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Properties, Methods and Events

You can find listed below all properties, methods and events related to RadWizard.


Property Description
WizardElement Gets the RadWizardElement which encapsulates the UI representation and functionality of the control.
Mode Gets or sets the mode of the control.
EnableAeroStyle Gets or sets a value indication wether the Aero style should apply when the control is in Wizard Aero mode.
Pages Gets the pages collection.
WelcomePage Gets or sets the welcome page.
CompletionPage Gets or sets the completion page.
SelectedPage Gets or sets the selected page.
CommandArea Gets the command area element.
CommandAreaHeight Gets or sets the height of the command area. Negative value makes the command area autosize.
PageHeaderElement Gets the page header element.
PageHeaderHeight Gets or sets the height of the page header. Negative value makes the page header autosize.
WelcomeImageElement Gets the element containing the image of the welcome pages.
CompletionImageElement Gets the element containing the image of the completion pages.
WelcomeImage Gets or sets the image of the welcome pages.
HideWelcomeImage Gets or sets a value indicating whether the image of the welcome pages should be visible.
WelcomeImageLayout Gets or sets the layout of the welcome pages image.
WelcomeImageBackgroundShape Gets or sets the background image shape of the welcome pages.
CompletionImage Gets or sets the image of the completion pages.
HideCompletionImage Gets or sets a value indicating whether the image of the completion pages should be visible.
CompletionImageLayout Gets or sets the layout of the completion pages image.
CompletionImageBackgroundShape Gets or sets the background image shape of the completion pages.
PageTitleTextVisibility Gets or sets the visibility of the page header's title element.
PageHeaderTextVisibility Gets or sets the visibility of the page header's header element.
PageHeaderIcon Gets or sets the icon of the page header.
PageHeaderIconAlignment Gets or sets the alignment of the page header's icon.
BackButton Gets the command area's back button.
NextButton Gets the command area's next button.
CancelButton Gets the command area's cancel button.
FinishButton Gets the command area's finish button.
HelpButton Gets the command area's help button.


Method Description
SelectNextPage Selects next wizard page.
SelectPreviousPage Selects previous wizard page.


Event Description
ModeChanging Fires before the mode of RadWizard is changed. It is cancelable event. The arguments of the event provide the current and the next WizardMode.
ModeChanged Fires after the mode of RadWizard is changed. The arguments of the event provide the previous and the current WizardMode.
Next Fires when the Next command button is clicked. It is cancelable event.
Previous Fires when the Back command button is clicked. It is cancelable event.
SelectedPageChanging Fires before the selected page of RadWizard is changed. It is cancelable event. The arguments of the event provide the selected page of the control and the page to be selected.
SelectedPageChanged Fires after the selected page of RadWizard is changed. The arguments of the event provide the previous selected page and the selected page of the control.
Finish Fires when the Finish command button is clicked.
Cancel Fires when the Cancel command button is clicked.
Help Fires when the Help command button is clicked.

Below is an example of using the Next event of RadWizard to choose the page to be selected when the user clicks the Next command button. The example demonstrates how to cancel the transition from the second to the third page and to select the first page of the control:

Subscribe to the Next event

this.radWizard1.Next += new WizardCancelEventHandler(radWizard1_Next);

AddHandler radWizard1.Next, AddressOf radWizard1_Next

Handle the Next event

private void radWizard1_Next(object sender, WizardCancelEventArgs e)
    if (this.radWizard1.SelectedPage == this.radWizard1.Pages[1])
        e.Cancel = true;
        this.radWizard1.SelectedPage = this.radWizard1.Pages[0];

Private Sub RadWizard1_Next(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As WizardCancelEventArgs)
    If (Me.RadWizard1.SelectedPage Is Me.RadWizard1.Pages(1)) Then
        e.Cancel = True
        Me.RadWizard1.SelectedPage = Me.RadWizard1.Pages(0)
    End If
End Sub

See Also

In this article