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@using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
@using Telerik.DataSource
<TelerikGrid Data=@GridData
             OnStateInit="@((GridStateEventArgs<ProductO> args) => OnStateInit(args))">
        <GridCommandButton Command="Add" Icon="add">Add Product</GridCommandButton>
        <GridCommandButton Command="ExcelExport" Icon="file-excel">Export to Excel</GridCommandButton>
        <GridExcelExport FileName="telerik-grid-export" AllPages="true" />
        <GridCheckboxColumn Width="80px" CheckBoxOnlySelection="true" SelectAllMode="@GridSelectAllMode.All"></GridCheckboxColumn>
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(ProductO.ProductName) Width="220px" Title="Product Name" />
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(ProductO.Cost) Title="Price" Width="100px" DisplayFormat="{0:C2}" TextAlign="@ColumnTextAlign.Right" />
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(ProductO.Available) Title="In Stock" Width="100px" TextAlign="@ColumnTextAlign.Center">
                    bool isInStock = (context as ProductO).Available;

                    if (isInStock)
                        <span class="k-badge k-badge-md k-badge-solid k-badge-success k-badge-rounded">Available</span>
                        <span class="k-badge k-badge-md k-badge-solid k-badge-error k-badge-rounded">Not Available</span>
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(ProductO.CategoryName) Title="Category" Width="150px" FilterMenuType="@FilterMenuType.CheckBoxList"></GridColumn>
        <GridCommandColumn Width="110px" Locked="true" Resizable="false">
            <GridCommandButton Command="Edit" Icon="edit">Edit</GridCommandButton>
            <GridCommandButton Command="Delete" Icon="delete">Delete</GridCommandButton>
            <GridCommandButton Command="Save" Icon="save" ShowInEdit="true">Save</GridCommandButton>
            <GridCommandButton Command="Cancel" Icon="cancel" ShowInEdit="true">Cancel</GridCommandButton>

@code {
    public List<ProductO> GridData { get; set; }
    public List<ProductO> SourceData { get; set; }
    public List<ProductO> Categories { get; set; }
    int lastId = 0;

    protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()


        return base.OnInitializedAsync();

    private void CreateHandler(GridCommandEventArgs args)


    private void CreateItem(ProductO item)
        ProductO product = item;

        product.ProductId = ++lastId;
        SourceData.Insert(0, product);

    private void DeleteHandler(GridCommandEventArgs args)

    private void DeleteItem(ProductO item)

    private void UpdateHandler(GridCommandEventArgs args)


    private void UpdateItem(ProductO item)
        var existing = SourceData.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == item.ProductId);

        if (existing != null)
            existing.ProductName = item.ProductName;
            existing.Cost = item.Cost;
            existing.CategoryName = item.CategoryName;
            existing.Quantity = item.Quantity;
            existing.Available = item.Available;

    private void OnStateInit(GridStateEventArgs<ProductO> args)
        args.GridState.GroupDescriptors = new List<GroupDescriptor>()
            new GroupDescriptor()
                Member = nameof(ProductO.CategoryName)

    public class ProductO
        public int ProductId { get; set; }
        public string ProductName { get; set; }
        public int CategoryId { get; set; }
        public CategoryName CategoryName { get; set; }

        public decimal Cost { get; set; }
        public string Quantity { get; set; }
        public bool Available { get; set; }

        public ProductO()
            Available = true;

    public enum CategoryName
        [Display(Name = "Dairy Products")]
        [Display(Name = "Grains/Cereals")]
        [Display(Name = "Meat/Poultry")]

    public void LoadData()
        GridData = new List<ProductO>(SourceData);

