Telerik blogs
  • Desktop WPF

    XAML-SDK solutions and projects

    Since the official Q1 2013 release of RadControls for Silverlight and WPF we introduced a new online resource, the XAML GitHub repository. This blog post will explain the main functionalities of the XAML SDK, what could be found in its content and how to work with the included solutions and project.
  • Release

    Extending the functionality of RadControls with Attached Properties

    Every developer has found him or herself in the situation where a control is missing the one feature that would be perfect in a specific situation or they would love to have a slightly different behavior of an existing feature. This is where attached properties come in handy. Attached properties could be used to extend the functionality of a control with very little implementation on our side. In this blog post I will demonstrate how to implement some basic attached properties in specific scenarios to extend the functionality of a WPF / Silverlight control.
    January 14, 2013