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This article explains how to configure the connections between two or more shapes in Telerik ASP.NET Diagramming component. Below you can find examples that show how to create a standard shape connection, as well as how to set intermediate connection points to a connection.

The DiagramConnection object is a visual link or connection in the graph or diagram. Each diagram has a connections collection, containing all configured connections. Connections are usually created in order to connect to shapes of a Diagram instance. Through the DiagramConnection object you have access to properties like StartCap and EndCap, and composite properties for configuring the FromSettings, HoverSettings, StrokeSettings, ToSettings, PointsCollection, etc.


The start cap (arrow, head or decoration) represents the beginning of the connection. The appearance of this point can be controlled by configuring its StartCap property:

  • "none"—no cap

  • "ArrowStart"—a filled arrow

  • "FilledCircle"—a filled circle

Figure 1. StartCap - the start point of a connection



The end cap (arrow, head or decoration) represents the end of the connection. The appearance of this point can be controlled by configuring its EndCap property:

  • "none"—no cap

  • "ArrowEnd"—a filled arrow

  • "FilledCircle"—a filled circle

Figure 2: EndCap - the end point of a connection



Defines the content settings for the connection, including the Text of the connection and the Color of the text.


Defines the connection settings for the source shape, including the ID of the shape and the Connector we will connect to.


Defines the connection settings for the target shape, including the ID of the shape and the Connector we will connect to.


Defines the stroke configuration of a connection. You can configure the following stroke-specific properties through the DiagramConnection's composite StrokeSettings property:

Color—defines the color of the connection.

Width—defines the thickness or width of the connection.

DashType—defines the dash type of the connection. The following dash types are supported:

  • "Solid"—a solid line.

  • "Dash"—a line consisting of dashes.

  • "DashDot"—a line consisting of a repeating pattern of dash-dot.

  • "Dot"—a line consisting of dots.

  • "LongDash"—a line consisting of a repeating pattern of long-dash.

  • "LongDashDot"—a line consisting of a repeating pattern of long-dash-dot.

  • "LongDashDotDot"—a line consisting of a repeating pattern of long-dash-dot-dot.

Figure 3: Connection Dash Types

diagram-structure-connections-strokesettings 1


Defines the hover configuration of a connection. Through the inner StrokeSetting's tag you can configure the preferable hover Color, Width and DashType of the hovered connection.

Figure 4. A connection with a defined hover color:

diagram-structure-connections-hoversettings 1


Sets the intermediate points of the connection (set in global coordinates according to the diagram SVG top left corner). It is important to note that currently these points cannot be manipulated in the interface.

Figure 5. Intermediate connection points


Example 1: Setting intermediate connection points:

<telerik:RadDiagram ID="RadDiagram1" runat="server">
        <telerik:DiagramShape Id="a1" Width="100" Height="60" X="20" Y="20"></telerik:DiagramShape>
        <telerik:DiagramShape Id="a2" Width="100" Height="60" X="300" Y="20"></telerik:DiagramShape>
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Telerik.Web.UI.DiagramConnection connection = new Telerik.Web.UI.DiagramConnection();
    connection.FromSettings.ShapeId = "a1";
    connection.ToSettings.ShapeId = "a2";
    connection.PointsCollection.Add(new Telerik.Web.UI.DiagramConnectionPoint() { X = 150, Y = 50 });
    connection.PointsCollection.Add(new Telerik.Web.UI.DiagramConnectionPoint() { X = 150, Y = 20 });
    connection.PointsCollection.Add(new Telerik.Web.UI.DiagramConnectionPoint() { X = 250, Y = 20 });
    connection.PointsCollection.Add(new Telerik.Web.UI.DiagramConnectionPoint() { X = 250, Y = 50 });
Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    Dim connection As New Telerik.Web.UI.DiagramConnection()
    connection.FromSettings.ShapeId = "a1"
    connection.ToSettings.ShapeId = "a2"
    connection.PointsCollection.Add(New Telerik.Web.UI.DiagramConnectionPoint() With {.X = 150, .Y = 50})
    connection.PointsCollection.Add(New Telerik.Web.UI.DiagramConnectionPoint() With {.X = 150, .Y = 20})
    connection.PointsCollection.Add(New Telerik.Web.UI.DiagramConnectionPoint() With {.X = 250, .Y = 20})
    connection.PointsCollection.Add(New Telerik.Web.UI.DiagramConnectionPoint() With {.X = 250, .Y = 50})
End Sub


By configuring the default connection settings you can preset the initial values for main properties like StartCap and EndCap, stroke active and hovercolor, etc. This lets you set common settings for all connections in the diagram instead of setting them for each individual connection.

Connections Configuration

Figure 6. A diagram with a Connection that utilizes the properties described above.


Example 2. How to use the Connection properties to configure their appearance:

<telerik:RadDiagram ID="RadDiagram2" runat="server">
    <LayoutSettings Type="Tree" Subtype="Right" Enabled="true">
        <telerik:DiagramShape Id="s1"></telerik:DiagramShape>
        <telerik:DiagramShape Id="s2"></telerik:DiagramShape>
        <telerik:DiagramConnection StartCap="FilledCircle" EndCap="ArrowEnd">
            <FromSettings ShapeId="s1" Connector="Right" />
            <ToSettings ShapeId="s2" Connector="Left" />
            <StrokeSettings Color="#4682B4" />
                <StrokeSettings Color="#e83737" />

See Also

In this article