    public void InitSourceData()
        List<ProductO> data = new List<ProductO>();
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 1, ProductName = "Chai", CategoryId = 1, CategoryName = CategoryName.Beverages, Cost = 18m, Quantity = "10 boxes x 20 bags" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 2, ProductName = "Chang", CategoryId = 1, CategoryName = CategoryName.Beverages, Cost = 19m, Quantity = "24 - 12 oz bottles", Available = false });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 3, ProductName = "Guaraná Fantástica", CategoryId = 1, CategoryName = CategoryName.Beverages, Cost = 4.5m, Quantity = "12 - 355 ml cans" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 4, ProductName = "Sasquatch Ale", CategoryId = 1, CategoryName = CategoryName.Beverages, Cost = 14m, Quantity = "24 - 12 oz bottles" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 5, ProductName = "Steeleye Stout", CategoryId = 1, CategoryName = CategoryName.Beverages, Cost = 18.99m, Quantity = "24 - 12 oz bottles", Available = false });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 6, ProductName = "Côte de Blaye", CategoryId = 1, CategoryName = CategoryName.Beverages, Cost = 263.5m, Quantity = "12 - 75 cl bottles" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 7, ProductName = "Chartreuse verte", CategoryId = 1, CategoryName = CategoryName.Beverages, Cost = 18m, Quantity = "750 cc per bottle" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 8, ProductName = "Ipoh Coffee", CategoryId = 1, CategoryName = CategoryName.Beverages, Cost = 46m, Quantity = "16 - 500 g tins" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 9, ProductName = "Aniseed Syrup", CategoryId = 2, CategoryName = CategoryName.Condiments, Cost = 10m, Quantity = "12 - 550 ml bottles" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 10, ProductName = "Chef Anton's Cajun Seasoning", CategoryId = 2, CategoryName = CategoryName.Condiments, Cost = 22.80m, Quantity = "48 - 6 oz jars", Available = false });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 11, ProductName = "Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix", CategoryId = 2, CategoryName = CategoryName.Condiments, Cost = 21.35m, Quantity = "36 boxes" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 12, ProductName = "Grandma's Boysenberry Spread", CategoryId = 2, CategoryName = CategoryName.Condiments, Cost = 25m, Quantity = "12 - 8 oz jars" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 13, ProductName = "Northwoods Cranberry Sauce", CategoryId = 2, CategoryName = CategoryName.Condiments, Cost = 40m, Quantity = "12 - 12 oz jars" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 14, ProductName = "Genen Shouyu", CategoryId = 2, CategoryName = CategoryName.Condiments, Cost = 15.50m, Quantity = "24 - 250 ml bottles" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 15, ProductName = "Gula Malacca", CategoryId = 2, CategoryName = CategoryName.Condiments, Cost = 19.45m, Quantity = "20 - 2 kg bags", Available = false });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 16, ProductName = "Vegie-spread", CategoryId = 2, CategoryName = CategoryName.Condiments, Cost = 43.90m, Quantity = "15 - 625 g jars" });

        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 17, ProductName = "Pavlova", CategoryId = 3, CategoryName = CategoryName.Confections, Cost = 17.45m, Quantity = "100 - 250 g bags", Available = false });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 18, ProductName = "Teatime Chocolate Biscuits", CategoryId = 3, CategoryName = CategoryName.Confections, Cost = 9.20m, Quantity = "20 - 450 g glasses" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 19, ProductName = "Sir Rodney's Marmalade", CategoryId = 3, CategoryName = CategoryName.Confections, Cost = 81.00m, Quantity = "24 pkgs. x 4 pieces" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 20, ProductName = "Sir Rodney's Scones", CategoryId = 3, CategoryName = CategoryName.Confections, Cost = 10.00m, Quantity = "30 gift boxes", Available = false });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 21, ProductName = "NuNuCa Nuß-Nougat-Creme", CategoryId = 3, CategoryName = CategoryName.Confections, Cost = 14.00m, Quantity = "10 boxes x 12 pieces" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 22, ProductName = "Gumbär Gummibärchen", CategoryId = 3, CategoryName = CategoryName.Confections, Cost = 31.23m, Quantity = "32 - 500 g boxes" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 23, ProductName = "Schoggi Schokolade", CategoryId = 3, CategoryName = CategoryName.Confections, Cost = 43.9m, Quantity = "100 - 100 g pieces" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 24, ProductName = "Zaanse koeken", CategoryId = 3, CategoryName = CategoryName.Confections, Cost = 9.5m, Quantity = "10 - 4 oz boxes", Available = false });

