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Can't execute code from a freed script error when closing a RadWindow


You get the Can't execute code from a freed script error when closing a RadWindow.


The "can't execute code from freed script" error usually originates from iframes that have been disposed while some script is still running inside, or some scripts is trying to access them. The exact error means that a line of code is still in memory and tries to execute, but it is orphaned and has no context.

RadWindow uses and iframe to load the page designated by the developer. When its DestroyOnClose property is set to true, it disposes that iframe when it closes. If scripts inside are still running at this time, they can throw an error.


There are a few ways to avoid such an error:

  • Set the DestroyOnClose property to false. You can do that with the client-side API of a concrete RadWindow instance as well.

  • Add a timeout around the .close() call of the RadWindow so it moves to the end of the stack and allows the other scripts to execute:

    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 0);
  • Run the script that closes the RadWindow as late as possible. The Sys.Application.Load event is suitable when registering it from the server. For example:

    string script = "function f(){closeRadWindow(); Sys.Application.remove_load(f);}Sys.Application.add_load(f);";
    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "key", script, true);
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