Telerik blogs
  • People

    Agile Seminars in Pune, India this January

    Telerik and e-Zest will be sponsoring two Agile seminars on January 18th at the MCCIA in Pune, India. Hope to see you there! Seminars on Agile Development and Testing Tuesday January 18th 2011 @ MCCIA, Pune   INTRODUCTION The Agile methodology has been adopted at many organizations. Unfortunately, many still struggle with the various methodologies (XP, Scrum, Kanban, etc) and can’t settle on just one. While some organizations do have successes is implementing Agile with the development team, they tend to forget other vital parts of the process, mainly testing. We will present two separate seminars, one on how to choose which agile methodology (or how to mix and match several pieces) to implement in your...
    December 15, 2010
  • Productivity

    Telerik Data Services Wizard Updates

    If you are creating OData or WCF services in your application and have been using the Telerik Data Services Wizard, things just got a whole lot easier. As I have shown before, you can go from File|New to a new CRUD application in 30 seconds using the wizard. With the Q3 release last month, Telerik gives you more control over the wizard and its output. Some of the new features are: the ability to isolate your service in its own project, the ability to select which CRUD methods gets created for each entity, and Silverlight data validation. Let’s take a look. When you run the wizard, on its first...
    December 08, 2010
  • Productivity

    Convert an Existing LINQ to SQL Model to Telerik OpenAccess in 30 Seconds

    If you are currently invested in LINQ to SQL and want to upgrade to Telerik OpenAccess ORM, with the new OpenAccess Q3 release you can do this quite easily. There is a new wizard included with OpenAccess that will automatically convert your LINQ to SQL classes to Telerik LINQ classes. Let’s take a look. I’ll start with a simple project that has a simple LINQ to SQL model in it: Northwind.dbml. It is mapped to the Northwind database tables. I created a simple web form that has a GridView on it. I decided that I would try to stump the wizard by writing a complex LINQ...
    December 07, 2010
  • Desktop

    Facebook Client for Your Desktop

    Back at the PDC 2009 in Los Angeles, CA, Brian Goldfarb showed off the “Microsoft Silverlight Client for Facebook Beta”. It was released by Microsoft in early 2010 and had millions of downloads for both Windows and the Mac. Over the past few months, the Facebook app has been further developed by Telerik and is now available as the first official version under its new name: Telerik f!acedeck. Telerik has taken over the application from Microsoft and will continue its further development and support as a free application for everyone to enjoy. Telerik f!acedeck delivers a superior experience to Facebook users and offers unique features: such as drag-and-drop from the...
    December 03, 2010
  • Productivity

    Building a Data Warehouse Part V: Application Development Options

    [repost from Stephen Forte's Blog] See also: Part I: When to build your data warehouse Part II: Building a new schema Part III: Location of your data warehouse Part IV: Extraction, Transformation, and Load In Part I we looked at the advantages of building a data warehouse independent of cubes/a BI system and in Part II we looked at how to architect a data warehouse’s table schema. In Part III, we looked at where to put the data warehouse tables. In Part IV, we are going to look at how to populate those tables and keep them in sync with your OLTP system. Today, our last part in this...
    October 01, 2010