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Client-side Programming Overview

RadButton provides a flexible client-side API. You can easily interact with the button in the browser using the RadButton client-side object. In addition to a variety of client-side events, the client-side object model lets you achieve complicated tasks while avoiding unnecessary post-backs.

Getting the RadButton client-side object

RadButton creates a client-side object with the ClientID of the button. You can obtain the reference using the following JavaScript code:

var button = $find("<%= RadButton1.ClientID %>");
var button = $telerik.findButton("<%= RadButton1.ClientID %>");

Client-side Object Model

Telerik RadButton provides the following objects on the client-side:

Events and Properties Description
.add_load() The name of the javascript function called when the control loads.
.remove_load() Removes a handler for the load event
.add_clicking() The name of the javascript function called when the RadButton control is clicked.
.remove_clicking() Removes a handler for the clicking event.
.add_clicked() The name of the javascript function called when the RadButton control is clicked.
.remove_clicked() Removes a handler for the clicked event.
.add_mouseOver() The name of the javascript function called when the mouse hovers over the control.
.remove_mouseOver() Removes a handler for the mouseOver event.
.add_mouseOut() The name of the javascript function when the mouse leaves the control.
.remove_mouseOut() Removes a handler for the mouseOut event.
.add_checkedChanging() The name of the javascript function called when the Checked property of the RadButton control is about to be changed.
.remove_checkedChanging() Removes a handler for the checkedChanging event.
.add_checkedChanged() The name of the javascript function called after the Checked property of the RadButton control is changed.
.remove_checkedChanged() Removes a handler for the checkedChanged event.
.add_toggleStateChanging() The name of the javascript function called when the SelectedToggleStateIndex property of the RadButton control is about to be changed.
.remove_toggleStateChanging() Removes a handler for the toggleStateChanging event.
.add_toggleStateChanged() The name of the javascript function called after the SelectedToggleStateIndex property of the RadButton control is changed.
.remove_toggleStateChanged() Removes a handler for the toggleStateChanged event.
.clearCheckedRadios() Clears the checked state of the Radio buttons with the specified GroupName.
.focus() Brings the focus to the RadButton control.
.click() Executes programmatic button click. Accepts an optional boolean parameter that specifies whether the client-sideclicking eventofRadButton will be fired when the control is clicked programmatically. If the function is called without parameter, the clicking event will not be fired.
.get_enabled() Returns a value, indicating whether the button control is enabled.
.set_enabled() Sets whether the button is enabled. Set the true param to enable, or false to disable the button
.get_readOnly() Returns a value, indicating whether the button control is in read-only mode.
.set_readOnly() Sets a value, indicating whether the button control is in read-only mode.
.get_text() The text displayed in the RadButton control.
.set_text() Sets the text displayed in the RadButton control.
.get_toolTip() Gets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the RadButton control.
.set_toolTip() Sets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the RadButton control.
.get_uniqueID() Gets the unique, hierarchically qualified identifier for the RadButton control.
.get_checked() Gets a bool value indicating whether the RadButton control is checked.
.set_checked() Sets a bool value indicating whether the RadButton control is checked.
.get_buttonType() Gets the type of the button.
.get_toggleType() Gets the toggle type of the RadButton when used as a toggle button.
.get_target() Gets the target window or frame in which to display the Web page content linked to when the RadButton control is clicked. This property is specific for a RadButton configured as a LinkButton ( ButtonType="LinkButton" ).
.set_target() Sets the target window or frame in which to display the Web page content linked to when the RadButton control is clicked. This property is specific for a RadButton configured as a LinkButton ( ButtonType="LinkButton" ).
.get_navigateUrl() Gets the URL to link to when the RadButton control is clicked. This property is specific for a RadButton configured as a LinkButton ( ButtonType="LinkButton" ).
.set_navigateUrl() Sets the URL to link to when the RadButton control is clicked. This property is specific for a RadButton configured as a LinkButton ( ButtonType="LinkButton" ).
.get_primaryIconElement() Gets a reference to the HTML element that holds the primary icon.
.get_secondaryIconElement() Gets a reference to the HTML element that holds the secondary icon.
.get_textElement() Gets a reference to the HTML element that holds the text of the RadButton control.
.get_cssClass() Gets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class rendered by the RadButton control on the client.
.get_disabledCssClass() Gets the CSS class applied when the control is disabled.
.get_hoveredCssClass() Gets the CSS class applied to the RadButton control when the mouse pointer is over the control.
.get_pressedCssClass() Gets the CSS class applied to the RadButton control when the control is pressed.
.get_commandName() Gets the command name associated with the RadButton control that is passed to the Command event.
.set_commandName() Sets the command name associated with the RadButton control that is passed to the Command event.
.get_commandArgument() Gets an optional parameter passed to the Command event along with the associated CommandName.
.set_commandArgument() Sets an optional parameter passed to the Command event along with the associated CommandName
.get_autoPostBack() Gets a bool value indicating whether the RadButton control automatically posts back to the server when clicked.
.set_autoPostBack() Sets or sets a bool value indicating whether the RadButton control automatically posts back to the server when clicked.
.get_toggleStates() Gets a collection of RadButtonToggleState objects that belong to the RadButton control.
.get_selectedToggleState() Gets the currently selected ToggleState of the RadButton control when used as a custom toggle button.
.get_selectedToggleStateIndex() Gets the index of the currently selected ToggleState of the RadButton control, when used as a custom toggle button.
.set_selectedToggleStateIndex() Sets the index of the currently selected ToggleState of the RadButton control, when used as a custom toggle button.
.get_groupName() Gets the name of the group that the RadButton of ToggleType=Radio, belongs to.
.get_height() Gets the height of the RadButton control.
.get_width() Gets the width of the RadButton control.
.get_enableSplitButton() Specifies whether the 'Split Button' functionality is Enabled/Disabled.
.IsImageButton() Gets a bool value indicating whether the button is an image button
.IsInputTypeSubmit() Gets a bool value indicating whether the button is a submit button
.get_singleClick() Gets a bool value indicating whether the RadButton control will be immediately disabled after the user has clicks it.(i.e. enables/disables "Single Click" functionality)
.get_singleClickText() Gets the text displayed in the RadButton control after the button is being clicked and disabled. (i.e. the text used for the 'Single Click' functionality)
.enableAfterSingleClick() Enables the button and restores the button's text, after it has been disabled by a single click.
.get_visible() Gets a bool value indicating whether the button is visible.
.set_visible() Shows/hides the button.
.get_validationGroup() Gets the name of ValidationGroup to which RadButton is assigned.
.set_validationGroup() Sets the validation group to which RadButton should be assigned.


