We just finished our Q2 2012 planning here at the Telerik HQ and we’ve got some pretty big news to announce! Thanks to the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX product survey quite a few of you answered in the beginning of this year (thank you!), we identified a few things we could do to add even more value for you to Telerik’s ASP.NET AJAX control suite.
The results show that the majority of you will benefit from the addition of ASP.NET AJAX PivotGrid and HTML5 Chart controls and this is why we will make sure we deliver them to you for Q2 (expected early this summer)! We hope you are as thrilled as we are.
And now let’s get to the last point of this blog post. We are interested to hear more from you on the features you would like to see in the planned PivotGrid and HTML5 Chart. Post your feature requests in the comments section AND share this post on Twitter with hashtag #TelerikControls and we will enter you in a draw for ten $15 Amazon gift cards!
To make it simple for you, here's a tweet you can copy-paste:
Get excited: #ASPNET AJAX PivotGrid, HTML5 Chart and prizes coming soon. #TelerikControls http://tlrk.it/ACgSup
The winners will be notified via email and will be announced in the comments section below, as well as via the official Facebook and Twitter Telerik profiles on March 21, 2012.
Good luck and thank you in advance for your feedback!