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Programmatic Definition

There are many cases when you need to create the RadTreeList control dynamically. In some scenarios you might want to declare it statically on the page and configure it with server-side code or build it entirely in code-behind. Both cases have some requirements that you should follow:

  • Create the RadTreeList entirely in code-behind - here you should place all the code in the Page_Init event handler. Note that the columns have to be added to the Columns collection after their properties are set.This approach for creating the TreeList should be used when creating TreeListTemplateColumns dynamically (as well as any other templates).

  • Add the RadTreeList declaration statically in the page mark-up and configure it server-side - configuration is to be done in the Page_Load event handler and only on initial load (with Not IsPostBack condition) to avoid adding the same structure twice. In contrast to the scenario above, columns have to be added to the Columns collection before their properties are set.

The samples bellow illustrate both approaches:

Create the RadTreeList entirely in code-behind on Page_Init

<telerik:RadScriptManager ID="RadScriptManager1" runat="server" />
<telerik:RadAjaxManager ID="RadAjaxManager1" runat="server">
        <telerik:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="PlaceHolder1">
                <telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="PlaceHolder1" LoadingPanelID="RadAjaxLoadingPanel1" />
<h3>RadTreeList created entirely in code-behind on Page_Init</h3>
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolder1" runat="server" />
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthwindConnectionString %>"
    SelectCommand="SELECT [ReportsTo], [EmployeeID], [LastName], [FirstName], [HireDate], [City], [PostalCode], [Country] FROM [Employees]" />
<telerik:RadAjaxLoadingPanel ID="RadAjaxLoadingPanel1" runat="server" />
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
    RadTreeList treeList = new RadTreeList(); 
    treeList.ID = "RadTreeList1"; 
    treeList.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "EmployeeID" }; 
    treeList.ParentDataKeyNames = new string[] { "ReportsTo" }; 
    treeList.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource1"; 
    treeList.AutoGenerateColumns = false; 
    treeList.AllowPaging = true; 
    treeList.PageSize = 7;

    TreeListBoundColumn boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn(); 
    boundColumn.DataField = "EmployeeID"; 
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "EmployeeID"; 
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "EmployeeID"; 

    boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn(); 
    boundColumn.DataField = "LastName"; 
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "LastName"; 
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "Last Name"; 

    boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn(); 
    boundColumn.DataField = "FirstName"; 
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "FirstName";
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "First Name"; 

    boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn(); 
    boundColumn.DataField = "HireDate"; 
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "HireDate"; 
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "Hire Date"; 
    boundColumn.DataFormatString = "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"; 
    boundColumn.DataType = typeof(DateTime); 

    boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn(); 
    boundColumn.DataField = "City"; 
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "City"; 
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "City"; 

    boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn(); 
    boundColumn.DataField = "PostalCode"; 
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "PostalCode"; 
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "Postal Code"; 

    boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn(); 
    boundColumn.DataField = "Country"; 
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "Country"; 
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "Country"; 

    boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn(); 
    boundColumn.DataField = "ReportsTo"; 
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "ReportsTo"; 
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "Reports To"; 

Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
    Dim treeList As New RadTreeList()
    treeList.ID = "RadTreeList1"
    treeList.DataKeyNames = New String() {"EmployeeID"}
    treeList.ParentDataKeyNames = New String() {"ReportsTo"}
    treeList.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource1"
    treeList.AutoGenerateColumns = False
    treeList.AllowPaging = True
    treeList.PageSize = 7

    Dim boundColumn As New TreeListBoundColumn()
    boundColumn.DataField = "EmployeeID"
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "EmployeeID"
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "EmployeeID"

    boundColumn = New TreeListBoundColumn()
    boundColumn.DataField = "LastName"
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "LastName"
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "Last Name"

    boundColumn = New TreeListBoundColumn()
    boundColumn.DataField = "FirstName"
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "FirstName"
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "First Name"

    boundColumn = New TreeListBoundColumn()
    boundColumn.DataField = "HireDate"
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "HireDate"
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "Hire Date"
    boundColumn.DataFormatString = "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"
    boundColumn.DataType = GetType(DateTime)

    boundColumn = New TreeListBoundColumn()
    boundColumn.DataField = "City"
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "City"
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "City"

    boundColumn = New TreeListBoundColumn()
    boundColumn.DataField = "PostalCode"
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "PostalCode"
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "Postal Code"

    boundColumn = New TreeListBoundColumn()
    boundColumn.DataField = "Country"
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "Country"
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "Country"

    boundColumn = New TreeListBoundColumn()
    boundColumn.DataField = "ReportsTo"
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "ReportsTo"
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "Reports To"

