Can't even install application - "Unable to accept the EULA"

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Fiddler Everywhere Windows
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n/a asked on 08 May 2024, 03:36 PM

This happens when running Fiddler Everywhere for the first time, I've tried reinstalling it multiple times, running as Administrator and nothing.


I'm running on a Windows 11 pro, it's my personal computer there are no network blockers, I can ping the endpoints mentioned in this answer:


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Nick Iliev
Telerik team
answered on 08 May 2024, 05:02 PM



The most likely reason is still limited access to all or some of the endpoints. Please try the following:

- Stop the Fiddler Everywhere application.

- Enable the verbose logging (the application must be stopped before that step) through the steps described in the following documentation section: 

- Start the Fiddler Everywhere application and retry accepting the EULA.

- Finally, send us the Fiddler Everywhere application logs. As the logs could contain sensitive information, you should send them through the private support option (Help > Contact Support).





Nick Iliev
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Fiddler Everywhere Windows
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Nick Iliev
Telerik team
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