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Printing RadGridView via Telerik Reporting

Product Version Product Author Last modified
Q2 2008 RadGridView for WinForms Martin Vasilev 05/10/2008


Generate a report based on RadGridView, and using the export capabilities of Telerik Reporting.


In this code library article could be found a simple class that allows to easily export a single-level hierarchy RadGridView in a Telerik Reporting report. This report can then be printed or exported in a variety of formats.

You can use the properties below to control the appearance of the report.

Int AllMargins – Set all paper margins in millimeters

Int BottomMargin – Set bottom margin in millimeters

Int TopMargin – Set top margin in millimeters

Int LeftMargin – Set left margin in millimeters

Int RightMargin – Set right margin in millimeters

bool FitToPageSize – Controls whether report table is fit to page size

bool PageLandScape – Controls orientation of the report on the page

PaperKind PaperKind – Set paper type (A4, A3 etc.)

bool RepeatTableHeader – Controls whether the table header is repeated on each page

string ReportName – Set report name

size ReportSize – Set report size

FormWindowState ReportWindowState – Set report form window state

bool UseGridColors – Controls whether the report uses the header colors from RadGridView

RadGridReport(string reportName) – Create a new instance of the class

ReportFormShow(IWin32Window owner, RadGridView radGridView) - generate and show the report.


  1. Add a reference to RadGridReportingLite.dll in your project (the library project could be find in this article).
  2. Create an instance of RadGridReport:
    RadGridReportingLite.RadGridReport report = new RadGridReportingLite.RadGridReport("MyGridReport");
  3. Set properties controlling format and appearance:

    report.AllMargins = 1;
    report.FitToPageSize = true;
    report.RepeatTableHeader = true;

    4. Generate and show the report using the code below:
    report.ReportFormShow(this, this.radGridView1);
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