End Sub

Statically declared RadTreeList and configured on Page_Load

<telerik:RadScriptManager ID="RadScriptManager1" runat="server" />    
<telerik:RadAjaxManager ID="RadAjaxManager1" runat="server">
        <telerik:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="RadTreeList2">
                <telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="RadTreeList2" LoadingPanelID="RadAjaxLoadingPanel1" />
<h3>RadTreeList declared statically with structure defined on Page_Load</h3>
<telerik:RadTreeList RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadTreeList2" runat="server">
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthwindConnectionString %>"
    SelectCommand="SELECT [ReportsTo], [EmployeeID], [LastName], [FirstName], [HireDate], [City], [PostalCode], [Country] FROM [Employees]" />
<telerik:RadAjaxLoadingPanel ID="RadAjaxLoadingPanel1" runat="server" />
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack)
        RadTreeList2.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "EmployeeID" };
        RadTreeList2.ParentDataKeyNames = new string[] { "ReportsTo" };
        RadTreeList2.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource1";
        RadTreeList2.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
        RadTreeList2.AllowPaging = true;
        RadTreeList2.PageSize = 7;

        TreeListBoundColumn boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn();
        boundColumn.DataField = "EmployeeID";
        boundColumn.UniqueName = "EmployeeID";
        boundColumn.HeaderText = "EmployeeID";

        boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn();
        boundColumn.DataField = "LastName";
        boundColumn.UniqueName = "LastName";
        boundColumn.HeaderText = "Last Name";

        boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn();
        boundColumn.DataField = "FirstName";
        boundColumn.UniqueName = "FirstName";
        boundColumn.HeaderText = "First Name";

        boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn();
        boundColumn.DataField = "HireDate";
        boundColumn.UniqueName = "HireDate";
        boundColumn.HeaderText = "Hire Date";
        boundColumn.DataFormatString = "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}";
        boundColumn.DataType = typeof(DateTime);

        boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn();
        boundColumn.DataField = "City";
        boundColumn.UniqueName = "City";
        boundColumn.HeaderText = "City";

        boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn();
        boundColumn.DataField = "PostalCode";
        boundColumn.UniqueName = "PostalCode";
        boundColumn.HeaderText = "Postal Code";

        boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn();
        boundColumn.DataField = "Country";
        boundColumn.UniqueName = "Country";
        boundColumn.HeaderText = "Country";

        boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn();
        boundColumn.DataField = "ReportsTo";
        boundColumn.UniqueName = "ReportsTo";
        boundColumn.HeaderText = "Reports To";
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    If Not IsPostBack Then
        RadTreeList2.DataKeyNames = New String() {"EmployeeID"}
        RadTreeList2.ParentDataKeyNames = New String() {"ReportsTo"}
        RadTreeList2.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource1"
        RadTreeList2.AutoGenerateColumns = False
        RadTreeList2.AllowPaging = True
        RadTreeList2.PageSize = 7

        Dim boundColumn As New TreeListBoundColumn()
        boundColumn.DataField = "EmployeeID"
        boundColumn.UniqueName = "EmployeeID"
        boundColumn.HeaderText = "EmployeeID"

        boundColumn = New TreeListBoundColumn()
        boundColumn.DataField = "LastName"
        boundColumn.UniqueName = "LastName"
        boundColumn.HeaderText = "Last Name"

        boundColumn = New TreeListBoundColumn()
        boundColumn.DataField = "FirstName"
        boundColumn.UniqueName = "FirstName"
        boundColumn.HeaderText = "First Name"

        boundColumn = New TreeListBoundColumn()
        boundColumn.DataField = "HireDate"
        boundColumn.UniqueName = "HireDate"
        boundColumn.HeaderText = "Hire Date"
        boundColumn.DataFormatString = "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"
        boundColumn.DataType = GetType(DateTime)