Properties Description
.get_index() Gets the 0-based index of the ToggleState object in the ToggleStates collection.
.get_text() Gets the text displayed in the RadButton control.
.get_cssClass() Gets the CSS class applied to the RadButton control.
.get_hoveredCssClass() Gets the CSS class applied to the RadButton control when the mouse pointer is over the control.
.get_pressedCssClass() Gets the CSS class applied to the RadButton control when the control is pressed.
.get_height() Gets the height of the RadButton control.
.get_width() Gets the width of the RadButton control.
.get_primaryIconCssClass() Gets the CSS class applied to the Primary Icon.
.get_primaryIconUrl() Gets the URL to the image used as Primary Icon.
.get_primaryHoveredIconUrl() Gets the URL to the image showed when the Primary Icon is hovered.
.get_primaryPressedIconUrl() Gets the URL to the image showed when the Primary Icon is pressed.
.get_primaryIconHeight() Gets the Height of the Primary Icon.
.get_primaryIconWidth() Gets the Width of the Primary Icon.
.get_primaryIconTop() Gets the top edge of the Primary Icon, relative to the RadButton control's wrapper element.
.get_primaryIconLeft() Gets the left edge of the Primary Icon, relative to the RadButton control's wrapper element.
.get_primaryIconBottom() Gets the bottom edge of the Primary Icon, relative to the RadButton control's wrapper element.
.get_primaryIconRight() Gets the right edge of the Primary Icon, relative to the RadButton control's wrapper element.
.get_secondaryIconCssClass() Gets the CSS class applied to the Secondary Icon.
.get_secondaryIconUrl() Gets the URL to the image used as Secondary Icon.
.get_secondaryHoveredIconUrl() Gets the URL to the image showed when the Secondary Icon is hovered.
.get_secondaryPressedIconUrl() Gets the URL to the image showed when the Secondary Icon is pressed.
.get_secondaryIconHeight() Gets the Height of the Secondary Icon.
.get_secondaryIconWidth() Gets the Width of the Secondary Icon.
.get_secondaryIconTop() Gets the top edge of the Secondary Icon, relative to the RadButton control's wrapper element.
.get_secondaryIconLeft() Gets the left edge of the Secondary Icon, relative to the RadButton control's wrapper element.
.get_secondaryIconBottom() Gets the bottom edge of the Secondary Icon, relative to the RadButton control's wrapper element.
.get_secondaryIconRight() Gets the right edge of the Secondary Icon, relative to the RadButton control's wrapper element.
.get_isBackgroundImage() Gets a bool value indicating how the iImage is used - i.e. as a background image or as an Image Button.
.get_imageUrl() Gets the location of an image to display in the RadButton control.
.get_hoveredImageUrl() Gets the location of an image to display in the RadButton control, when the mouse pointer is over the control.
.get_pressedImageUrl() Gets the location of an image to display in the RadButton control, when the control is pressed.
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