        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 25, ProductName = "Queso Cabrales", CategoryId = 4, CategoryName = CategoryName.DairyProducts, Cost = 21m, Quantity = "1 kg pkg" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 26, ProductName = "Mascarpone Fabioli", CategoryId = 4, CategoryName = CategoryName.DairyProducts, Cost = 32m, Quantity = "24 - 200 g pkgs", Available = false });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 27, ProductName = "Geitost", CategoryId = 4, CategoryName = CategoryName.DairyProducts, Cost = 2.5m, Quantity = "500 g" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 28, ProductName = "Raclette Courdavault", CategoryId = 4, CategoryName = CategoryName.DairyProducts, Cost = 55m, Quantity = "5 kg pkg" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 29, ProductName = "Camembert Pierrot", CategoryId = 4, CategoryName = CategoryName.DairyProducts, Cost = 34m, Quantity = "15 - 300 g rounds", Available = false });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 30, ProductName = "Gudbrandsdalsost", CategoryId = 4, CategoryName = CategoryName.DairyProducts, Cost = 36m, Quantity = "10 kg pkg" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 31, ProductName = "Flotemysost", CategoryId = 4, CategoryName = CategoryName.DairyProducts, Cost = 21.5m, Quantity = "10 - 500 g pkgs" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 32, ProductName = "Mozzarella di Giovanni", CategoryId = 4, CategoryName = CategoryName.DairyProducts, Cost = 34.8m, Quantity = "24 - 200 g pkgs" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 33, ProductName = "Gustaf's Knäckebröd", CategoryId = 5, CategoryName = CategoryName.Grains, Cost = 21m, Quantity = "24 - 500 g pkgs" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 34, ProductName = "Tunnbröd", CategoryId = 5, CategoryName = CategoryName.Grains, Cost = 9m, Quantity = "12 - 250 g pkgs", Available = false });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 35, ProductName = "Singaporean Hokkien Fried Mee", CategoryId = 5, CategoryName = CategoryName.Grains, Cost = 14m, Quantity = "32 - 1 kg pkgs" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 36, ProductName = "Filo Mix", CategoryId = 5, CategoryName = CategoryName.Grains, Cost = 7m, Quantity = "16 - 2 kg boxes" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 37, ProductName = "Gnocchi di nonna Alice", CategoryId = 5, CategoryName = CategoryName.Grains, Cost = 38m, Quantity = "24 - 250 g pkgs" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 38, ProductName = "Ravioli Angelo", CategoryId = 5, CategoryName = CategoryName.Grains, Cost = 19.5m, Quantity = "24 - 250 g pkgs" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 39, ProductName = "Wimmers gute Semmelknödel", CategoryId = 5, CategoryName = CategoryName.Grains, Cost = 33.25m, Quantity = "20 bags x 4 pieces" });