        boundColumn = New TreeListBoundColumn()
        boundColumn.DataField = "City"
        boundColumn.UniqueName = "City"
        boundColumn.HeaderText = "City"

        boundColumn = New TreeListBoundColumn()
        boundColumn.DataField = "PostalCode"
        boundColumn.UniqueName = "PostalCode"
        boundColumn.HeaderText = "Postal Code"

        boundColumn = New TreeListBoundColumn()
        boundColumn.DataField = "Country"
        boundColumn.UniqueName = "Country"
        boundColumn.HeaderText = "Country"

        boundColumn = New TreeListBoundColumn()
        boundColumn.DataField = "ReportsTo"
        boundColumn.UniqueName = "ReportsTo"
        boundColumn.HeaderText = "Reports To"
    End If
End Sub

Creating template columns dynamically

When creating a TreeList dynamically that contains a template column, you must create the templates dynamically in the code-behind and assign them to the ItemTemplate, EditItemTemplate, etc. properties of the column.

To create an ItemTemplate dynamically, you must define a custom class that implements the ITemplate interface. For an EditItemTemplate and InsertItemTemplate the class that you will build needs to implement IBindableTemplate. Then you can assign an instance of the class to the respective property of the TreeListTemplateColumn object.

Column templates must be added in the Page_Init event handler, so that the template controls can be added to the ViewState.

Here follows a sample implementation including both kind of templates:

<asp:PlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolder1" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthwindConnectionString %>"
    SelectCommand="SELECT [ReportsTo], [EmployeeID], [LastName], [FirstName], [HireDate], [City], [HomePhone], [Country], [Photo] FROM [Employees]"
    DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Employees] WHERE [EmployeeID] = @EmployeeID" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Employees] ([ReportsTo], [LastName], [FirstName] , [HomePhone]) VALUES (@ReportsTo, @LastName, @FirstName, @HomePhone)"
    UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Employees] SET [ReportsTo] = @ReportsTo, [LastName] = @LastName, [FirstName] = @FirstName , [HomePhone] = @HomePhone WHERE [EmployeeID] = @EmployeeID">
        <asp:Parameter Name="EmployeeID" Type="Int32" />
        <asp:Parameter Name="ReportsTo" Type="Int32" />
        <asp:Parameter Name="LastName" Type="String" />
        <asp:Parameter Name="FirstName" Type="String" />
        <asp:Parameter Name="HomePhone" Type="String" />
        <asp:Parameter Name="ReportsTo" Type="Int32" />
        <asp:Parameter Name="LastName" Type="String" />
        <asp:Parameter Name="FirstName" Type="String" />
        <asp:Parameter Name="EmployeeID" Type="Int32" />
        <asp:Parameter Name="HomePhone" Type="String" />
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
    RadTreeList treeList = new RadTreeList();
    treeList.ID = "RadTreeList1";
    treeList.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "EmployeeID" };
    treeList.ParentDataKeyNames = new string[] { "ReportsTo" };
    treeList.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource1";
    treeList.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
    treeList.AllowPaging = true;
    treeList.PageSize = 7;

    TreeListBoundColumn boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn();
    boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn();
    boundColumn.DataField = "FirstName";
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "FirstName";
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "First Name";

    boundColumn = new TreeListBoundColumn();
    boundColumn.DataField = "LastName";
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "LastName";
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "Last Name";

    TreeListTemplateColumn templateColumn;
    templateColumn = new TreeListTemplateColumn();
    templateColumn.HeaderText = "Home Phone";
    templateColumn.DataField = "HomePhone";
    templateColumn.UniqueName = "HomePhone";
    templateColumn.ItemTemplate = new PhoneTemplate(templateColumn.DataField);
    templateColumn.EditItemTemplate = new PhoneEditableTemplate(templateColumn.DataField);

    templateColumn = new TreeListTemplateColumn();
    templateColumn.HeaderText = "Photo";
    templateColumn.DataField = "Photo";
    templateColumn.UniqueName = "TemplateColumn";
    templateColumn.ReadOnly = true;
    templateColumn.ItemTemplate = new PhotoTemplate(templateColumn.DataField);


