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Upgrading Old Projects to the Latest Telerik Reporting


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Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting


You have an old Telerik Reporting project and you want to upgrade it to latest version. When you upgrade an old project directly to the latest version of Telerik Reporting you may see build errors. The reason is API changes introduced during the years.

To upgrade Telerik Reporting to the latest version without a problem you can rely on the fact that we keep obsolete code for at least an year before changing the API. In the transition period Report Designers are configured to reserialize the obsolete code from the report's definition, and to update it with the new standard.


The recommended approach for upgrading is to download an official release of each year between the project's Telerik Reporting version and the target version. Then you can upgrade the project, and check each report in order to remove warning for obsolete code. A small change in the designer will cause it to reserialize the report definition.

Details how to download MSI files and upgrade project's items can be found in Installing Telerik Reporting and Upgrading Telerik Reporting Projects.


Here are the most important changes in Telerik Reporting during the last several years and the respective information sources:

See Also

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