Telerik blogs

Telerik OpenAccess ORM

How to: Bulk Delete Artificial Types
In Q2 2013 OpenAccess ORM introduced the support of server-side bulk operations. This article will provide you with both examples and details about the usage of the DeleteAll() method on artificial types.

How to: Bulk Update Artificial Types
One of the bulk operations supported by OpenAccess ORM is server-side update. It is performed with the help of the UpdateAll() method and this article will demonstrate to you how you can use it for artificial types.

Telerik Reporting

Graph Item Actions
Help article elaborating on the interactivity in the newly introduced Graph item.


How to Create Mega Menu with Sitefinity provides a sample of creating mega menu with tabs.

One to many relations in module builder explains the concept of relating items in complex relations and provides further explanation on previous blog posts about the same.

How to exclude a page from sitefintiy search, provides guidance on the topic of making modification of sitefinity search to exlude certain pages or search under a single group page only.

Working with sitefinity permissions API extend the explanations from the documentation about permissions API and how to effectively work with it.

Adding intellisence capabilities to RadControls used in class librararies project provides a solution that will enable developers to faster develop custom sitefinity tools and controls.

Rad Controls for ASP.NET AJAX

Replacing the Default SharePoint Navigation Menu with Telerik’s ASP.NET AJAX Menu
A blog post describing how the default SharePoint Navigation Menu can be replaced with the Telerik's RadMenu.

Keyboard Support
New help article describing how to use the RadDropDownTree control with the keyboard

How to Pre-Select a Node Based on Text or Value
A help article describing how to pre-select a node from the dropdown in the RadDropDownTree

Export to Excel (NEW Feature)
RadPivotGrid now supports export to Excel.

Lightweight Render Mode
The new Lightweight rendering mode, as its name implies, yields completely different markup making maximum use of CSS 3 and semantic HTML.

Input Resizing
Improved resizing functionality of RadTextBox.

New mask element for the mask string.

This article explains how to use validators with RadInput.

Rad Controls for Silverlight

RadContextMenu Changes
In this article you will find out the latest changes for RadContextMenu.
RadContextMenu Binding to Dynamic Data
We have updated this article in order to provide easier way for populating RadContextMenu with dynamic data.
RadContextMenu Add Scrolling
In this article you will find out our entire new feature - add scrolling for your RadContextMenu and its submenus with just a few lines of code.

RadDiagram Events
The article is updated to describe the events related to the display of the AdditionalContent

This SDK example demonstrates how the built-in SaveLoadLayout feature works and the newly released ExcludedFromLayoutSave feature.

This SDK example demonstrates how to use the built-in exporting service in order to achieve printing of the contents of the control.

Styling the GridViewEditorPresenter
This article explains how to change the appearance of a cell when it enters edit mode.

RadPivotGrid Persist LocalDataSourceProvider
In this article you will find out how to persist LocalDataSourceProvider's settings via RadPersistenceFramework.
RadPivotGrid Persist XmlaDataProvider
In this article you will find out how to persist XmlaDataProvider's settings via RadPersistenceFramework.

RadRichTextBox annotations
Two new articles explain in detail the purpose and use of annotations with code samples covering the most commonly targeted scenarios.
RadRichTextBox fields
This article lists the fields implemented in RadDocument and the common cases when they are to be used.
RadRichTextBox Code Blocks
The article explains the newly released Code Block feature of RadRichTextBox.
RadRichTextBox Custom Code Formatting Language
The SDK example demonstrates how you can plug a custom formatting language which to be used in the Code Block dialog.

RadSpreadsheet Formulas
This part of the documentation explains the Formulas support in RadSpreadhseet.
RadSpreadsheet Hyperlink
In this article you can find information about the newly released Hyperlink feature of RadSpreadsheet.

Rad Controls for WPF

RadContextMenu Changes
In this article you will find out the latest changes for RadContextMenu.
RadContextMenu Binding to Dynamic Data
We have updated this article in order to provide easier way for populating RadContextMenu with dynamic data.
RadContextMenu Add Scrolling
In this article you will find out our entire new feature - add scrolling for your RadContextMenu and its submenus with just a few lines of code.

RadDiagram Events
The article is updated to describe the events related to the display of the AdditionalContent

This SDK example demonstrates how the built-in SaveLoadLayout feature works and the newly released ExcludedFromLayoutSave feature.

This SDK example demonstrates how to use the built-in exporting service in order to achieve printing of the contents of the control.

Styling the GridViewEditorPresenter
This article explains how to change the appearance of a cell when it enters edit mode.

RadPivotGrid Persist LocalDataSourceProvider
In this article you will find out how to persist LocalDataSourceProvider's settings via RadPersistenceFramework.
RadPivotGrid Persist XmlaDataProvider
In this article you will find out how to persist XmlaDataProvider's settings via RadPersistenceFramework.
RadPivotGrid Persist AdomdDataProvider
In this article you will find out how to persist AdomdDataProvider's settings via RadPersistenceFramework.

RadRichTextBox annotations
Two new articles explain in detail the purpose and use of annotations with code samples covering the most commonly targeted scenarios.
RadRichTextBox fields
This article lists the fields implemented in RadDocument and the common cases when they are to be used.
RadRichTextBox Code Blocks
The article explains the newly released Code Block feature of RadRichTextBox.
RadRichTextBox Custom Code Formatting Language
The SDK example demonstrates how you can plug a custom formatting language which to be used in the Code Block dialog.

RadSpreadsheet Formulas
This part of the documentation explains the Formulas support in RadSpreadhseet.
RadSpreadsheet Hyperlink
In this article you can find information about the newly released Hyperlink feature of RadSpreadsheet.

Rad Controls for WinForms

A few words on the controls purpose

Control Element Structure
Explaining the element structure of the control

The article demonstrates the control's customization abilities

A brief overview of the control

Getting started
Walk through to getting started with RadTrackBar

Control Element Structure
Explanation of the control's element structure

Programming RadTrackBar
See the most important properties and method in the control

Explaining the different modes of the control - start from the beginning, mutli-range

The article explains how to customize the different elements in RadTrackBar

Rad Controls for Windows Phone 7

Announcement blog post

Cloud Data Synchronization
Product Page
Blog Post
Forum Thread

Image Editor
Product Page
Blog Post
Forum thread

Async/Await support in MessageBox
Blog Post

Rad Controls for Windows Phone 8

Announcement blog post

Cloud Data Synchronization
Product Page
Blog Post
Forum Thread

Image Editor
Product Page
Blog Post
Forum thread

Async/Await support in MessageBox
Blog Post

About the Author

Ivailo Ivanov

 is Team Lead in Telerik Data Access


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