@using TelerikBlazorDemos.DataAccess.Services @using TelerikBlazorDemos.DataAccess.Dto @using System.Linq; @page "/dropdownlist/virtualization" @inject HttpClient http
@($"{context.City} ({context.Country})")

to trigger the skip not reset issue:

1. Select country = China since it has more cities.
2. select a city: scroll to the last city to show skip value is not reset after dataSource has been changed.

3. Select country = USA (wait until data has been fully loaded),
4. select a city: the city dropdown is empty, in the debugger the skip value is not reset to 0

@code{ public string CountryString {get;set;} public List Countries = new(){"China","United States of America"}; public TelerikDropDownList CountriesDDL { get; set; } public TelerikDropDownList CitiesDDL { get; set; } private async Task CountryOnChange(object value) { //reset cascading Value = 0; StateHasChanged(); if (value == null) { return; } var currentCountry = (string)value; var AllAreas = await urbanAreaService.GetUrbanAreas(); var AllUrbanAreasInSelectedCounties = AllAreas.Where(x => x.Country == currentCountry); UrbanAreas = AllUrbanAreasInSelectedCounties; //how to reset skip and filtering on cityDropdown? //CitiesDDL.Rebind(); //to call onRead } } @code { private UrbanAreaService _urbanAreaService; private UrbanAreaService urbanAreaService { get { if(_urbanAreaService == null) { _urbanAreaService = new UrbanAreaService(http); } return _urbanAreaService; } } public IEnumerable UrbanAreas { get; set; } public int Value { get; set; } protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { UrbanAreas = await urbanAreaService.GetUrbanAreas(); } }