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The table below lists the most important function of the RadTreeNode object.

When setting a property to a node via the methods below, first make sure that the node is already added to the TreeView to prevent JavaScript errors on the page.


Name Parameters Return Type Description
findControl String Object Returns the client-side object of the Control with the specified ID nested in the Node's Template. The ID passed as an argument to the function MUST be the ID attribute of the nested Control.
toJsonString none string Returns the JSON representation of the node (serialize the node as a string in JSON format).
get_previousNode none RadTreeNode Gets an instance of the previous sibling of a Node. (see Example 1)
get_nextNode none RadTreeNode Gets an instance of the next sibling of a Node. (see Example 2)
expand & collapse none none expand() opens a Node to display child Nodes. collapse() closes a Node to hide child Nodes. (see Example 3)
set_expanded bool none Expands or collapses a Node. (see Example 4)
toggle none none Collapses an expanded Node or expands a collapsed Node. (see Example 5)
highlight & unhighlight none none Highlights or un-highlights a Node. Highlighted Nodes are visually emphasized. The specific display is dictated by the Skin. (see Example 6)
select & unselect none none Select or unselect a Node. Selecting a Node typically emphasizes the Node. The specific display is dictated by the Skin. Highlighting and selecting have similar but not identical displays.If selecting a Node with a mouse does postback, calling the select() function will select the Node and do postback. (see Example 7)
set_selected bool none Selects or unselects a Node based on the boolean parameter.If selecting a Node with a mouse does postback, calling the set_selected(true) function will select the Node but will NOT do postback. (see Example 8)
enable & disable none none disable() makes a Node inactive and unclickable. Typically the Node is displayed in a lighter color dictated by the style setting of the Skin. enable() returns the Node to a usable, clickable state. disable is a functionally equivalent to set_enabled(false) and enable() is equivalent to set_enabled(true). (see Example 9)
set_enabled bool none Enables or disables a Node based on the boolean parameter passed in. set_enabled(false) is a functionally equivalent to disable() and set_enabled(true) is equivalent to enable(). (see Example 10)
check & uncheck none none Marks or unmarks the checkbox for a Node. check() is a functionally equivalent to set_checked(true) and uncheck() is equivalent to set_checked(false); (see Example 11)
set_checked bool none Marks or unmarks the checkbox for a Node. check() is a functionally equivalent to set_checked(true) and uncheck() is equivalent to set_checked(false); (see Example 12)
get_checkState none Telerik.Web.UI.TreeNodeCheckState Returns the current check state of a node. It can be one of the following:Telerik.Web.UI.TreeNodeCheckState.Unchecked, Telerik.Web.UI.TreeNodeCheckState.Checked or Telerik.Web.UI.TreeNodeCheckState.Indeterminate
startEdit none none Allows the Node to be edited. This is equivalent to the userclicking the Node twice or pressing F2. (see Example 13)
endEdit none none Takes the Node out of editing mode. (see Example 14)
get_checkBoxElement none DOM Element Gets the DOM Element of the checkbox. (see Example 15)
scrollIntoView none none Causes the Node to scroll into view, aligning the Node to the bottom of the TreeView area. This function repositions the TreeView's scrollbars, not the scrollbars for the page itself. (see Example 16)
get_imageElement none DOM Element Gets the DOM Element of the image set to the node. Note: Images are set using the RadTreeView ImageUrl property. (see Example 17)
get_textElement none DOM Element Gets the DOM Element of the text set to the Node. Note : Changes to the text element are not persisted across postbacks. (see Example 18)
get_text none string Retrieves the text for a Node. (see Example 19)
set_text string none Sets the text of the Node.
get_value none string Gets the value of the Node.
set_value string none Sets the value of the Node. (see Example 20)
get_category none string Gets the category of the Node.
set_category string none Sets the category of the Node. (see Example 21)
get_isEnabled none bool Returns true if both the Node and the tree are enabled. If one of them is disabled, the get_isEnabled returns false.
get_enabled none bool Gets the enabled state of the Node. The Node is enabled if get_enabled() returns true. (see Example 22)
get_expanded none bool Gets the expanded/collapsed state of a Node. The Node is expanded if get_expanded() returns true. (see Example 23)
get_checked none bool Gets the checked state of a Node. The Node is checked if get_checked() returns true. (see Example 24)
get_selected none bool Gets the selected state of a Node. Returns true if the Node is selected. (see Example 25)
get_nodes none Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeNodeCollection Returns the RadTreeNodeCollection of a Node. (see Example 26)
get_allNodes none array of RadTreeNode objects Returns all child nodes of a Node. (see Example 27)