    TreeListEditCommandColumn editColumn = new TreeListEditCommandColumn();
    editColumn.HeaderText = "Edit";
    editColumn.ShowAddButton = false;


private class PhotoTemplate : ITemplate
    protected RadBinaryImage image;
    protected CheckBox boolValue;
    private string colName;

    public PhotoTemplate(string cName)
        colName = cName;

    public void InstantiateIn(System.Web.UI.Control container)
        image = new RadBinaryImage();
        image.ID = "templateColumnPhoto";
        image.ResizeMode = BinaryImageResizeMode.Crop;
        image.Height = Unit.Pixel(80);
        image.Width = Unit.Pixel(60);
        image.DataBinding += new EventHandler(image_DataBinding);
        boolValue = new CheckBox();
        boolValue.AutoPostBack = true;
        boolValue.Checked = true;
        boolValue.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(boolValue_CheckedChanged);
        boolValue.Text = "Show/Hide photo";
        boolValue.ID = "boolValue";
        boolValue.Enabled = true;

    void boolValue_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        CheckBox cBox = (CheckBox)sender;
        TreeListDataItem container = (TreeListDataItem)cBox.NamingContainer;
        container.FindControl("templateColumnPhoto").Visible = cBox.Checked;

    void image_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
        RadBinaryImage img = (RadBinaryImage)sender;
        TreeListDataItem container = (TreeListDataItem)img.NamingContainer;
        img.DataValue = (byte[])((DataRowView)container.DataItem)["Photo"];

private class PhoneTemplate : ITemplate
    protected LiteralControl phoneNumber;
    private string colName;

    public PhoneTemplate(string cName)
        colName = cName;

    public void InstantiateIn(System.Web.UI.Control container)
        phoneNumber = new LiteralControl();
        phoneNumber.ID = "phoneLbl";
        phoneNumber.DataBinding += new EventHandler(phoneNumber_DataBinding);

    void phoneNumber_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
        LiteralControl lbl = (LiteralControl)sender;
        TreeListDataItem container = (TreeListDataItem)lbl.NamingContainer;
        lbl.Text = ((DataRowView)container.DataItem)["HomePhone"].ToString();

private class PhoneEditableTemplate : IBindableTemplate
    RadMaskedTextBox phoneMask;
    string colName;

    public PhoneEditableTemplate(string cName)
        colName = cName;

    public void InstantiateIn(System.Web.UI.Control container)
        phoneMask = new RadMaskedTextBox();
        phoneMask.ID = "phoneTxt";
        phoneMask.Mask = "(###) ###-####";
        phoneMask.DataBinding += new EventHandler(phoneMask_DataBinding);

    void phoneMask_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
        RadMaskedTextBox txt = (RadMaskedTextBox)sender;
        TreeListEditableItem container = (TreeListEditableItem)txt.NamingContainer;
        txt.TextWithLiterals = ((DataRowView)container.DataItem)["HomePhone"].ToString();

    public IOrderedDictionary ExtractValues(System.Web.UI.Control control)
        OrderedDictionary values = new OrderedDictionary();
        values[colName] = phoneMask.TextWithLiterals;
        return values;
Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Dim treeList As New RadTreeList()
    treeList.ID = "RadTreeList1"
    treeList.DataKeyNames = New String() {"EmployeeID"}
    treeList.ParentDataKeyNames = New String() {"ReportsTo"}
    treeList.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource1"
    treeList.AutoGenerateColumns = False
    treeList.AllowPaging = True
    treeList.PageSize = 7

    Dim boundColumn As New TreeListBoundColumn()
    boundColumn = New TreeListBoundColumn()
    boundColumn.DataField = "FirstName"
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "FirstName"
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "First Name"

    boundColumn = New TreeListBoundColumn()
    boundColumn.DataField = "LastName"
    boundColumn.UniqueName = "LastName"
    boundColumn.HeaderText = "Last Name"

    Dim templateColumn As TreeListTemplateColumn
    templateColumn = New TreeListTemplateColumn()
    templateColumn.HeaderText = "Home Phone"
    templateColumn.DataField = "HomePhone"
    templateColumn.UniqueName = "HomePhone"
    templateColumn.ItemTemplate = New PhoneTemplateColumn(templateColumn.DataField)
    templateColumn.EditItemTemplate = New PhoneEditableTemplate(templateColumn.DataField)

    templateColumn = New TreeListTemplateColumn()
    templateColumn.HeaderText = "Photo"
    templateColumn.DataField = "Photo"
    templateColumn.UniqueName = "TemplateColumn"
    templateColumn.[ReadOnly] = True
    templateColumn.ItemTemplate = New PhotoTemplateColumn(templateColumn.DataField)


