Overall Result: Fail ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:12:26 PM' - Executing test: 'CPF1-1 [MAIN]', path: 'Payroll\Project_CPF\CPF 1-1\CPF1-1 [MAIN].tstest.' '08/11/2021 07:12:26 PM' - Using .Net Runtime version: '4.0.30319.42000' for test execution. Build version is '2021.3.1103.0'. '08/11/2021 07:12:26 PM' - Starting execution.... ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:12:37 PM' - Enabling Html Popup Tracker. Test expecting Popups. '08/11/2021 07:12:37 PM' - Using 'Chrome' version '95.0.4638.69' as default browser. '08/11/2021 07:13:01 PM' - 'Pass' : 1. Execute test 'Login_Automation_InternalUser' >>> Test-as-Step 'Reusable Generic Test Case\Login_Automation_InternalUser.tstest' log starts: Overall Result: Pass ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:12:38 PM' - Enabling Html Popup Tracker. Test expecting Popups. '08/11/2021 07:12:38 PM' - Using 'Chrome' version '95.0.4638.69' as default browser. '08/11/2021 07:12:38 PM' - 'Pass' : 1. 'Maximize' the browser. '08/11/2021 07:12:40 PM' - 'Pass' : 2. Navigate to : 'https://testirasapi.stoneforest.com.sg/Login/Index' '08/11/2021 07:12:45 PM' - 'Pass' : 3. Wait for element 'Login_BTN' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:12:47 PM' - 'Pass' : 4. Enter text 'system' in 'Login_CompanyID_TB' '08/11/2021 07:12:48 PM' - 'Pass' : 5. Enter text 'autoiu' in 'Login_UserLoginID_TB' '08/11/2021 07:12:50 PM' - 'Pass' : 6. Enter text '*****' in 'Login_Password_TB' '08/11/2021 07:12:51 PM' - 'Pass' : 7. Click 'Login_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:13:01 PM' - 'Pass' : 8. IF (Verify ExistsNot 'PreviousSession_Window_DIV') Logical step encountered. Executing branch => IF (Verify ExistsNot 'PreviousSession_Window_DIV'): ------------------------------------------------------------ Condition Evaluation Details: Parameters: ----------- Exists = 'False' ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:12:57 PM' - Using 'Chrome' version '95.0.4638.69' as default browser. '08/11/2021 07:13:01 PM' - 'Pass' : 9. Wait for element 'ScreenTitle_Home' 'is' visible. ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:13:01 PM' - Overall Result: Pass '08/11/2021 07:13:01 PM' - Duration: [0 min: 23 sec: 787 msec] ------------------------------------------------------------ <<< Test-as-Step 'Reusable Generic Test Case\Login_Automation_InternalUser.tstest' log ends. '08/11/2021 07:13:27 PM' - 'Pass' : 2. Execute test 'SwitchCompanyUponLogin_Internal User_Epay1' >>> Test-as-Step 'Payroll\Project_CPF\SwitchCompanyUponLogin_Internal User_Epay1.tstest' log starts: Overall Result: Pass ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:13:02 PM' - Enabling Html Popup Tracker. Test expecting Popups. '08/11/2021 07:13:02 PM' - Using 'Chrome' version '95.0.4638.69' as default browser. '08/11/2021 07:13:05 PM' - 'Pass' : 1. Wait for element 'InternalUserSwitchCompany_PopUp_DIV' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:13:07 PM' - 'Pass' : 2. Click 'InternalUserCompSwitchPopUp_CompanyCodeFilterMode_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:13:08 PM' - 'Pass' : 3. Click 'InternalUserCompSwitchPopUp_CompanyCodeFilterMode_IsEqualTo_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:13:10 PM' - 'Pass' : 4. Enter text 'yjtest' in 'InternalUserCompSwtichPopUp_CompanyCode_TB' '08/11/2021 07:13:12 PM' - 'Pass' : 5. Keyboard (KeyPress) - Enter (1 times) on 'InternalUserCompSwtichPopUp_CompanyCode_TB' '08/11/2021 07:13:13 PM' - 'Pass' : 6. Wait for 'TextContent' 'Contains' '1 - 1 of 1 items' on 'InternalUserSwtichCompany_PopUp_PagerInfoSummary_LBL' '08/11/2021 07:13:14 PM' - 'Pass' : 7. KendoGridCell Click on Cell [0, 0] '08/11/2021 07:13:16 PM' - 'Pass' : 8. Handle 'Confirm' dialog. '08/11/2021 07:13:25 PM' - 'Pass' : 9. Wait for element 'ScreenTitle_Home' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:13:27 PM' - 'Pass' : 10. Wait for selection 'ByText' is 'YJ Test CSN Reference' on 'Header_SwitchCompanyWithinEntity_DD' ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:13:27 PM' - Overall Result: Pass '08/11/2021 07:13:27 PM' - Duration: [0 min: 24 sec: 814 msec] ------------------------------------------------------------ <<< Test-as-Step 'Payroll\Project_CPF\SwitchCompanyUponLogin_Internal User_Epay1.tstest' log ends. '08/11/2021 07:13:27 PM' - 'Pass' : 3. Comment: ---------------STEP(S) ABOVE IS ENABLED ONLY FOR TROUBLESHOOTING PURPOSES. TEST LIST SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED ABOVE TEST CASE(S)--------------- '08/11/2021 07:13:29 PM' - 'Pass' : 4. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Link' '08/11/2021 07:13:29 PM' - 'NotRun' : 5. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Reports_Link' '08/11/2021 07:21:43 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:43 PM' - 'Fail' : 6. Execute test 'CPF1-1_TestCPF001-015_TestCPF018-019_Generate_GrossToNetReport' >>> Test-as-Step 'Payroll\Project_CPF\CPF 1-1\CPF1-1_TestCPF001-015_TestCPF018-019_Generate_GrossToNetReport.tstest' log starts: Overall Result: Fail ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:13:30 PM' - Enabling Html Popup Tracker. Test expecting Popups. '08/11/2021 07:13:30 PM' - Using 'Chrome' version '95.0.4638.69' as default browser. '08/11/2021 07:13:30 PM' - 'NotRun' : 1. Execute test 'Login_Automation_InternalUser' '08/11/2021 07:13:30 PM' - 'NotRun' : 2. Execute test 'SwitchCompanyUponLogin_Internal User_Epay1' '08/11/2021 07:13:30 PM' - 'NotRun' : 3. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Link' '08/11/2021 07:13:30 PM' - 'NotRun' : 4. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Reports_Link' '08/11/2021 07:13:30 PM' - 'NotRun' : 5. Comment: ---------------STEP(S) ABOVE IS ENABLED ONLY FOR TROUBLESHOOTING PURPOSES. TEST LIST SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED ABOVE TEST CASE(S)--------------- '08/11/2021 07:13:32 PM' - 'Pass' : 6. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Reports_GrossToNet_Link' '08/11/2021 07:13:34 PM' - 'Pass' : 7. Handle 'Confirm' dialog. '08/11/2021 07:13:39 PM' - 'Pass' : 8. Wait for element 'ScreenTitle_GrossToNet' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:13:41 PM' - 'Pass' : 9. Click 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:13:43 PM' - 'Pass' : 10. Wait for element 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_PopUp_DIV' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:13:45 PM' - 'Pass' : 11. Click 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_Filter_Code_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:13:47 PM' - 'Pass' : 12. Click 'General_Filter_IsEqualTo_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:13:48 PM' - 'Pass' : 13. Enter text 'E' in 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_PopUp_Filter_Code_TB' '08/11/2021 07:13:51 PM' - 'Pass' : 14. Keyboard (KeyPress) - Enter (1 times) on 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_PopUp_Filter_Code_TB' '08/11/2021 07:13:52 PM' - 'Pass' : 15. Wait for 'TextContent' 'Contains' '1 - 1 of 1 items' on 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_PopUp_PagerInfoSummary_LBL' '08/11/2021 07:13:53 PM' - 'Pass' : 16. Check 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_PopUp_SelectPartial_CB' to be 'True' '08/11/2021 07:13:55 PM' - 'Pass' : 17. Click 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_PopUp_OK_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:13:56 PM' - 'Pass' : 18. Wait for element 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_PopUp_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:13:57 PM' - 'Pass' : 19. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202001--------------- '08/11/2021 07:13:58 PM' - 'Pass' : 20. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:14:00 PM' - 'Pass' : 21. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202001_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:14:02 PM' - 'Pass' : 22. Check 'GrossToNet_OutputFormat_Excel_RB' to be 'True' '08/11/2021 07:14:02 PM' - 'Pass' : 23. Comment: ---------------START : CPF PART 1.1 - CPFPAY1 | CPF PAYROLL GROUP 1--------------- '08/11/2021 07:14:04 PM' - 'Pass' : 24. Scroll GrossToNet_ScreenPanel_EmployeeFilter to top of window. '08/11/2021 07:14:06 PM' - 'Pass' : 25. Click 'GrossToNet_ScreenPanel_EmployeeFilter' '08/11/2021 07:14:08 PM' - 'Pass' : 26. Click 'GrossToNet_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:14:10 PM' - 'Pass' : 27. Wait for element 'GrossToNet_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_DIV' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:14:12 PM' - 'Pass' : 28. Enter text 'CPFPAY1' in 'GrossToNet_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_Filter_Code_TB' '08/11/2021 07:14:14 PM' - 'Pass' : 29. Keyboard (KeyPress) - Enter (1 times) on 'GrossToNet_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_Filter_Code_TB' '08/11/2021 07:14:15 PM' - 'Pass' : 30. Wait for 'TextContent' 'Contains' '1 - 1 of 1 items' on 'GrossToNet_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_PagerInfoSummary_LBL' '08/11/2021 07:14:18 PM' - 'Pass' : 31. Check 'GrossToNet_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_SelectPartial_CB' to be 'True' '08/11/2021 07:14:19 PM' - 'Pass' : 32. Click 'GrossToNet_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_OK_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:14:21 PM' - 'Pass' : 33. Wait for element 'GrossToNet_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:14:22 PM' - 'Pass' : 34. Comment: ---------------END : CPF PART 1.1 - CPFPAY1 | CPF PAYROLL GROUP 1--------------- '08/11/2021 07:14:23 PM' - 'Pass' : 35. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:14:23 PM' - 'NotRun' : 36. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:14:54 PM' - 'Pass' : 37. Handle 'Download' dialog. '08/11/2021 07:14:54 PM' - 'Pass' : 38. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202002--------------- '08/11/2021 07:14:56 PM' - 'Pass' : 39. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:14:58 PM' - 'Pass' : 40. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202002_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:15:00 PM' - 'Pass' : 41. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:15:00 PM' - 'NotRun' : 42. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:15:22 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:24 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:24 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:25 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:25 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:26 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:26 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:27 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:27 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:28 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:28 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:29 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:29 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:30 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:30 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:31 PM' - 'Fail' : 43. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:15:31 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:15:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:31 PM' - 'Pass' : 44. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202003--------------- '08/11/2021 07:15:32 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:33 PM' - 'Pass' : 45. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:15:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:35 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:35 PM' - 'Pass' : 46. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202003_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:15:35 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:37 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:37 PM' - 'Pass' : 47. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:15:37 PM' - 'NotRun' : 48. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:15:38 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:38 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:39 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:39 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:57 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:57 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:58 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:58 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:59 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:15:59 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:01 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:01 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:02 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:02 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:03 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:04 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:04 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:05 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:05 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:06 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:06 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:07 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:07 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:08 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:08 PM' - 'Fail' : 49. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:16:08 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:16:09 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:09 PM' - 'Pass' : 50. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202004--------------- '08/11/2021 07:16:09 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:11 PM' - 'Pass' : 51. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:16:11 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:11 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:12 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:12 PM' - 'Pass' : 52. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202004_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:16:13 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:13 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:14 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:14 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:14 PM' - 'Pass' : 53. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:16:14 PM' - 'NotRun' : 54. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:16:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:16 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:17 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:17 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:35 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:35 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:37 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:37 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:38 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:39 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:39 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:40 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:40 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:42 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:43 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:43 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:44 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:44 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:46 PM' - 'Fail' : 55. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:16:46 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:16:46 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:46 PM' - 'Pass' : 56. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202005--------------- '08/11/2021 07:16:46 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:47 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:48 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:48 PM' - 'Pass' : 57. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:16:48 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:50 PM' - 'Pass' : 58. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202005_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:16:50 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:51 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:51 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:51 PM' - 'Pass' : 59. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:16:51 PM' - 'NotRun' : 60. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:16:52 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:53 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:53 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:16:54 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:11 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:12 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:13 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:13 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:14 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:16 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:16 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:17 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:17 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:18 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:19 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:19 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:20 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:21 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:21 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:22 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:22 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:23 PM' - 'Fail' : 61. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:17:23 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:17:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:23 PM' - 'Pass' : 62. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202006--------------- '08/11/2021 07:17:24 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:24 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:25 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:25 PM' - 'Pass' : 63. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:17:25 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:26 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:27 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:27 PM' - 'Pass' : 64. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202006_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:17:27 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:28 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:28 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:29 PM' - 'Pass' : 65. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:17:29 PM' - 'NotRun' : 66. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:17:29 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:30 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:50 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:50 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:51 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:52 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:52 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:53 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:54 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:54 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:55 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:56 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:56 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:57 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:58 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:58 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:17:59 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:00 PM' - 'Fail' : 67. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:18:00 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:18:00 PM' - 'Pass' : 68. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202007--------------- '08/11/2021 07:18:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:01 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:02 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:02 PM' - 'Pass' : 69. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:18:02 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:03 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:04 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:04 PM' - 'Pass' : 70. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202007_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:18:04 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:05 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:06 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:06 PM' - 'Pass' : 71. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:18:06 PM' - 'NotRun' : 72. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:18:06 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:07 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:08 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:09 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:26 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:27 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:27 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:28 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:29 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:29 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:30 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:32 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:35 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:37 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:37 PM' - 'Fail' : 73. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:18:37 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:18:38 PM' - 'Pass' : 74. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202008--------------- '08/11/2021 07:18:38 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:38 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:39 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:39 PM' - 'Pass' : 75. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:18:40 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:40 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:41 PM' - 'Pass' : 76. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202008_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:18:42 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:42 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:43 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:43 PM' - 'Pass' : 77. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:18:43 PM' - 'NotRun' : 78. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:18:44 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:18:46 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:03 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:04 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:04 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:05 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:06 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:06 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:07 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:08 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:08 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:09 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:11 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:12 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:13 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:13 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:14 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:14 PM' - 'Fail' : 79. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:19:14 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:19:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:15 PM' - 'Pass' : 80. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202009--------------- '08/11/2021 07:19:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:16 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:17 PM' - 'Pass' : 81. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:19:17 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:17 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:18 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:19 PM' - 'Pass' : 82. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202009_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:19:19 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:20 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:20 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:20 PM' - 'Pass' : 83. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:19:20 PM' - 'NotRun' : 84. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:19:21 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:22 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:24 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:42 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:43 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:43 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:44 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:46 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:47 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:47 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:48 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:50 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:51 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:52 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:52 PM' - 'Fail' : 85. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:19:52 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:19:52 PM' - 'Pass' : 86. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202010--------------- '08/11/2021 07:19:52 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:53 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:54 PM' - 'Pass' : 87. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:19:54 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:55 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:55 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:56 PM' - 'Pass' : 88. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202010_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:19:56 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:57 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:58 PM' - 'Pass' : 89. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:19:58 PM' - 'NotRun' : 90. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:19:58 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:58 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:19:59 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:01 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:18 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:19 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:20 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:20 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:21 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:22 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:24 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:25 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:25 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:26 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:27 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:28 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:28 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:29 PM' - 'Fail' : 91. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:20:29 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:20:29 PM' - 'Pass' : 92. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202011--------------- '08/11/2021 07:20:29 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:30 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:31 PM' - 'Pass' : 93. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:20:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:32 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:33 PM' - 'Pass' : 94. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202011_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:20:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:35 PM' - 'Pass' : 95. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:20:35 PM' - 'NotRun' : 96. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:20:35 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:37 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:38 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:56 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:56 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:57 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:58 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:58 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:20:59 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:01 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:01 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:02 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:03 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:04 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:04 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:05 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:06 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:06 PM' - 'Fail' : 97. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:21:06 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:21:06 PM' - 'Pass' : 98. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202012--------------- '08/11/2021 07:21:06 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:07 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:08 PM' - 'Pass' : 99. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:21:08 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:09 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:10 PM' - 'Pass' : 100. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202012_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:21:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:11 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:12 PM' - 'Pass' : 101. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:21:12 PM' - 'NotRun' : 102. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:21:12 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:13 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:14 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:16 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:35 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:37 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:37 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:38 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:39 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:40 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:42 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:43 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:43 PM' - 'Fail' : 103. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:21:43 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:21:43 PM' - 'NotRun' : 104. Comment: ---------------STEP(S) BELOW IS ENABLED ONLY FOR TROUBLESHOOTING PURPOSES. TEST LIST SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED TEST CASE(S) BELOW--------------- '08/11/2021 07:21:43 PM' - 'NotRun' : 105. Execute test 'Logout' ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:21:43 PM' - Overall Result: Fail '08/11/2021 07:21:43 PM' - Duration: [8 min: 12 sec: 839 msec] ------------------------------------------------------------ <<< Test-as-Step 'Payroll\Project_CPF\CPF 1-1\CPF1-1_TestCPF001-015_TestCPF018-019_Generate_GrossToNetReport.tstest' log ends. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:21:43 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:21:44 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:49 PM' - 'Fail' : 7. Execute test 'CPF1-1_TestCPF001-015_TestCPF018-019_Generate_YTDCPFContributionsReport' >>> Test-as-Step 'Payroll\Project_CPF\CPF 1-1\CPF1-1_TestCPF001-015_TestCPF018-019_Generate_YTDCPFContributionsReport.tstest' log starts: Overall Result: Fail ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:21:44 PM' - Enabling Html Popup Tracker. Test expecting Popups. '08/11/2021 07:21:44 PM' - Using 'Chrome' version '95.0.4638.69' as default browser. '08/11/2021 07:21:44 PM' - 'NotRun' : 1. Execute test 'Login_Automation_InternalUser' '08/11/2021 07:21:44 PM' - 'NotRun' : 2. Execute test 'SwitchCompanyUponLogin_Internal User_Epay1' '08/11/2021 07:21:44 PM' - 'NotRun' : 3. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Link' '08/11/2021 07:21:44 PM' - 'NotRun' : 4. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Reports_Link' '08/11/2021 07:21:44 PM' - 'NotRun' : 5. Comment: ---------------STEP(S) ABOVE IS ENABLED ONLY FOR TROUBLESHOOTING PURPOSES. TEST LIST SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED ABOVE TEST CASE(S)--------------- '08/11/2021 07:21:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:46 PM' - 'Pass' : 6. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Reports_YTDCPFContributions_Link' '08/11/2021 07:21:47 PM' - 'Pass' : 7. Handle 'Confirm' dialog. '08/11/2021 07:21:48 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:50 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:50 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:51 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:52 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:52 PM' - 'Pass' : 8. Wait for element 'ScreenTitle_YTDCPFContribution' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:21:52 PM' - 'Pass' : 9. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD YTD CPF CONTRIBUTIONS REPORT FOR 2020--------------- '08/11/2021 07:21:53 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:53 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:54 PM' - 'Pass' : 10. Click 'YTDCPFContributions_Year_DD' '08/11/2021 07:21:54 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:55 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:56 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:56 PM' - 'Pass' : 11. Click 'YTDCPFContributions_Year_DD_2020_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:21:57 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:57 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:58 PM' - 'Pass' : 12. Check 'YTDCPFContributions_OutputFormat_Excel_RB' to be 'True' '08/11/2021 07:21:58 PM' - 'Pass' : 13. Comment: ---------------START : CPF PART 1.1 - CPFPAY1 | CPF PAYROLL GROUP 1--------------- '08/11/2021 07:21:58 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:21:59 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:00 PM' - 'Pass' : 14. Scroll YTDCPFContributions_ScreenPanel_EmployeeFilter to top of window. '08/11/2021 07:22:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:01 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:01 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:01 PM' - 'Pass' : 15. Click 'YTDCPFContributions_ScreenPanel_EmployeeFilter' '08/11/2021 07:22:02 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:03 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:03 PM' - 'Pass' : 16. Click 'YTDCPFContributions_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:22:04 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:05 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:05 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:06 PM' - 'Pass' : 17. Wait for element 'YTDCPFContributions_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_DIV' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:22:06 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:07 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:07 PM' - 'Pass' : 18. Enter text 'CPFPay1' in 'YTDCPFContributions_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_Filter_Code_TB' '08/11/2021 07:22:08 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:09 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:10 PM' - 'Pass' : 19. Keyboard (KeyPress) - Enter (1 times) on 'YTDCPFContributions_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_Filter_Code_TB' '08/11/2021 07:22:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:11 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:12 PM' - 'Pass' : 20. Check 'YTDCPFContributions_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_SelectPartial_CB' to be 'True' '08/11/2021 07:22:12 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:13 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:14 PM' - 'Pass' : 21. Click 'YTDCPFContributions_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_OK_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:22:14 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:16 PM' - 'Pass' : 22. Wait for element 'YTDCPFContributions_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:22:16 PM' - 'Pass' : 23. Comment: ---------------END : CPF PART 1.1 - CPFPAY1 | CPF PAYROLL GROUP 1--------------- '08/11/2021 07:22:16 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:17 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:18 PM' - 'Pass' : 24. Click 'YTDCPFContributions_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:22:18 PM' - 'NotRun' : 25. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:22:18 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:19 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:19 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:20 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:21 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:22 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:42 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:43 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:44 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:46 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:47 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:48 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:48 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:49 PM' - 'Fail' : 26. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:22:49 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:22:49 PM' - 'NotRun' : 27. Comment: ---------------STEP(S) BELOW IS ENABLED ONLY FOR TROUBLESHOOTING PURPOSES. TEST LIST SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED TEST CASE(S) BELOW--------------- '08/11/2021 07:22:49 PM' - 'NotRun' : 28. Execute test 'Logout' ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:22:49 PM' - Overall Result: Fail '08/11/2021 07:22:49 PM' - Duration: [1 min: 5 sec: 75 msec] ------------------------------------------------------------ <<< Test-as-Step 'Payroll\Project_CPF\CPF 1-1\CPF1-1_TestCPF001-015_TestCPF018-019_Generate_YTDCPFContributionsReport.tstest' log ends. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:22:49 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:22:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:59 PM' - 'Fail' : 8. Execute test 'CPF1-1_TestCPF001-015_TestCPF018-019_Generate_YTDStatisticsReport' >>> Test-as-Step 'Payroll\Project_CPF\CPF 1-1\CPF1-1_TestCPF001-015_TestCPF018-019_Generate_YTDStatisticsReport.tstest' log starts: Overall Result: Fail ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:22:50 PM' - Enabling Html Popup Tracker. Test expecting Popups. '08/11/2021 07:22:50 PM' - Using 'Chrome' version '95.0.4638.69' as default browser. '08/11/2021 07:22:50 PM' - 'NotRun' : 1. Execute test 'Login_Automation_InternalUser' '08/11/2021 07:22:50 PM' - 'NotRun' : 2. Execute test 'SwitchCompanyUponLogin_Internal User_Epay1' '08/11/2021 07:22:50 PM' - 'NotRun' : 3. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Link' '08/11/2021 07:22:50 PM' - 'NotRun' : 4. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Reports_Link' '08/11/2021 07:22:50 PM' - 'NotRun' : 5. Comment: ---------------STEP(S) ABOVE IS ENABLED ONLY FOR TROUBLESHOOTING PURPOSES. TEST LIST SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED ABOVE TEST CASE(S)--------------- '08/11/2021 07:22:50 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:51 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:52 PM' - 'Pass' : 6. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Reports_YTDStatistics_Link' '08/11/2021 07:22:53 PM' - 'Pass' : 7. Handle 'Confirm' dialog. '08/11/2021 07:22:54 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:55 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:56 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:56 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:57 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:58 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:22:58 PM' - 'Pass' : 8. Wait for element 'ScreenTitle_YTDStatistics' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:22:58 PM' - 'Pass' : 9. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD YTD STATISTICS REPORT FOR 202001 to 202012--------------- '08/11/2021 07:22:59 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:00 PM' - 'Pass' : 10. Click 'YTDStatistics_PayPeriodFrom_DD' '08/11/2021 07:23:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:01 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:02 PM' - 'Pass' : 11. Click 'YTDStatistics_PayPeriodFrom_DD_202001_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:23:02 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:03 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:04 PM' - 'Pass' : 12. Click 'YTDStatistics_PayPeriodTo_DD' '08/11/2021 07:23:04 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:05 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:05 PM' - 'Pass' : 13. Click 'YTDStatistics_PayPeriodTo_DD_202012_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:23:06 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:06 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:07 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:07 PM' - 'Pass' : 14. Check 'YTDStatistics_OutputFormat_Excel_RB' to be 'True' '08/11/2021 07:23:07 PM' - 'Pass' : 15. Comment: ---------------START : CPF PART 1.1 - CPFPAY1 | CPF PAYROLL GROUP 1--------------- '08/11/2021 07:23:08 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:09 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:09 PM' - 'Pass' : 16. Scroll YTDStatistics_ScreenPanel_EmployeeFilter to top of window. '08/11/2021 07:23:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:11 PM' - 'Pass' : 17. Click 'YTDStatistics_ScreenPanel_EmployeeFilter' '08/11/2021 07:23:11 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:12 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:13 PM' - 'Pass' : 18. Click 'YTDStatistics_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:23:13 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:14 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:16 PM' - 'Pass' : 19. Wait for element 'YTDStatistics_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_DIV' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:23:16 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:17 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:17 PM' - 'Pass' : 20. Enter text 'CPFPay1' in 'YTDStatistics_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_Filter_Code_TB' '08/11/2021 07:23:18 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:19 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:19 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:19 PM' - 'Pass' : 21. Keyboard (KeyPress) - Enter (1 times) on 'YTDStatistics_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_Filter_Code_TB' '08/11/2021 07:23:20 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:21 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:22 PM' - 'Pass' : 22. Check 'YTDStatistics_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_SelectPartial_CB' to be 'True' '08/11/2021 07:23:22 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:23 PM' - 'Pass' : 23. Click 'YTDStatistics_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_OK_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:23:24 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:24 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:25 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:25 PM' - 'Pass' : 24. Wait for element 'YTDStatistics_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:23:25 PM' - 'Pass' : 25. Comment: ---------------END : CPF PART 1.1 - CPFPAY1 | CPF PAYROLL GROUP 1--------------- '08/11/2021 07:23:26 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:27 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:27 PM' - 'Pass' : 26. Click 'YTDStatistics_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:23:27 PM' - 'NotRun' : 27. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:23:28 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:29 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:30 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:48 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:50 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:51 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:52 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:52 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:53 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:54 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:55 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:56 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:57 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:57 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:58 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:59 PM' - 'Fail' : 28. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:23:59 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:23:59 PM' - 'NotRun' : 29. Comment: ---------------STEP(S) BELOW IS ENABLED ONLY FOR TROUBLESHOOTING PURPOSES. TEST LIST SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED TEST CASE(S) BELOW--------------- '08/11/2021 07:23:59 PM' - 'NotRun' : 30. Execute test 'Logout' ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:23:59 PM' - Overall Result: Fail '08/11/2021 07:23:59 PM' - Duration: [1 min: 8 sec: 966 msec] ------------------------------------------------------------ <<< Test-as-Step 'Payroll\Project_CPF\CPF 1-1\CPF1-1_TestCPF001-015_TestCPF018-019_Generate_YTDStatisticsReport.tstest' log ends. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:23:59 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:23:59 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:23:59 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:17 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:17 PM' - 'Fail' : 9. Execute test 'CPF1-1_TestCPF016-017_Generate_GrossToNetReport' >>> Test-as-Step 'Payroll\Project_CPF\CPF 1-1\CPF1-1_TestCPF016-017_Generate_GrossToNetReport.tstest' log starts: Overall Result: Fail ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:24:01 PM' - Enabling Html Popup Tracker. Test expecting Popups. '08/11/2021 07:24:01 PM' - Using 'Chrome' version '95.0.4638.69' as default browser. '08/11/2021 07:24:01 PM' - 'NotRun' : 1. Execute test 'Login_Automation_InternalUser' '08/11/2021 07:24:01 PM' - 'NotRun' : 2. Execute test 'SwitchCompanyUponLogin_Internal User_Epay1' '08/11/2021 07:24:01 PM' - 'NotRun' : 3. Wait for element 'ScreenTitle_Home' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:24:01 PM' - 'NotRun' : 4. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Link' '08/11/2021 07:24:01 PM' - 'NotRun' : 5. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Reports_Link' '08/11/2021 07:24:01 PM' - 'NotRun' : 6. Comment: ---------------STEP(S) ABOVE IS ENABLED ONLY FOR TROUBLESHOOTING PURPOSES. TEST LIST SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED ABOVE TEST CASE(S)--------------- '08/11/2021 07:24:01 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:02 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:03 PM' - 'Pass' : 7. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Reports_GrossToNet_Link' '08/11/2021 07:24:03 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:05 PM' - 'Pass' : 8. Handle 'Confirm' dialog. '08/11/2021 07:24:06 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:07 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:07 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:08 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:09 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:09 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:10 PM' - 'Pass' : 9. Wait for element 'ScreenTitle_GrossToNet' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:24:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:11 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:12 PM' - 'Pass' : 10. Click 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:24:12 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:13 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:14 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:14 PM' - 'Pass' : 11. Wait for element 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_PopUp_DIV' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:24:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:16 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:16 PM' - 'Pass' : 12. Click 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_Filter_Code_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:24:17 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:18 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:18 PM' - 'Pass' : 13. Click 'General_Filter_IsEqualTo_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:24:19 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:20 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:20 PM' - 'Pass' : 14. Enter text 'E' in 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_PopUp_Filter_Code_TB' '08/11/2021 07:24:20 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:21 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:22 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:22 PM' - 'Pass' : 15. Keyboard (KeyPress) - Enter (1 times) on 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_PopUp_Filter_Code_TB' '08/11/2021 07:24:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:24 PM' - 'Pass' : 16. Wait for 'TextContent' 'Contains' '1 - 1 of 1 items' on 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_PopUp_PagerInfoSummary_LBL' '08/11/2021 07:24:24 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:24 PM' - 'Pass' : 17. Check 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_PopUp_SelectPartial_CB' to be 'True' '08/11/2021 07:24:25 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:26 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:26 PM' - 'Pass' : 18. Click 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_PopUp_OK_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:24:27 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:27 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:28 PM' - 'Pass' : 19. Wait for element 'GrossToNet_ProcessType_PopUp_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:24:28 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:28 PM' - 'Pass' : 20. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202301--------------- '08/11/2021 07:24:29 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:30 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:30 PM' - 'Pass' : 21. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:24:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:32 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:32 PM' - 'Pass' : 22. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202301_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:24:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:34 PM' - 'Pass' : 23. Check 'GrossToNet_OutputFormat_Excel_RB' to be 'True' '08/11/2021 07:24:34 PM' - 'Pass' : 24. Comment: ---------------START : CPF PART 1.1 - CPFPAY1 | CPF PAYROLL GROUP 1--------------- '08/11/2021 07:24:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:35 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:36 PM' - 'Pass' : 25. Scroll GrossToNet_ScreenPanel_EmployeeFilter to top of window. '08/11/2021 07:24:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:37 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:38 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:38 PM' - 'Pass' : 26. Click 'GrossToNet_ScreenPanel_EmployeeFilter' '08/11/2021 07:24:39 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:40 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:40 PM' - 'Pass' : 27. Click 'GrossToNet_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:24:40 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:42 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:42 PM' - 'Pass' : 28. Wait for element 'GrossToNet_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_DIV' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:24:43 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:44 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:44 PM' - 'Pass' : 29. Enter text 'CPFPAY1' in 'GrossToNet_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_Filter_Code_TB' '08/11/2021 07:24:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:46 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:46 PM' - 'Pass' : 30. Keyboard (KeyPress) - Enter (1 times) on 'GrossToNet_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_Filter_Code_TB' '08/11/2021 07:24:47 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:48 PM' - 'Pass' : 31. Wait for 'TextContent' 'Contains' '1 - 1 of 1 items' on 'GrossToNet_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_PagerInfoSummary_LBL' '08/11/2021 07:24:48 PM' - 'Pass' : 32. Comment: ---------------END : CPF PART 1.1 - CPFPAY1 | CPF PAYROLL GROUP 1--------------- '08/11/2021 07:24:48 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:50 PM' - 'Pass' : 33. Check 'GrossToNet_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_SelectPartial_CB' to be 'True' '08/11/2021 07:24:50 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:51 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:52 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:52 PM' - 'Pass' : 34. Click 'GrossToNet_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_OK_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:24:52 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:53 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:54 PM' - 'Pass' : 35. Wait for element 'GrossToNet_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:24:54 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:55 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:55 PM' - 'Pass' : 36. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:24:55 PM' - 'NotRun' : 37. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:24:56 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:57 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:58 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:24:59 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:17 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:18 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:19 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:20 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:21 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:21 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:22 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:24 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:25 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:26 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:26 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:27 PM' - 'Fail' : 38. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:25:27 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:25:27 PM' - 'Pass' : 39. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202302--------------- '08/11/2021 07:25:27 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:28 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:29 PM' - 'Pass' : 40. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:25:29 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:30 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:31 PM' - 'Pass' : 41. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202302_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:25:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:32 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:33 PM' - 'Pass' : 42. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:25:33 PM' - 'NotRun' : 43. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:25:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:35 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:53 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:54 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:55 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:56 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:56 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:57 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:58 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:25:59 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:01 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:02 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:03 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:03 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:04 PM' - 'Fail' : 44. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:26:04 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:26:04 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:04 PM' - 'Pass' : 45. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202303--------------- '08/11/2021 07:26:05 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:06 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:06 PM' - 'Pass' : 46. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:26:07 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:08 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:08 PM' - 'Pass' : 47. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202303_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:26:09 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:10 PM' - 'Pass' : 48. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:26:10 PM' - 'NotRun' : 49. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:26:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:11 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:12 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:13 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:32 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:35 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:37 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:38 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:39 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:40 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:40 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:41 PM' - 'Fail' : 50. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:26:41 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:26:42 PM' - 'Pass' : 51. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202304--------------- '08/11/2021 07:26:42 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:43 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:44 PM' - 'Pass' : 52. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:26:44 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:46 PM' - 'Pass' : 53. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202304_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:26:46 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:47 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:47 PM' - 'Pass' : 54. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:26:47 PM' - 'NotRun' : 55. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:26:48 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:50 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:26:51 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:09 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:11 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:12 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:12 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:13 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:14 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:16 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:17 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:18 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:18 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:19 PM' - 'Fail' : 56. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:27:19 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:27:19 PM' - 'Pass' : 57. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202305--------------- '08/11/2021 07:27:19 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:20 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:21 PM' - 'Pass' : 58. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:27:21 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:22 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:23 PM' - 'Pass' : 59. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202305_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:27:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:24 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:25 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:25 PM' - 'Pass' : 60. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:27:25 PM' - 'NotRun' : 61. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:27:26 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:27 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:46 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:47 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:48 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:48 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:50 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:51 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:52 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:53 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:54 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:55 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:55 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:56 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:56 PM' - 'Fail' : 62. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:27:56 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:27:56 PM' - 'Pass' : 63. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202306--------------- '08/11/2021 07:27:57 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:58 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:27:58 PM' - 'Pass' : 64. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:27:59 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:00 PM' - 'Pass' : 65. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202306_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:28:01 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:02 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:02 PM' - 'Pass' : 66. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:28:02 PM' - 'NotRun' : 67. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:28:03 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:04 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:04 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:22 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:24 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:25 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:26 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:27 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:28 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:28 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:29 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:30 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:32 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:33 PM' - 'Fail' : 68. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:28:33 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:28:34 PM' - 'Pass' : 69. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202307--------------- '08/11/2021 07:28:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:35 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:35 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:36 PM' - 'Pass' : 70. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:28:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:37 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:37 PM' - 'Pass' : 71. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202307_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:28:38 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:39 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:39 PM' - 'Pass' : 72. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:28:39 PM' - 'NotRun' : 73. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:28:40 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:28:42 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:01 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:02 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:03 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:04 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:05 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:06 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:07 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:08 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:08 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:09 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:11 PM' - 'Fail' : 74. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:29:11 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:29:11 PM' - 'Pass' : 75. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202308--------------- '08/11/2021 07:29:11 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:12 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:13 PM' - 'Pass' : 76. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:29:13 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:14 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:15 PM' - 'Pass' : 77. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202308_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:29:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:16 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:17 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:17 PM' - 'Pass' : 78. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:29:17 PM' - 'NotRun' : 79. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:29:18 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:19 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:20 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:38 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:39 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:40 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:40 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:42 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:43 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:44 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:46 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:46 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:47 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:48 PM' - 'Fail' : 80. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:29:48 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:29:48 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:48 PM' - 'Pass' : 81. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202309--------------- '08/11/2021 07:29:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:50 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:50 PM' - 'Pass' : 82. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:29:51 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:52 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:52 PM' - 'Pass' : 83. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202309_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:29:53 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:54 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:54 PM' - 'Pass' : 84. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:29:54 PM' - 'NotRun' : 85. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:29:54 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:56 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:29:57 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:14 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:16 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:17 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:18 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:19 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:20 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:21 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:22 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:24 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:25 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:25 PM' - 'Fail' : 86. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:30:25 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:30:25 PM' - 'Pass' : 87. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202310--------------- '08/11/2021 07:30:26 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:27 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:27 PM' - 'Pass' : 88. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:30:28 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:29 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:29 PM' - 'Pass' : 89. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202310_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:30:30 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:31 PM' - 'Pass' : 90. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:30:31 PM' - 'NotRun' : 91. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:30:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:51 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:52 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:53 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:54 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:55 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:56 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:57 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:58 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:30:59 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:01 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:02 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:03 PM' - 'Fail' : 92. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:31:03 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:31:03 PM' - 'Pass' : 93. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202311--------------- '08/11/2021 07:31:03 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:04 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:05 PM' - 'Pass' : 94. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:31:05 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:06 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:07 PM' - 'Pass' : 95. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202311_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:31:07 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:08 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:09 PM' - 'Pass' : 96. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:31:09 PM' - 'NotRun' : 97. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:31:09 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:11 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:12 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:29 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:30 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:32 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:35 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:37 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:38 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:39 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:40 PM' - 'Fail' : 98. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:31:40 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:31:40 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:40 PM' - 'Pass' : 99. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD GROSS TO NET REPORT FOR 202312--------------- '08/11/2021 07:31:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:42 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:42 PM' - 'Pass' : 100. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_DD' '08/11/2021 07:31:43 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:44 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:44 PM' - 'Pass' : 101. Click 'GrossToNet_PayPeriod_202312_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:31:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:46 PM' - 'Pass' : 102. Click 'GrossToNet_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:31:46 PM' - 'NotRun' : 103. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:31:46 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:47 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:31:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:06 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:07 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:08 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:09 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:10 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:11 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:12 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:13 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:14 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:15 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:16 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:17 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:17 PM' - 'Fail' : 104. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:32:17 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:32:17 PM' - 'NotRun' : 105. Comment: ---------------STEP(S) BELOW IS ENABLED ONLY FOR TROUBLESHOOTING PURPOSES. TEST LIST SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED TEST CASE(S) BELOW--------------- '08/11/2021 07:32:17 PM' - 'NotRun' : 106. Execute test 'Logout' ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:32:17 PM' - Overall Result: Fail '08/11/2021 07:32:17 PM' - Duration: [8 min: 16 sec: 536 msec] ------------------------------------------------------------ <<< Test-as-Step 'Payroll\Project_CPF\CPF 1-1\CPF1-1_TestCPF016-017_Generate_GrossToNetReport.tstest' log ends. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:32:17 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:32:18 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:24 PM' - 'Fail' : 10. Execute test 'CPF1-1_TestCPF016-017_Generate_YTDCPFContributionsReport' >>> Test-as-Step 'Payroll\Project_CPF\CPF 1-1\CPF1-1_TestCPF016-017_Generate_YTDCPFContributionsReport.tstest' log starts: Overall Result: Fail ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:32:18 PM' - Enabling Html Popup Tracker. Test expecting Popups. '08/11/2021 07:32:18 PM' - Using 'Chrome' version '95.0.4638.69' as default browser. '08/11/2021 07:32:18 PM' - 'NotRun' : 1. Execute test 'Login_Automation_InternalUser' '08/11/2021 07:32:18 PM' - 'NotRun' : 2. Execute test 'SwitchCompanyUponLogin_Internal User_Epay1' '08/11/2021 07:32:18 PM' - 'NotRun' : 3. Wait for element 'ScreenTitle_Home' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:32:18 PM' - 'NotRun' : 4. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Link' '08/11/2021 07:32:18 PM' - 'NotRun' : 5. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Reports_Link' '08/11/2021 07:32:18 PM' - 'NotRun' : 6. Comment: ---------------STEP(S) ABOVE IS ENABLED ONLY FOR TROUBLESHOOTING PURPOSES. TEST LIST SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED ABOVE TEST CASE(S)--------------- '08/11/2021 07:32:19 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:20 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:20 PM' - 'Pass' : 7. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Reports_YTDCPFContributions_Link' '08/11/2021 07:32:21 PM' - 'Pass' : 8. Handle 'Confirm' dialog. '08/11/2021 07:32:22 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:24 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:25 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:25 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:26 PM' - 'Pass' : 9. Wait for element 'ScreenTitle_YTDCPFContribution' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:32:26 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:26 PM' - 'Pass' : 10. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD YTD CPF CONTRIBUTIONS REPORT FOR 2023--------------- '08/11/2021 07:32:27 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:28 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:28 PM' - 'Pass' : 11. Click 'YTDCPFContributions_Year_DD' '08/11/2021 07:32:29 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:30 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:30 PM' - 'Pass' : 12. Click 'YTDCPFContributions_Year_DD_2023_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:32:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:32 PM' - 'Pass' : 13. Check 'YTDCPFContributions_OutputFormat_Excel_RB' to be 'True' '08/11/2021 07:32:32 PM' - 'Pass' : 14. Comment: ---------------START : CPF PART 1.1 - CPFPAY1 | CPF PAYROLL GROUP 1--------------- '08/11/2021 07:32:32 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:34 PM' - 'Pass' : 15. Scroll YTDCPFContributions_ScreenPanel_EmployeeFilter to top of window. '08/11/2021 07:32:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:35 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:36 PM' - 'Pass' : 16. Click 'YTDCPFContributions_ScreenPanel_EmployeeFilter' '08/11/2021 07:32:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:37 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:38 PM' - 'Pass' : 17. Click 'YTDCPFContributions_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:32:38 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:39 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:40 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:40 PM' - 'Pass' : 18. Wait for element 'YTDCPFContributions_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_DIV' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:32:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:42 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:42 PM' - 'Pass' : 19. Enter text 'CPFPay1' in 'YTDCPFContributions_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_Filter_Code_TB' '08/11/2021 07:32:42 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:43 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:44 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:44 PM' - 'Pass' : 20. Keyboard (KeyPress) - Enter (1 times) on 'YTDCPFContributions_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_Filter_Code_TB' '08/11/2021 07:32:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:46 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:46 PM' - 'Pass' : 21. Check 'YTDCPFContributions_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_SelectPartial_CB' to be 'True' '08/11/2021 07:32:47 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:48 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:48 PM' - 'Pass' : 22. Click 'YTDCPFContributions_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_OK_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:32:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:50 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:50 PM' - 'Pass' : 23. Wait for element 'YTDCPFContributions_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:32:50 PM' - 'Pass' : 24. Comment: ---------------END : CPF PART 1.1 - CPFPAY1 | CPF PAYROLL GROUP 1--------------- '08/11/2021 07:32:50 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:51 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:52 PM' - 'Pass' : 25. Click 'YTDCPFContributions_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:32:52 PM' - 'NotRun' : 26. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:32:52 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:53 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:54 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:55 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:56 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:57 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:58 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:32:59 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:18 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:19 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:20 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:21 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:21 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:22 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:23 PM' - 'Fail' : 27. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:33:23 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:33:23 PM' - 'NotRun' : 28. Comment: ---------------STEP(S) BELOW IS ENABLED ONLY FOR TROUBLESHOOTING PURPOSES. TEST LIST SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED TEST CASE(S) BELOW--------------- '08/11/2021 07:33:23 PM' - 'NotRun' : 29. Execute test 'Logout' ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:33:23 PM' - Overall Result: Fail '08/11/2021 07:33:23 PM' - Duration: [1 min: 5 sec: 538 msec] ------------------------------------------------------------ <<< Test-as-Step 'Payroll\Project_CPF\CPF 1-1\CPF1-1_TestCPF016-017_Generate_YTDCPFContributionsReport.tstest' log ends. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:33:24 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:33:24 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:34 PM' - 'Fail' : 11. Execute test 'CPF1-1_TestCPF016-017_Generate_YTDStatisticsReport' >>> Test-as-Step 'Payroll\Project_CPF\CPF 1-1\CPF1-1_TestCPF016-017_Generate_YTDStatisticsReport.tstest' log starts: Overall Result: Fail ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:33:24 PM' - Enabling Html Popup Tracker. Test expecting Popups. '08/11/2021 07:33:24 PM' - Using 'Chrome' version '95.0.4638.69' as default browser. '08/11/2021 07:33:24 PM' - 'NotRun' : 1. Execute test 'Login_Automation_InternalUser' '08/11/2021 07:33:24 PM' - 'NotRun' : 2. Execute test 'SwitchCompanyUponLogin_Internal User_Epay1' '08/11/2021 07:33:24 PM' - 'NotRun' : 3. Wait for element 'ScreenTitle_Home' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:33:24 PM' - 'NotRun' : 4. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Link' '08/11/2021 07:33:24 PM' - 'NotRun' : 5. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Reports_Link' '08/11/2021 07:33:24 PM' - 'NotRun' : 6. Comment: ---------------STEP(S) ABOVE IS ENABLED ONLY FOR TROUBLESHOOTING PURPOSES. TEST LIST SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED ABOVE TEST CASE(S)--------------- '08/11/2021 07:33:25 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:26 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:26 PM' - 'Pass' : 7. Click 'Left_Sidebar_Payroll_Reports_YTDStatistics_Link' '08/11/2021 07:33:28 PM' - 'Pass' : 8. Handle 'Confirm' dialog. '08/11/2021 07:33:29 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:30 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:30 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:32 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:33 PM' - 'Pass' : 9. Wait for element 'ScreenTitle_YTDStatistics' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:33:33 PM' - 'Pass' : 10. Comment: ---------------DOWNLOAD YTD STATISTICS REPORT FOR 202301 to 202312--------------- '08/11/2021 07:33:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:35 PM' - 'Pass' : 11. Click 'YTDStatistics_PayPeriodFrom_DD' '08/11/2021 07:33:35 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:37 PM' - 'Pass' : 12. Click 'YTDStatistics_PayPeriodFrom_DD_202301_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:33:37 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:38 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:38 PM' - 'Pass' : 13. Click 'YTDStatistics_PayPeriodTo_DD' '08/11/2021 07:33:39 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:40 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:40 PM' - 'Pass' : 14. Click 'YTDStatistics_PayPeriodTo_DD_202312_ListItem' '08/11/2021 07:33:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:42 PM' - 'Pass' : 15. Check 'YTDStatistics_OutputFormat_Excel_RB' to be 'True' '08/11/2021 07:33:42 PM' - 'Pass' : 16. Comment: ---------------START : CPF PART 1.1 - CPFPAY1 | CPF PAYROLL GROUP 1--------------- '08/11/2021 07:33:42 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:43 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:44 PM' - 'Pass' : 17. Scroll YTDStatistics_ScreenPanel_EmployeeFilter to top of window. '08/11/2021 07:33:44 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:46 PM' - 'Pass' : 18. Click 'YTDStatistics_ScreenPanel_EmployeeFilter' '08/11/2021 07:33:46 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:47 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:48 PM' - 'Pass' : 19. Click 'YTDStatistics_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:33:48 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:49 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:50 PM' - 'Pass' : 20. Wait for element 'YTDStatistics_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_DIV' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:33:50 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:51 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:52 PM' - 'Pass' : 21. Enter text 'CPFPay1' in 'YTDStatistics_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_Filter_Code_TB' '08/11/2021 07:33:52 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:53 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:54 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:54 PM' - 'Pass' : 22. Keyboard (KeyPress) - Enter (1 times) on 'YTDStatistics_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_Filter_Code_TB' '08/11/2021 07:33:55 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:55 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:56 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:56 PM' - 'Pass' : 23. Check 'YTDStatistics_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_SelectPartial_CB' to be 'True' '08/11/2021 07:33:57 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:58 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:33:58 PM' - 'Pass' : 24. Click 'YTDStatistics_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_OK_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:33:59 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:00 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:00 PM' - 'Pass' : 25. Wait for element 'YTDStatistics_EmployeeFilter_PayrollGroup_PopUp_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:34:00 PM' - 'Pass' : 26. Comment: ---------------END : CPF PART 1.1 - CPFPAY1 | CPF PAYROLL GROUP 1--------------- '08/11/2021 07:34:01 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:02 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:02 PM' - 'Pass' : 27. Click 'YTDStatistics_GenerateReport_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:34:02 PM' - 'NotRun' : 28. Wait for element 'General_Sign_PageLoading_DIV' 'is not' visible. '08/11/2021 07:34:03 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:04 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:23 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:24 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:25 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:26 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:27 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:28 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:28 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:29 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:30 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:31 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:32 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:33 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:34 PM' - 'Fail' : 29. Handle 'Download' dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------ Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:34:34 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:34:34 PM' - 'NotRun' : 30. Comment: ---------------STEP(S) BELOW IS ENABLED ONLY FOR TROUBLESHOOTING PURPOSES. TEST LIST SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED TEST CASE(S) BELOW--------------- '08/11/2021 07:34:34 PM' - 'NotRun' : 31. Execute test 'Logout' ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:34:34 PM' - Overall Result: Fail '08/11/2021 07:34:34 PM' - Duration: [1 min: 9 sec: 385 msec] ------------------------------------------------------------ <<< Test-as-Step 'Payroll\Project_CPF\CPF 1-1\CPF1-1_TestCPF016-017_Generate_YTDStatisticsReport.tstest' log ends. InnerException: System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '30000' msec. for download dialog to be handled. at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DownloadDialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order) ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:34:34 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution. '08/11/2021 07:34:34 PM' - 'NotRun' : 12. Comment: ---------------STEP(S) BELOW IS ENABLED ONLY FOR TROUBLESHOOTING PURPOSES. TEST LIST SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED TEST CASE(S) BELOW--------------- '08/11/2021 07:34:47 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:47 PM' - 'Pass' : 13. Execute test 'Logout' >>> Test-as-Step 'Reusable Generic Test Case\Logout.tstest' log starts: Overall Result: Pass ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:34:34 PM' - Enabling Html Popup Tracker. Test expecting Popups. '08/11/2021 07:34:34 PM' - Using 'Chrome' version '95.0.4638.69' as default browser. '08/11/2021 07:34:34 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:35 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:35 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:36 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:37 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:37 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:38 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:38 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:39 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:39 PM' - 'Pass' : 1. Wait for element 'Logout_BTN' 'is' visible. '08/11/2021 07:34:39 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:40 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:40 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:41 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:42 PM' - 'Pass' : 2. Click 'Logout_BTN' '08/11/2021 07:34:42 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:42 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:43 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:43 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:44 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:44 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:45 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:46 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:46 PM' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action. '08/11/2021 07:34:47 PM' - 'Pass' : 3. Wait for element 'Login_BTN' 'is' visible. ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:34:47 PM' - Overall Result: Pass '08/11/2021 07:34:47 PM' - Duration: [0 min: 12 sec: 764 msec] ------------------------------------------------------------ <<< Test-as-Step 'Reusable Generic Test Case\Logout.tstest' log ends. ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:34:47 PM' - Overall Result: Fail '08/11/2021 07:34:47 PM' - Duration: [22 min: 9 sec: 708 msec] ------------------------------------------------------------ '08/11/2021 07:34:48 PM' - Test completed!