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ClientDataSource Object - update()

Method which updates the values of the item with the specified model ID.

Parameters Description
newValues, id JSON formatted values to update in the item and the model ID of the item to be updated.
<telerik:RadClientDataSource runat="server" ID="RadClientDataSource1">
        <WebServiceDataSourceSettings ServiceType="OData">
            <Select Url="" />
        <Model ID="ProductID"></Model>
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" OnClientClick="buttonClick(); return false;" />
<script type="text/javascript">
    var dataSource;
    function pageLoad() {
        dataSource = $find('<%= RadClientDataSource1.ClientID %>');
    function buttonClick() {
        var data = dataSource.view();
        alert(data[0].ProductName); // displays "Chai"
        alert(data[0].UnitPrice); // displays "18"

            ProductName: "Success",
            UnitPrice: 9
        }, "1");

        data = dataSource.view();
        alert(data[0].ProductName); // displays "Success"
        alert(data[0].UnitPrice); // displays "9"
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