        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 40, ProductName = "Mishi Kobe Niku", CategoryId = 6, CategoryName = CategoryName.Meat, Cost = 97m, Quantity = "24 boxes x 2 pies" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 41, ProductName = "Alice Mutton", CategoryId = 6, CategoryName = CategoryName.Meat, Cost = 39m, Quantity = "16 pies" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 42, ProductName = "Thüringer Rostbratwurst", CategoryId = 6, CategoryName = CategoryName.Meat, Cost = 123.99m, Quantity = "48 pieces" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 43, ProductName = "Perth Pasties", CategoryId = 6, CategoryName = CategoryName.Meat, Cost = 32.8m, Quantity = "50 bags x 30 sausgs", Available = false });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 44, ProductName = "Tourtière", CategoryId = 6, CategoryName = CategoryName.Meat, Cost = 7.45m, Quantity = "20 - 1 kg tins" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 45, ProductName = "Pâté chinois", CategoryId = 6, CategoryName = CategoryName.Meat, Cost = 24.00m, Quantity = "18 - 500 g pkgs" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 46, ProductName = "Uncle Bob's Organic Dried Pears", CategoryId = 6, CategoryName = CategoryName.Meat, Cost = 30m, Quantity = "12 - 1 lb pkgs" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 47, ProductName = "Tofu", CategoryId = 6, CategoryName = CategoryName.Meat, Cost = 23.25m, Quantity = "40 - 100 g pkgs", Available = false });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 48, ProductName = "Ikura", CategoryId = 7, CategoryName = CategoryName.Seafood, Cost = 31m, Quantity = "12 - 200 ml jars" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 49, ProductName = "Konbu", CategoryId = 7, CategoryName = CategoryName.Seafood, Cost = 6m, Quantity = "2 kg box" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 50, ProductName = "Carnarvon Tigers", CategoryId = 7, CategoryName = CategoryName.Seafood, Cost = 62.5m, Quantity = "16 kg pkg", Available = false });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 51, ProductName = "Nord-Ost Matjeshering", CategoryId = 7, CategoryName = CategoryName.Seafood, Cost = 25.89m, Quantity = "10 - 200 g glasses", Available = false });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 52, ProductName = "Inlagd Sill", CategoryId = 7, CategoryName = CategoryName.Seafood, Cost = 19m, Quantity = "24 - 250 g jars" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 53, ProductName = "Gravad lax", CategoryId = 7, CategoryName = CategoryName.Seafood, Cost = 97m, Quantity = "12 - 500 g pkgs" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 54, ProductName = "Jack's New England Clam Chowder", CategoryId = 7, CategoryName = CategoryName.Seafood, Cost = 9.65m, Quantity = "12 - 12 oz cans" });
        data.Add(new ProductO() { ProductId = 55, ProductName = "Spegesild", CategoryId = 7, CategoryName = CategoryName.Seafood, Cost = 26m, Quantity = "4 - 450 g glasses" });

        SourceData = data;
<div style="width:40%; display: inline-block;">
        <ChartTitle Text="Gross domestic product growth /GDP annual %/"></ChartTitle>
        <ChartLegend Visible="false"></ChartLegend>

            <ChartSeries Type="@ChartSeriesType.Column" Data="@Data" Field="@nameof(ModelData.Series1)" Name="Canada"></ChartSeries>
            <ChartSeries Type="@ChartSeriesType.Column" Data="@Data" Field="@nameof(ModelData.Series2)" Name="USA"></ChartSeries>
            <ChartSeries Type="@ChartSeriesType.Column" Data="@Data" Field="@nameof(ModelData.Series3)" Name="Bulgaria"></ChartSeries>
            <ChartSeries Type="@ChartSeriesType.Line" Data="@Data" Field="@nameof(ModelData.Series4)" Name="Average Trend"></ChartSeries>

            <ChartCategoryAxis Categories="@Categories">
                    <ChartCategoryAxisLabelsRotation Angle="45" Align="@ChartAxisLabelsRotationAlignment.Center" />

                <ChartValueAxisTitle Text="Growth, %"></ChartValueAxisTitle>
                <ChartValueAxisLabels Format="{0:N0}%"></ChartValueAxisLabels>

        <ChartTooltip Visible="true" Shared="true"></ChartTooltip>

<div style="width:50%; display: inline-block; margin-left:10px;">
    <ChartTitle Text="What is you favourite sport?"></ChartTitle>
    <ChartLegend Visible="true" Position="ChartLegendPosition.Top"></ChartLegend>

        <ChartSeries Type="@ChartSeriesType.Donut" Data="@DataForDonut"
                     Field="@nameof(DonutData.Value)" CategoryField="@nameof(DonutData.Category)">
            <ChartSeriesTooltip Visible="true">
                    @((context.DataItem as DonutData).Category) - @((context.DataItem as DonutData).Value)%
            <ChartSeriesLabels Position="@ChartSeriesLabelsPosition.OutsideEnd"