    Dim editColumn As New TreeListEditCommandColumn()
    editColumn.HeaderText = "Edit"
    editColumn.ShowAddButton = False

End Sub

Private Class PhotoTemplateColumn
    Implements ITemplate
    Protected image As RadBinaryImage
    Protected boolValue As CheckBox
    Private colName As String

    Public Sub New(ByVal cName As String)
        colName = cName
    End Sub

    Public Sub InstantiateIn(ByVal container As System.Web.UI.Control) Implements ITemplate.InstantiateIn
        image = New RadBinaryImage()
        image.ID = "templateColumnPhoto"
        image.ResizeMode = BinaryImageResizeMode.Crop
        image.Height = Unit.Pixel(80)
        image.Width = Unit.Pixel(60)
        AddHandler image.DataBinding, AddressOf image_DataBinding
        boolValue = New CheckBox()
        boolValue.AutoPostBack = True
        boolValue.Checked = True
        AddHandler boolValue.CheckedChanged, AddressOf boolValue_CheckedChanged
        boolValue.Text = "Show/Hide photo"
        boolValue.ID = "boolValue"
        boolValue.Enabled = True
    End Sub

    Private Sub boolValue_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim cBox As CheckBox = DirectCast(sender, CheckBox)
        Dim container As TreeListDataItem = DirectCast(cBox.NamingContainer, TreeListDataItem)
        container.FindControl("templateColumnPhoto").Visible = cBox.Checked
    End Sub

    Private Sub image_DataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim img As RadBinaryImage = DirectCast(sender, RadBinaryImage)
        Dim container As TreeListDataItem = DirectCast(img.NamingContainer, TreeListDataItem)
        img.DataValue = DirectCast(DirectCast(container.DataItem, DataRowView)("Photo"), Byte())
    End Sub
End Class

Private Class PhoneTemplateColumn
    Implements ITemplate
    Protected phoneNumber As LiteralControl
    Private colName As String

    Public Sub New(ByVal cName As String)
        colName = cName
    End Sub

    Public Sub InstantiateIn(ByVal container As System.Web.UI.Control) Implements ITemplate.InstantiateIn
        phoneNumber = New LiteralControl()
        phoneNumber.ID = "phoneLbl"
        AddHandler phoneNumber.DataBinding, AddressOf phoneNumber_DataBinding
    End Sub

    Private Sub phoneNumber_DataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim lbl As LiteralControl = DirectCast(sender, LiteralControl)
        Dim container As TreeListDataItem = DirectCast(lbl.NamingContainer, TreeListDataItem)
        lbl.Text = DirectCast(container.DataItem, DataRowView)("HomePhone").ToString()
    End Sub
End Class

Private Class PhoneEditableTemplate
    Implements IBindableTemplate
    Private phoneMask As RadMaskedTextBox
    Private colName As String

    Public Sub New(ByVal cName As String)
        colName = cName
    End Sub

    Public Sub InstantiateIn(ByVal container As System.Web.UI.Control) Implements ITemplate.InstantiateIn
        phoneMask = New RadMaskedTextBox()
        phoneMask.ID = "phoneTxt"
        phoneMask.Mask = "(###) ###-####"
        AddHandler phoneMask.DataBinding, AddressOf phoneMask_DataBinding
    End Sub

    Private Sub phoneMask_DataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim txt As RadMaskedTextBox = DirectCast(sender, RadMaskedTextBox)
        Dim container As TreeListEditableItem = DirectCast(txt.NamingContainer, TreeListEditableItem)
        txt.TextWithLiterals = DirectCast(container.DataItem, DataRowView)("HomePhone").ToString()
    End Sub

    Public Function ExtractValues(ByVal control As System.Web.UI.Control) As IOrderedDictionary Implements IBindableTemplate.ExtractValues
        Dim values As New OrderedDictionary()
        values(colName) = phoneMask.TextWithLiterals
        Return values
    End Function
End Class
In this article