Telerik blogs

    Our main efforts for the Q2 2009 release were focused on the table item and as you can see from the release notes, we've added quite a few airs and graces here and there. Most noticeable of all being the two helper items - Table Wizard and CrossTab Wizard, print on every page ability for the ColumnGroup/RowGroup headers, GroupKeepTogether and various design time improvements - merge/split, keyboard navigation/selection and edit.

Two improvements to the Report API - Processing Error Handling and the ability to hide the print progress dialog when printing a report programmatically

For all of you Excel lovers out there - we've added standard percent, custom numeric and custom date-time formatting to our "arsenal".

Another major change/improvement has been introduced to the Reporting runtime. The number of assemblies needed for deployment has been reduced to two - Telerik.Reporting.dll and the assembly for the respective viewer (Telerik.ReportViewer.WinForms.dll for Windows Forms and Telerik.ReportViewer.WebForms.dll for web forms). Step by step deployment instructions are available in the Deploying Telerik Reporting on a Server help article.

    Last but not least, a small performance tip for the crosstab report - we've replaced the complex expressions in the ColumnGroup, responsible for the quarter number calculation with an user function.

This way the report processing gets a boost of seven seconds, due to the fact that the user function is compiled code and would not be evaluated numerous times by our processing engine, which is

Various fixes were applied to all other reporting aspects, so please check the full release notes for details.

About the Author

Vassil Petev

is a Product Manager at Telerik. Loves gadgets, sailing, skiing and DJing.


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