@code {
    public class DonutData
        public string Category { get; set; }
        public Int32 Value { get; set; }

    public List<DonutData> DataForDonut = new List<DonutData>()
        new DonutData()
            Category = "Football",
            Value = 35
        new DonutData()
            Category = "Basketball",
            Value = 25
        new DonutData()
            Category = "Volleyball",
            Value = 20
        new DonutData()
            Category = "Rugby",
            Value = 10
        new DonutData()
            Category = "Tennis",
            Value = 10


    public class ModelData
        public double Series1 { get; set; }
        public double Series2 { get; set; }
        public double Series3 { get; set; }
        public double Series4 { get; set; }

    public string[] Categories = new string[] { "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011" };

    public List<ModelData> Data = new List<ModelData>()
        new ModelData()
            Series1 = 3.907,
            Series2 = 4.743,
            Series3 = 0.01,
            Series4 = 1.988
        new ModelData()
            Series1 = 7.943,
            Series2 = 7.295,
            Series3 = 0.375,
            Series4 = 2.733
        new ModelData()
            Series1 = 7.848,
            Series2 = 7.175,
            Series3 = 1.161,
            Series4 = 3.994
        new ModelData()
            Series1 = 9.284,
            Series2 = 6.376,
            Series3 = 0.684,
            Series4 = 3.464
        new ModelData()
            Series1 = 9.263,
            Series2 = 8.153,
            Series3 = 3.7,
            Series4 = 4.001
        new ModelData()
            Series1 = 9.801,
            Series2 = 8.535,
            Series3 = 3.269,
            Series4 = 3.939
        new ModelData()
            Series1 = 3.89,
            Series2 = 5.247,
            Series3 = 1.083,
            Series4 = 1.333
        new ModelData()
            Series1 = 8.238,
            Series2 = 7.832,
            Series3 = 5.127,
            Series4 = 2.245
        new ModelData()
            Series1 = 9.552,
            Series2 = 4.3,
            Series3 = 3.69,
            Series4 = 4.339
        new ModelData()
            Series1 = 6.855,
            Series2 = 4.3,
            Series3 = 2.995,
            Series4 = 2.727

@page "/scheduler"

<TelerikScheduler @bind-Date="@StartDate"
        <SchedulerDayView StartTime="@DayStart" />
        <SchedulerWeekView StartTime="@DayStart" />
        <SchedulerMultiDayView StartTime="@DayStart" />

@code {
    List<Appointment> Appointments = new List<Appointment>();
    public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }
    public SchedulerView CurrView { get; set; } = SchedulerView.Week;

    public DateTime DayStart { get; set; } = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 8, 0, 0);

    protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
        StartDate = GetStart();

        Appointments = GetAppointments();

        return base.OnInitializedAsync();

    private List<Appointment> GetAppointments()
        List<Appointment> data = new List<Appointment>();
        DateTime baselineTime = GetStart();

        data.Add(new Appointment
            Title = "Vet visit",
            Description = "The cat needs vaccinations and her teeth checked.",
            Start = baselineTime.AddHours(2),
            End = baselineTime.AddHours(2).AddMinutes(30)

        data.Add(new Appointment
            Title = "Trip to Hawaii",
            Description = "An unforgettable holiday!",
            IsAllDay = true,
            Start = baselineTime.AddDays(-10),
            End = baselineTime.AddDays(-2)

        data.Add(new Appointment
            Title = "Jane's birthday party",
            Description = "Make sure to get her fresh flowers in addition to the gift.",
            Start = baselineTime.AddDays(5).AddHours(10),
            End = baselineTime.AddDays(5).AddHours(18),

        data.Add(new Appointment
            Title = "One-on-one with the manager",
            Start = baselineTime.AddDays(2).AddHours(3).AddMinutes(30),
            End = baselineTime.AddDays(2).AddHours(3).AddMinutes(45),

        data.Add(new Appointment
            Title = "Brunch with HR",
            Description = "Performance evaluation of the new recruit.",
            Start = baselineTime.AddDays(3).AddHours(3),
            End = baselineTime.AddDays(3).AddHours(3).AddMinutes(45)

        data.Add(new Appointment
            Title = "Interview with new recruit",
            Description = "See if John will be a suitable match for our team.",
            Start = baselineTime.AddDays(3).AddHours(1).AddMinutes(30),
            End = baselineTime.AddDays(3).AddHours(2).AddMinutes(30)