get_parent none RadTreeNode/RadTreeView Gets an instance of the parent-Node or the RadTreeView object if the Node is a root Node. (see Example 28)
get_treeView none RadTreeView Gets an instance to the parent RadTreeView. The example below retrieves the TreeView and calls various methods from the TreeView. (see Example 29)
get_element none DOM Element Returns the DOM element for a Node. (see Example 30)
get_contextMenu none RadMenu Returns the context menu object (if any). (see Example 31)
get_navigateUrl none String Returns the URL of the Node(the href attribute of the link). Null if the NavigateUrl server property is not set.
set_navigateUrl String none Sets the URL of the Node. Works only if the NavigateUrl property has been set at the server-side beforehand or if the Node is not added at the client-side. (see Example 32)
get_attributes none Collection Returns a Collection of all custom attributes set to the Node. (see Example 33)
set_target String none Sets the target of the Node.
get_target none String Gets the target of the Node. If a target is not set, returns null .
set_toolTip String none Sets the ToolTip of the Node.
get_toolTip none String Gets the ToolTip of the Node. If a ToolTip is not set, returns null .
get_level none Integer Gets the Level of the Node in the TreeView structure. Root Nodes are at level 0, their children Nodes - at 1 and so on.
set_checkable Boolean none Enables/Disables the checkability of the Node.
get_imageUrl none String Returns the path to the image displayed next to the Node.
set_imageUrl String none Sets the path to the image displayed next to the Node.
get_disabledImageUrl none String Returns the path to the image displayed next to the Node when disabled.
set_disabledImageUrl String none Sets the path to the image displayed next to the Node when disabled.
get_expandedImageUrl none String Returns the path to the image displayed next to the Node when expanded.
set_expandedImageUrl String none Sets the path to the image displayed next to the Node when expanded.
get_selectedImageUrl none String Returns the path to the image displayed next to the Node when selected.
set_selectedImageUrl String none Sets the path to the image displayed next to the Node when selected.
get_hoveredImageUrl none String Returns the path to the image displayed next to the Node when hovered.
set_hoveredImageUrl String none Sets the path to the image displayed next to the Node when hovered.
get_cssClass none String Returns the name of the CSS class applied to the Node.
set_cssClass String none Sets the name of the CSS class to be applied to the Node.
get_disabledCssClass none String Returns the name of the CSS class applied to the Node when disabled.
set_disabledCssClass String none Sets the name of the CSS class to be applied to the Node when disabled.
get_hoveredCssClass none String Returns the name of the CSS class applied to the Node when hovered.
set_hoveredCssClass String none Sets the name of the CSS class to be applied to the Node when hovered.
get_childListElement none HTML Element Returns the UL HTML element which contains the HTML elements of the child Nodes. Null if there are no child Nodes.
get_contextMenuID none String Returns the ID of the Context Menu assigned to the Node.
set_contextMenuID String none Sets the ID of the Context menu to be assigned to the Node.
get_toggleElement none HTML Element Returns the HTML element representing the toggle image. Null, if the Node has no child Nodes.
get_enableContextMenu none Boolean True if the Context Menus are enabled, False otherwise.
showLoadingStatus statusText, position none Shows the loading message at the specified position. The available positions are: Telerik.Web.UI.TreeViewLoadingStatusPosition.BelowNodeText Telerik.Web.UI.TreeViewLoadingStatusPosition.AfterNodeText Telerik.Web.UI.TreeViewLoadingStatusPosition.BeforeNodeText (see Example 34)
hideLoadingStatus none none Hides the loading message.
get_postBack none Boolean True if postback is enabled, false otherwise.
set_postBack Boolean none Determines if the Node should postback.
get_expandMode none Int Returns the ExpandMode of the Node.ExpandMode can be:0 - ExpandMode.ClientSide;1 - ExpandMode.ServerSide;2 - ExpandMode.ServerSideCallBack;3 - ExpandMode.WebService;
set_expandMode ExpandMode none Sets the ExpandMode of the Node.ExpandMode can be:Telerik.Web.UI.TreeNodeExpandMode.ClientSide;Telerik.Web.UI.TreeNodeExpandMode.ServerSide; Telerik.Web.UI.TreeNodeExpandMode.ServerSideCallBack;Telerik.Web.UI.TreeNodeExpandMode.WebService;
get_visible none Boolean True if the item is visible.
set_visible Boolean none Sets the visibility of the item. (see Example 35)
get_allowEdit none Boolean True, if Node edit is allowed, false, otherwise.
set_allowEdit Boolean none Allows/Disallows Node editing.
get_allowDrag none Boolean True, if dragging is allowed, false otherwise.
set_allowDrag Boolean none Enables/Disables dragging.
get_allowDrop none Boolean True, if dropping is allowed, false otherwise.
set_allowDrop Boolean none Enables/Disables dragging.
get_index none int Returns the index of the node in the nodes collection of its parent.

