Telerik blogs
  • Web

    How To: Export grid to PDF file and show the result using the window

    I've made small demo how to export the grid content to a PDF file and show the result using RadWindow: When you click the "Export" button in RadToolBar the page will be reloaded and if the export is successful the application will open RadWindow to show the exported file. Initially the "Delete" button is disabled however once the window is shown the button will be enabled. To delete the exported file you can click the "Delete" button or just close the window. [Live | Download]...
    December 08, 2008
  • Release

    New feature: ASP.NET AJAX grid filter template

    With the next Telerik.Web.UI service pack you will be able to specify your own template for filtering in grid template columns: and using the grid powerful client-side API you can tell the grid to filter specified data source according to selected conditions: The result: Easy and powerful filtering customization in less than a minute! I've used EntityDataSource for my demo connected to Northwind Customers table (and distinct Country from Customers for the combo) and all operations are applied directly to the data-base server without need to write any code: [Live | Download]...
    December 03, 2008
  • Web

    Codeless client-side data-binding to ADO.NET DataService

    I'm happy to announce that with our next service pack you will be able to bind the grid completely codeless to ADO.NET DataService. With this great new feature you will get full REST support for paging, sorting and filtering without writing any code: pure JSON response: and all operations are applied directly to the data-base server: [Live | Download]...
    November 28, 2008
  • Web

    Filter as you type and custom pager for the grid with client binding

    I've made small demo on how to filter as you type client bound grid with custom pager: You can use the grid client-side DataBinding event to build your own filter expression: and the grid client-side DataBound event to customize your already defined pager template:   [Live | Download]...
    November 18, 2008
  • Web

    REST Service Calls with grid client binding

      Inspired by Nikhil's blog post about C# 4.0 - Dynamic REST Service Calls I've made small demo how to bind the grid to Flickr REST API  and here is the result:   You can configure the service to return JSON and deserialize the result: and since we don't need all the data you can use LINQ to turn the result into more understandable objects: Enjoy!   [Live | Download]...
    November 12, 2008