        data.Add(new Appointment
            Title = "Conference",
            Description = "The big important work conference. Don't forget to practice your presentation.",
            Start = baselineTime.AddDays(6),
            End = baselineTime.AddDays(11),
            IsAllDay = true

        data.Add(new Appointment
            Title = "New Project Kickoff",
            Description = "Everyone assemble! We will also have clients on the call from a later time zone.",
            Start = baselineTime.AddDays(3).AddHours(8).AddMinutes(30),
            End = baselineTime.AddDays(3).AddHours(11).AddMinutes(30)

        data.Add(new Appointment
            Title = "Get photos",
            Description = "Get the printed photos from last week's holiday. It's on the way from the vet to work.",
            Start = baselineTime.AddHours(2).AddMinutes(15),
            End = baselineTime.AddHours(2).AddMinutes(30)

        return data;

    public DateTime GetStart()
        DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
        int diff = (7 + (now.DayOfWeek - DayOfWeek.Monday)) % 7;
        DateTime lastMonday = now.AddDays(-1 * diff);
        //return 8 AM on today's date for better visualization of the demos
        return new DateTime(lastMonday.Year, lastMonday.Month, lastMonday.Day, 8, 0, 0);

    void UpdateAppointment(SchedulerUpdateEventArgs args)
        Appointment item = (Appointment)args.Item;
        var matchingItem = Appointments.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == item.Id);
        if (matchingItem != null)
            matchingItem.Title = item.Title;
            matchingItem.Description = item.Description;
            matchingItem.Start = item.Start;
            matchingItem.End = item.End;
            matchingItem.IsAllDay = item.IsAllDay;

    void AddAppointment(SchedulerCreateEventArgs args)
        Appointment item = args.Item as Appointment;

    void DeleteAppointment(SchedulerDeleteEventArgs args)
        Appointment item = (Appointment)args.Item;

    public class Appointment
        public Guid Id { get; set; }
        public DateTime Start { get; set; }
        public DateTime End { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public bool IsAllDay { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
        public string RecurrenceRule { get; set; }
        public List<DateTime> RecurrenceExceptions { get; set; }
        public Guid? RecurrenceId { get; set; }

        public Appointment()
            Id = Guid.NewGuid();
<div class="calendar-wrap">
        <div class="header">
        <h3>Switch View</h3>
        <TelerikRadioGroup Data="@CalendarViews"
    <TelerikCalendar SelectionMode="@CalendarSelectionMode.Multiple"

@code {
    private DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now;

    public CalendarView CalendarViewValue { get; set; } = CalendarView.Month;    
    public List<CalendarViewModel> CalendarViews { get; set; } = new List<CalendarViewModel>()
        new CalendarViewModel() { Text = "Month View", Value = CalendarView.Month },
        new CalendarViewModel() { Text = "Year View", Value = CalendarView.Year },
        new CalendarViewModel() { Text = "Decade View", Value = CalendarView.Decade },
        new CalendarViewModel() { Text = "Century View", Value = CalendarView.Century }

    public class CalendarViewModel
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public CalendarView Value { get; set; }

        public CalendarViewModel()

    .calendar-wrap {
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
        justify-content: center;
        gap: 30px;
        width: 100%;
    .header {
      color: #454545;
        .header h3 {
            font-weight: 700;
            font-size: 18px;
@using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations

<div class="dropdownlist-form">

  <TelerikForm Model="@ValidationModel" OnValidSubmit="@HandleValidSubmit" Class="margin-top">
    <DataAnnotationsValidator />
    <TelerikValidationSummary />
              <div class="header">
              <h3>Product Details</h3>
    <FormItem Field="CategoryId">
                <label for="category" class="k-label k-form-label">Category*:</label>
        <TelerikDropDownList Id="category"
                   DefaultText="Select Category" ValueField="CategoryId" TextField="CategoryName">

