Telerik blogs
  • Web

    An MVVM Approach to Telerik Domain Services for Silverlight

    There are only about 7 hours we have left in 2010 and this will be my last blog post for this year. For those of you who are not familiar with the new RadDomainDataSource control for Silverlight, here is my introductory blog post. This one describes how to load data with the new control and this one is about performing CRUD. Having read these three blogs might lead you to the next logical question: What about MVVM support? I truly believe that every time someone places an UI element or a control in his view model, a baby kitten dies somewhere. So what can...
    December 31, 2010
  • Web

    Creating CRUD application with RadDomainDataSource for Silverlight

    I will extend my colleague’s blog post series regarding RadDomainDataSource control with an example how to create simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) application. For more information how to load data initially you can take a look at this blog post. Along with RadDomainDataSource control Telerik provides codeless solution for CRUD operations powered by WCF RIA Services. The solution is a combination between RadGridView and RadDomainDataSource.   First let’s create a default Silverlight project as following:     Next step is to create ADO.NET Entity data model called Northwind.edmx. For the sake of the example I’ll create this entity model with a Northwnd.mdf...
    December 28, 2010
  • Web

    Loading data with RadDomainDataSource for Silverlight

    will continue the series of blog posts about RadDomainDataSource with the most important one – the one about loading data. If you are not familiar with RadDomainDataSource then you should go back and read my introductory blog post. Let us move straight to the data load lifecycle. Triggering a Load A load operation can be triggered in two ways. You can either call the Load method explicitly or you can rely on the AutoLoad functionality, which I will explain later in this post. Building The Query After a load has been requested a query based on user input is constructed on the client. This query tells the...
    December 27, 2010
  • Release

    Introducing RadDomainDataSource for Silverlight

    am happy to announce that we have added a new data control to our Silverlight portfolio with one of our latest internal builds. The control will have its official premiere with the upcoming 2010 Q3 Service Pack 1, which is expected in early January. With the release of this service pack you will get access to all of RadDomainDataSource online examples. Since the first version of RadDomainDataSource is now 100% feature complete and has already passed QA, we have decided that we might as well share it with you as a small Christmas present. RadDomainDataSource is a Silverlight control that provides the missing...
    December 24, 2010
  • Desktop WPF

    Programatically selecting visual items with the new Interactivity API in RadChart for Silverlight / WPF

    Hi everyone! As you know RadChart supports selection and hover interactivity effects and 2010.Q3 release exposes an API that allows you, the developer, to control it. Now I am going to show you how you can select any number of items only by moving your mouse.   First let’s start with the rectangle selector that the user draws with its mouse. I have added a canvas on top of the Radchart to hold the rectangle. We need to listen to MouseLeftButtonDown, MouseMove and MouseLeftButtonUp events to control the rectangle position and size. The tricky part is how to convert the size of the rectangle...
    December 16, 2010