '24/05/2022 21:31:25' - 'Pass' : 54. Verify 'CellElement13Textblock' displayed text Same 'UnSuccessful Login' '24/05/2022 21:31:26' - 'Pass' : 55. Verify 'CellElement14Textblock' displayed text Same 'admin' '24/05/2022 21:31:27' - 'Pass' : 56. Verify 'CellElement16Textblock' displayed text Same 'UnSuccessful Login' '24/05/2022 21:31:27' - LOG: This is the value of the Extracted variable 'DevCraftPTag' from the Extracteion step: Tue 24 May 2022 '24/05/2022 21:31:27' - LOG: This is the value of the Extracted variable from the Extracteion step: Tue 24 May 2022 21:31:09 '24/05/2022 21:31:27' - LOG: dateAndTime: Tue 24 May 2022 '24/05/2022 21:31:27' - 'Pass' : 57. [Verify_AuditEntryDate_for_successfull_Login] : Verify 'CellElement01Textblock' displayed text Same as current date '24/05/2022 21:31:28' - 'Pass' : 58. Verify 'CellElement02Textblock' displayed text Same 'User Management' '24/05/2022 21:31:29' - 'Pass' : 59. Verify 'CellElement03Textblock' displayed text Same 'Successful Login' '24/05/2022 21:31:30' - 'Pass' : 60. Verify 'CellElement06Textblock' displayed text Same 'User: [admin] Username: [admin] - [Local] with Role [Administrator] logged on successfully.' '24/05/2022 21:31:31' - 'Pass' : 61. Click ExportRadbutton '24/05/2022 21:31:36' - 'Pass' : 62. radcombobox: drop down 'Close' action. '24/05/2022 21:31:36' - 'Pass' : 63. radcombobox: drop down 'Open' action. '24/05/2022 21:31:38' - 'Pass' : 64. radcombobox: drop down 'Close' action. '24/05/2022 21:31:39' - 'Pass' : 65. radcombobox: selecting item 'PDF' '24/05/2022 21:31:45' - 'Pass' : 66. Handle 'SaveFile' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ '24/05/2022 21:31:45' - Overall Result: Pass '24/05/2022 21:31:45' - Duration: [1 min: 37 sec: 396 msec] ------------------------------------------------------------ '24/05/2022 21:31:47' - Test completed!