Example 1: Demonstrates the usage of the get_previousNode method

function PreviousNode()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Child RadTreeNode 2");
       var prevNode = node.get_previousNode();

Example 2: Demonstrates the usage of the get_nextNode method

function GetNextNode()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Child RadTreeNode 1");
       var prevNode = node.get_nextNode();

Example 3: Demonstrates the usage of the expand/collapse methods

function ExpandNode()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");

Example 4: Demonstrates the usage of the set_expanded method

function SetExpanded()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");

Example 5: Demonstrates the usage of the toggle method

function ToggleNode()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");

Example 6: Demonstrates the usage of the highlight/unhighlight methods

function HighlightNode()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");

Example 7: Demonstrates the usage of the select/unselect method

function SelectNode()
   var tree= $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");
   if (node)
       if (node.get_selected())

Example 8: Demonstrates the usage of the set_selected method

function SetSelected()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");

Example 9: Demonstrates the usage of the enable/disable method

function SetEnabled()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");

Example 10: Demonstrates the usage of the set_enabled method

function SetEnabled()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");

Example 11: Demonstrates the usage of the check/uncheck method

function SetChecked()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");

Example 12: Demonstrates the usage of the set_checked method

function SetChecked()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");

Example 13: Demonstrates the usage of the startEdit method

function Edit()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");
       node.set_text("Rename this node");

Example 14: Demonstrates the usage of the endEdit method

var text;
function Edit()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");
       text = node.get_text();
function EndEdit()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");
       if (node.get_text() != text)
           alert("no changes were made");

Example 15: Demonstrates the usage of the get_checkBoxElement method

function GetCheckBoxElement()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");

Example 16: Demonstrates the usage of the scrollIntoView method

function ScrollNode()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("My Node");

Example 17: Demonstrates the usage of the get_imageElement method

function GetImageElement()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");       
   var node = tree.get_selectedNode();

Example 18: Demonstrates the usage of the get_textElement method

function GetTextElement()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");       
   var node = tree.get_selectedNode();

Example 19: Demonstrates the usage of the get_text method

function GetText()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");       
   var node = tree.get_selectedNode();

Example 20: Demonstrates the usage of the get_value method

function GetValue()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");       
   var node = tree.get_selectedNode();

Example 21: Demonstrates the usage of the get_category method

function GetCategory()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");       
   var node = tree.get_selectedNode();

Example 22: Demonstrates the usage of the get_enabled method

function GetEnabled()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");

Example 23: Demonstrates the usage of the get_expanded method

function GetExpanded()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");

Example 24: Demonstrates the usage of the get_checked method

function GetChecked()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");

Example 25: Demonstrates the usage of the get_selected method

function GetSelected()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByText("Root Node 1");

Example 26: Demonstrates the usage of the get_nodes method

function GetNodes()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node0 = tree.get_nodes().getNode(0);
   for (var i=0; i < node0.get_nodes().get_count();i++)  
       var node = node0.get_nodes().getNode(i);        

Example 27: Demonstrates the usage of the get_allNodes method

function GetNodes()
   var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var allNodes = tree.get_nodes().getNode(0).get_allNodes();
   for (var i=0; i < allNodes.length; i++)  
       var node = allNodes[i];        

Example 28: Demonstrates the usage of the get_parent method

function GetParent()
   var tree= $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
   var node = tree.findNodeByAttribute("MyCustomAttribute", "Some Value");

Example 29: Demonstrates the usage of the get_treeView method

function GetTreeView(node) {
    if (node) {
        var tree = node.get_treeView();
        var nodeText = node.get_text();

        // remove duplicates of node
        var foundNode = tree.findNodeByText(nodeText);
        while (foundNode) {
            foundNode = tree.findNodeByText(nodeText);

        // add selected node back in


Example 30: Demonstrates the usage of the get_element method

function GetNodeElement() {
    var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
    var node = tree.get_selectedNode();
    if (node) {

Example 31: Demonstrates the usage of the get_contextMenu method

function GetContextMenu() {
    var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
    var node = tree.get_selectedNode();
    if (node) {
        var menu = node.get_contextMenu();
        if (menu)

Example 32: Demonstrates the usage of the set_navigateUrl method

function setNavigateUrlToTheSelectedNode() {
    var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
    var node = tree.get_selectedNode();
    if (node) {

Example 33: Demonstrates the usage of the get_attributes method

function getCustomAttributes() {
    var tree = $find("<%= RadTreeView1.ClientID %>");
    var node = tree.get_selectedNode();
    if (node) {
        var attributes = node.get_attributes();
        attributes.setAttribute("AttributeName", AttributeValue);
        var attribute1 = attributes.getAttribute("AttributeName");


Example 34: Demonstrates the usage of the showLoadingStatus method

node.showLoadingStatus("Loading…", Telerik.Web.UI.TreeViewLoadingStatusPosition.BelowNodeText);

Example 35: Demonstrates the usage of the set_expandMode method


See Also

In this article