Telerik blogs


Tomorrow I will be delivering a lecture at the NT Conference in beautiful Slovenia. My talk will be about one of my favorite topics as of late:


Proper usage of data visualization in your dashboard and business applications

“Many dashboards and business apps we see every day suffer from poor design causing them to fail their primary purpose: to convey a lot of information in a small amount of space in a manner that is clear and immediate. If you attend this lecture you will learn how to avoid the most common mistakes in data visualization and will gain valuable insight on how to better present your data”


If you are at the NT conference and you this stuff interests you I would be more than happy to answer your questions on speak with you after the lecture.


Telerik fans will be happy to hear that together with me here in Slovenia is Stephen Forte who will be talking about agile and OData.


Apart from having us speak there, Telerik is also a bronze sponsor of the event and running a promotion on Team Pulse for everyone who attends, so make sure to check in your backpack for that promotion coupon!

About the Author

Vladimir Milev

Vladimir Milev is a developer manager.


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