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UI for PHP Forum
1 answer

Similar issue to   ,  in the PHP library these files all have  invalid classnames (probably autogenerated) :




These should be deleted, there are correctly name duplicate files for each ( PDFViewerDplProcessingDownload.php , PDFViewerDplProcessingRead.php PDFViewerDplProcessingUpload.php )

I would have done a pull requiest myself, but the PHP library is not a public repository.

This is in the latest version: telerik.ui.for.php.2022.3.1109.commercial 


Telerik team
 answered on 15 Dec 2022
3 answers
Hi, i'm a newb in codeigniter and have a nice project and i want to use / purchase Kendo Ui, but is ther a tutorial, how a can add and use kendo ui in codeigniter ??

An MVC example would by nice.

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 answered on 21 Apr 2021
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This is not so much a question, but more tip for those looking to do the same.

I'm usiing Kendo + PHP Wrappers in various projects and for all my new projects I have started using composer as an easy way to reuse code and pull in external libraries. The only frustration I had was that I couldn't use this method to pull in the Kendo library.

So I decided to create my own little composer package, which is basically just a wrapper for the entire Kendo library. It contains both the PHP files and the js/css files.

For my most recent project I am using the Laravel 4 Framework (awesome, check it out:, so my package is focused on Laravel, but really it should work for all frameworks (no laravel dependencies).

Since Kendo PHP is not open source, I could not simply create a github project and be done with it. Instead I set up a private Composer repository using Satis, using this tutorial: composer/satis tutorial

That was fairly straightforward and easy to do. To host the library, I created a private subversion repository on my private server (I'll be migrating everything to git once I have more time...) which contains the kendo js, css and php files.

The next step was to make sure that when I include the Kendo Composer package, the Composer Autoload function works as expected. To make that work, I had to add the following section to my composer.json file:
"autoload": {
    "classmap": [
This will ensure that whenever composer updates or installs, it scans the entire library folder and generates a classmap for autoloading. You won't have to manually include any more classes and when the Kendo library is updated, a simple composer update should do the trick for you.

I just thought I'd share this with everyone in case people are trying to do the same. If you would like to get a similar setup and run into issues, I'm more than happy to help! :)

Telerik team
 answered on 18 Aug 2020
3 answers


This file is included in the latest version of the UI for PHP source file (, and has an invalid classname with a period. This just needs to be removed from the package because there is /DiagramConnectionDefaultsEndCapStroke.php in the same folder and same methods, with correct classname.


Konstantin Dikov
Telerik team
 answered on 10 May 2019
3 answers

There should be an open event for the mobile actionsheet (according to the docs at: ) but looks like it never fires.


The code needs one additional line to trigger the event: = function(target, context) {
            var that = this;
   = $(target);
            that.context = context;
    that.trigger('open', { target: target, context: context }); /* trigger open event*/


Telerik team
 answered on 19 Apr 2019
4 answers


I am using renderInTemplate() to nest some widget, in particular, grid inside a window, I discovered the following method is missing to replace # in case the widget is nested inside another and the inner one contains in its definition a template string, so I suggest to patch width in a similar way ( more testing by your side is needed but It permitted to remova a Uncaught Error: Invalid template:' error in my application )


     public function renderInTemplate() {
        $this->isClientTemplate = true;
        $output = $this->render();
        $this->isClientTemplate = false;
        $output = str_replace('</script>', '<\\/script>', $output);

        // ADD THIS LINE to Replace also hash to prevent Uncaught Error: Invalid template:'

        return str_replace('#', '\\#', $output);



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 answered on 23 Apr 2018
3 answers

I am using PHP wrapper to generate a Kendo UI Grid. But the view factory that I am using use jQuery and other stuff (doesn't matter). So, when I try it to generate a page in the application and add the code that generates Kendo UI Grid. The browser fires an exception because 'jQuery' object doesn't exist. I tried jQuery. ( API but it didn't work.

Is there an option in Kendo UI wrappers to the symbol or the name that it should use for jQuery?

Telerik team
 answered on 26 Dec 2017
1 answer

Guys, can you tell me something about the webservice? Is there any possible to create a webservice in php to get exactly the same results like here:

Where could I find something equivalent in php as a similar things to:

any tips/links/suggestions?

Telerik team
 answered on 06 Nov 2017
1 answer

DFWMM01:telerik.ui.for.php.2017.1.118.commercial kerteszk$ php wrappers/php/scheduler/date-grouping.php

Parse error: parse error in /Users/kerteszk/Downloads/telerik.ui.for.php.2017.1.118.commercial/wrappers/php/scheduler/date-grouping.php on line 204

There's an extra semicolon here:

        ->addView(array('type' => 'day', 'startTime' => new DateTime('2013/6/13 7:00')),
            array('type' => 'week', 'selected' => true, 'startTime' => new DateTime('2013/6/13 7:00')), 'month', 'timeline');

Alex Hajigeorgieva
Telerik team
 answered on 27 Jan 2017
4 answers
I have setup the library for the Kendo PHP wrappers  via the classmapmap generator within a ZF2 module

My main question or perhaps request for guidance is how  are you implementing/integrating the PHP wrappers with  the MVC  side? If anyone has any thoughts or pointers how you are doing it in Zend Framework or your chosen framework  it would be much appreciated. 

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 answered on 21 Jul 2016
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