                <TelerikValidationMessage For="@(() => ValidationModel.CategoryId)"></TelerikValidationMessage>
                <label for="product" class="k-label k-form-label">Product*:</label>
        <TelerikDropDownList Id="product"
                   DefaultText="Select Product"

                <TelerikValidationMessage For="@(() => ValidationModel.ProductId)"></TelerikValidationMessage>

  @if (SuccessMessage != string.Empty)
    <div class="k-notification k-notification-success margin-top">

@code  {
  string[] categoriesList = { "Beverages", "Condiments", "Dairy Products", "Meat/Poultry" };

  string SuccessMessage = string.Empty;
  public IEnumerable<Product> ProductSourceData { get; set; }
  public IEnumerable<Product> ProductData { get; set; }
  public IEnumerable<Category> CategoryData { get; set; }
  DropDownValidationModel ValidationModel { get; set; } = new DropDownValidationModel();

  public bool ProductEnabled => ValidationModel.CategoryId != null;

  protected override void OnInitialized()
    ProductSourceData = GetProducts();

    List<Category> categories = new List<Category>();

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      categories.Add(new Category()
        CategoryId = i + 1,
        CategoryName = categoriesList[i]

    CategoryData = categories;


  void OnCategoryChange(object value)
    ValidationModel.ProductId = default;

    if (value != null)
      ProductData = ProductSourceData.Where(p => p.CategoryId == ValidationModel.CategoryId).ToList();

  async Task HandleValidSubmit()
    SuccessMessage = "Form Submitted Successfully!";

    await Task.Delay(2000);

    SuccessMessage = string.Empty;

  List<Product> GetProducts()
        List<Product> data = new List<Product>();
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 1, ProductName = "Chai", CategoryId = 1 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 2, ProductName = "Chang", CategoryId = 1 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 3, ProductName = "Guaraná Fantástica" });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 4, ProductName = "Sasquatch Ale" });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 5, ProductName = "Steeleye Stout"});
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 6, ProductName = "Côte de Blaye"});
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 7, ProductName = "Chartreuse verte"});
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 8, ProductName = "Ipoh Coffee"});
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 9, ProductName = "Aniseed Syrup", CategoryId = 2});
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 10, ProductName = "Chef Anton's Cajun Seasoning", CategoryId = 2 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 11, ProductName = "Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix", CategoryId = 2 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 12, ProductName = "Grandma's Boysenberry Spread", CategoryId = 2 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 13, ProductName = "Northwoods Cranberry Sauce", CategoryId = 2 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 14, ProductName = "Genen Shouyu", CategoryId = 2 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 15, ProductName = "Gula Malacca", CategoryId = 2 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 16, ProductName = "Vegie-spread", CategoryId = 2 });

    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 25, ProductName = "Queso Cabrales", CategoryId = 3 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 26, ProductName = "Mascarpone Fabioli", CategoryId = 3 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 27, ProductName = "Geitost", CategoryId = 3 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 28, ProductName = "Raclette Courdavault", CategoryId = 3 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 29, ProductName = "Camembert Pierrot", CategoryId = 3 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 30, ProductName = "Gudbrandsdalsost", CategoryId = 3 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 31, ProductName = "Flotemysost", CategoryId = 3 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 32, ProductName = "Mozzarella di Giovanni", CategoryId = 3 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 40, ProductName = "Mishi Kobe Niku", CategoryId = 4 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 41, ProductName = "Alice Mutton", CategoryId = 4 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 42, ProductName = "Thüringer Rostbratwurst", CategoryId = 4 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 43, ProductName = "Perth Pasties", CategoryId = 4 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 44, ProductName = "Tourtière", CategoryId = 4 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 45, ProductName = "Pâté chinois", CategoryId = 4});
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 46, ProductName = "Uncle Bob's Organic Dried Pears", CategoryId = 4 });
    data.Add(new Product() { ProductId = 47, ProductName = "Tofu", CategoryId = 4 });

    return data;

  public class DropDownValidationModel
    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Choose a category")]
    public int? CategoryId { get; set; }
    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Choose a product")]
    public int? ProductId { get; set; }

  public class Product
  public int? ProductId { get; set; }

  public string ProductName { get; set; }
  public int? CategoryId { get; set; }

  public class Category
  public int? CategoryId { get; set; }

  public string CategoryName { get; set; }


  .dropdownlist-form {
  padding: 20px;
    width: 100%;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;

