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DefaultToolAdapter Object

The DefaultToolAdapter object exposes the following public methods and properties to control its behavior:

DefaultToolAdapter Client-Side Methods

Name Parameters Return Type Description
createContextMenus Forces the context menus of the RadEditor to render.
enableContextMenus Boolean Sets the enable/disable state of the context menus.The method takes the following arguments: value - Indicates whether to disable or enable the context menus.
get_animationDuration Number Returns the animation duration in milliseconds.
get_animationType Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.EditorToolBarAnimationType Gets the animation type.
get_contentAreaMode Telerik.Web.UI.EditorContentAreaMode Returns the value set to the ContnetAreaMode property.
get_editor Telerik.Web.UI.RadEditor Returns the RadEditor instance initialized the toolbar.
get_toolbarHolder Telerik.Web.UI.RadWindow Returns the RadWidnow instance which serves as a toolbar for the editor (NOTE: With Default and RibbonBar toolbar modes, returns null).
get_toolJSON Array Returns an array with the JSON literals of the tools.
get_tools Array Returns all tools/commands available in the toolbar.
get_window Telerik.Web.UI.RadWindow Returns the RadWidnow instance which serves as a toolbar for the editor (NOTE: With Default and RibbonBar toolbar modes, returns null).
getContextMenuByTagName String Telerik.Web.UI.EditorContextMenu Returns a reference to the context menu objectThe method takes the following arguments: tagName - The Tag name of the context menu
getToolByName String Telerik.Web.UI.EditorButton Returns a reference to a tool, specified by its name.The method takes the following arguments: toolName - The name of the tool
set_animationDuration Number Sets the animation duration in milliseconds.The method takes the following arguments: value - The animation duration in ms.
set_animationType Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.EditorToolBarAnimationType Sets the animation type.The method takes the following arguments: value - Instance of Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.EditorToolBarAnimationType enum.
set_editor Telerik.Web.UI.RadEditor Sets the RadEditor instance associated to the toolbar.The method takes the following arguments: editor - The new editor instance.
set_toolJSON Array Sets a new array with the JSON literals of the tools.The method takes the following arguments: value - The new tools' JSON literal.
setFocus Focuses the first tool in the toolbar.
setToolState Array, Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.CommandStates Sets the state of the tools in the specified tools array.The method takes the following arguments: toolsArray - Array of RadEditor tools/commands (NOTE: If array is not provided, all tools will be updated with the new state). state? - The state to be used for this group of tools.

DefaultToolAdapter Client-Side Methods for attaching/detaching client-side event handlers

Name Arguments Description
add_toolClick Function Adds a handler for the toolClick DefaultToolAdapter client event.
remove_toolClick Function Removes a handler for the toolClick DefaultToolAdapter client event.
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