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Name attribute does not accept dot syntax

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Marcus asked on 22 May 2017, 12:42 PM

When I try to enter an object's property with dot syntax as the value of the name attribute that will not work, like so:

<kendo:datePicker name="person.birthdate" value="${person.birthdate}" format="dd.MM.yyyy">


Note that the same syntax is accepted for the value attribute.

Most conspicuous is the missing button with calendar icon at the right hand side of the input field. Is that behaviour by design?

Best regards,

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Konstantin Dikov
Telerik team
answered on 24 May 2017, 10:21 AM
Hi Marcus,

The "name" attribute will be set to the "id" as well and such value could not be used for the "id" and the initialization of the widget will fail. You could use "_" instead of the dot for the name.

Konstantin Dikov
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