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Optimizing Performance

This article summarizes the most important resources and tips and tricks you can use to improve the performance of your project.

Blog Posts

The Optimization Tips series in the Telerik blog includes the following blog posts:

Tips and Tricks

By default, each Telerik control serves a set of files (JavaScript code and stylesheets) that are needed for proper client-side operation and rendering.

When loading a page with several controls on it, the number of these files can become very large, often resulting in a reduced page load time and increased traffic. The reason for this problem is that browsers make separate requests to the server for each of these resources.

Usually, this problem is overcome by disabling the automatic script and stylesheet serving the controls, combining them into a smaller set of files and manually registering the links to these files in the page.

This approach is not the best for a number of reasons:

  • You must extract the files from the assembly for each control release.

  • Files become too large to be maintainable or you have to write a script to merge the source files.

  • The number of the merged files you need to maintain can become very large depending on the control sets you have on different pages.

Nevertheless, by using the ScriptManager and the StyleSheetManager controls, you can use dragging and dropping to achieve the combination of resources to a single request. You need to add a ScriptManager to your page instead of the default ScriptManager and the JavaScript files will get combined into a single file. Additionally, including the StyleSheetManager in the page makes the stylesheet requests combined into a single request. Both controls need an HttpHandler to be declared in the application configuration file to operate properly. To add the handler, use the Smart Tags of the controls.

The ScriptManager and the StyleSheetManager controls also enable you to download the resources the Telerik controls need from the Telerik CDN instead of using WebResource requests. To do that, set their CdnSettings-TelerikCdn property to Enabled. For more information, refer to the CDN Overview article. Using the CDN takes load off your server and improves resource caching.

Downloading from the CDN, however, will result in a request for each individual file (script, stylesheet, font, and so on). You can improve the CDN performance even further by instructing the controls to fetch a combined resource of all scripts and base stylesheets for all the controls in a single request by toggling the Telerik.ScriptManager.TelerikCdn.CombinedResource and Telerik.StyleSheetManager.TelerikCdn.CombinedResource appSettings keys to enabled. This configuration is exposed for an individual instance through the CdnSettings-CombinedResource property.

It is important to test the performance only when debugging is disabled. Set <compilation debug="false" /> in the web.config. When it is true, the MS AJAXdebugging code causes a severe performance hit on the client-side. The fact that most of the editor functionalities implemented in JavaScript, thus resulting in 10 times slower performance compared to native compiled code.

The following table lists Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX controls and the resources for their performance optimization.

In this article
Blog PostsTips and Tricks
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