Telerik blogs


HTML5 Report Viewer Data- Attributes
Help article elaborating on HTML5 Report Viewer Data- Attributes introduced as of Telerik Reporting Q2 2014 SP1 version

HTML5 Report Viewer commands
Help article elaborating on the HTML5 Report Viewer commands introduced as of Telerik Reporting Q2 2014 SP1 version


Latest blogposts:

Blog post:Adding custom dialogs to Sitefinity ContentBlock. Any content link selector for ContentBlock
This blogpost demonstrates how to implement a custom Content Block tool, which could open new dialog with additional setting.

Blog post:Implement custom "System is restarting..." message in Sitefinity
Demonstrates an easy way to change the default "System is restarting..." message with a custom one. 

Latest Knowledge base articles:

KB:How to fix incorrectly resolved on the frontend multilingual links to the non-default culture on the frontend in Sitefinity Ecommerce products
This KB addresses cases which have experienced the following bug, where inserting links for cultures other than the default in Ecommerce Long Text Fields is causing them to be resolved incorrectly on the frontend.

KB:Return Code 0 error when editing dynamic items after upgrade to 7.1
This article addresses a case when after upgrading to Sitefinity 7.1, users are unable to edit child items in hierarchicaldynamic modules. When an item is opened for edit, they user is presented with the Return Code 0 popup.

New documentation articles:

Documentation article:Localization
Provides information how to localize your site using Sitefinity API.

Helper  article:Localize pages
Provides information how to localize page using Sitefinity API.

Helper  article:Localize content items
Provides information how to localize content items using Sitefinity API.

Helper article:Localize dynamic content items
Provides information how to localize dynamic content items using Sitefinity API.

Helper article:Create a localized department
Provides information how to localize Ecommerce department using Sitefinity API.

Helper article:Add a translation to a localized department
Provides information how to add a translation to a localized Ecommerce department using Sitefinity API.

Helper article:Query, modify, and delete a localized department
Provides information how to query, modify, and delete a localized Ecommerce department using Sitefinity API.

And finally, here is a list of all updated articles:

UI for Silverlight

Events Overview
This topic covers the specific events exposed by DataProviders of RadPivotGrid control.

This example demonstrates the usage of EditorAttribute.
Flag Enum Editor
This example demonstrates the usage of FlagEnumEditor.
This example demonstrates how to show a tooltip for PropertyGridField's GroupName.
ReadOnly Editor State
This example demonstrates the ReadOnly editor state.
ReadOnly PropertyDefinitions
This example demonstrates how to control which property definitions to be read only.
This example demonstrates how to scroll to a particular PropertyDefinition and selecting it.

Visual Structure
This help topic explains the basic elements of the ScheduleView control.

Create Modify Export
The example covers an end-to-end example of how to create, modify and export a workbook.

UI for WPF

Events Overview
This topic covers the specific events exposed by DataProviders of RadPivotGrid control.

This example demonstrates the usage of EditorAttribute.
Flag Enum Editor
This example demonstrates the usage of FlagEnumEditor.
This example demonstrates how to show a tooltip for PropertyGridField's GroupName.
ReadOnly Editor State
This example demonstrates the ReadOnly editor state.
ReadOnly PropertyDefinitions
This example demonstrates how to control which property definitions to be read only.
This example demonstrates how to scroll to a particular PropertyDefinition and selecting it.

Visual Structure
This help topic explains the basic elements of the ScheduleView control.

Create Modify Export
The example covers an end-to-end example of how to create, modify and export a workbook.

UI for WinForms

The article shows how the control looks like with the different themes.

Reordering Rows
The article shows how the end user can reorder the rows.

Updated help article

Working with items
Now shows how one can select multiple items with code.

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