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RadTreeView Nodes Overview

The Properties of RadTreeView nodes

RadTreeNode objects have a few important properties, which are listed below:

  • Text is the string that the user sees displayed in each node of the tree.

  • ToolTip is a string that appears in the tooltip window when the user hovers the mouse over a node in the tree.

    Setting the tooltip can enable an accessibility feature: Special accessibility readers like JAWS can pronounce the tooltip of the highlighted item.

  • Value is the value associated with the node. It determines the value of the RadTreeNode Value property.

  • Selected lets you specify which node is initially selected when the RadTreeView first appears.

    If the MultipleSelect property of RadTreeView is set to False (the default), only one node can be selected at a time. If you set Selected to True for a node, the Selected property of all other nodes is automatically set to False.

  • Enabled determines whether the user can select the node.

  • CssClass, DisabledCssClass, HoveredCssClass, SelectedCss are the names of CSS styles to be applied to the TreeView node depending on its state. The style can be declared in the CSS file of the applied Skin.

    You can also customize the appearance of items using templates.

  • Checkable determines if a node displays a checkbox. This property is used in conjunction with the RadTreeView CheckBoxes property which enables checkboxes for the entire tree. Checked determines if the checkbox is currently checked. See the Checkboxes Overview topic for more information.

  • Category allows the node to be a member of an arbitrary group, for example "Customers", "Employees" or "Products".

  • NavigateUrl is a web address that will be navigated to when the node is clicked. Target supports standard HTML targets (i.e. _self, _blank, _top, _parent). For example, set the NavigateUrl to and Target to _blank to display the Telerik site in a new browser window.

  • Level is an integer value that indicates the node distance from the root node: the root node Level property is zero, children of the root nodes have a level property of "1" and so on.

In addition to the built-in properties, you can add your own Custom Attributes to TreeView nodes to expand their functionality.

Populating RadTreeView

There are a number of ways you can control the nodes that RadTreeView holds. You can:

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