  .header {
    color: #454545;
    font-weight: 700;
        .header h3 {
            font-weight: 500;
            font-size: 18px;

  .margin-top {
    margin-top: 8px;

Kendo UI Earns 2020 TrustRadius Top Rated Award

Progress Kendo UI has earned TrustRadius's Top Rated Award for App Development Platform. The awards are based
entirely on customer satisfaction ratings.

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Key Features. Get the Best Value for Money
with Telerik UI for Blazor

Truly native controls with thousands of built-in features to cover all app scenarios

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Feature-rich and fast performing Grid with 100+ features to fit any application

Extensive demos, docs & online technical training to help you get started in no time

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See our high-performing Grid plus 50 stunning truly native easy-to-customize UI components in action.

9/10 Ease of Use
9.7/10 Quality of Support
9.6/10 Ease of Setup

What Developers Say

Telerik UI for Blazor has been a game-changer for my web development projects. Its seamless integration, versatile and comprehensive component library, and easy customization options saved me valuable time while creating polished applications. The outstanding performance ensured smooth user experiences even with complex data. The exceptional customer support from the Telerik team was commendable. I highly recommend Telerik UI for Blazor to any developer seeking efficient and visually stunning web applications. Kudos to Telerik for developing an outstanding product that elevates the development process and user satisfaction!

Madho Singh , Globillize

With the new .NET Blazor Web Assembly implementation with Telerik, it's really a fun way to implement user interfaces quickly and in efficient way. I've been using Telerik controls since 2013 with multiple .NET products and it saves a lot of time on UI development.

Kalpeshkumar Mistry Sr. Software Engineer, Optech, L.L.C.

When I became interested in blazor I tested multiple products. Telerik was both the most advanced product and the easiest to use.


Great Tool

Cesar Marquez Engineer, nttdata


Gerardo Alexander developer, alexcorp

Telerik Team does an awesome job constantly improving their products. The team actively engages with end-users via community forums for bug fixes, product enquiries, supports and releases. Well done! Telerik

Chun Loke Founder, Rumewa Technologies

This is a very useful product. I use it for my front end websites. Easy to use. Lots of examples on the site and repo. Great product support also.

Oleksandr Viktor Senior ASP.NET Core / C# / SQL Server / Telerik Blazor UI Developer, Business Net Solutions Ltd

For anyone reading this that is not a Progress Telerik customer yet, this (customer support) is why I have been since 2010. Great controls / components but even better service.

Renier Pretorius Owner, Consultlink

An artisan-crafted product out of the box for a developer with less time to do with the UI and other details. Just focus on your logic, the rest is handled very well.

Evlv Digital Dev, Evlv Digital

Telerik UI for Blazor is a great product. It saves time, high performance and Professional Look.

Mahmoud Helmy Senior Data Scientists, Kuwait University

I've been testing Blazor components from a variety of providers and hands-down, the Telerik ones are the best - great UX, fast, easy to extend/implement.

Chris Woodard Technical Consultant, Avisra

Very happy with the current control set, the progress to release new controls and the extending of current functionality. The controls are fast and easy to implement. Support is one of the best I've had to deal with. Friendly response and they always try to help you with examples, custom made for you examples and if what you want/need is not yet possible they try to find a workaround for you.

Jurgen Mangé , SGS Belgium NV

I saw Telerik UI components in YouTube videos and then I loved it. It is going to be a blast using them!

M Imamul Hassan Khan Developer, Xenon Solutions Ltd.

I'm excited to see partners like Telerik creating custom UI controls for Blazor. The Telerik UI controls make building beautiful web apps with lots of rich functionality sooooo easy!

Daniel Roth Program Manager, Microsoft

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  • A UI component library designed and built for Blazor, with zero dependencies

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