Telerik blogs
  • Productivity Testing

    UI Testing with Xcode 7 and Telerik UI for iOS

    At Telerik we know how important is for our customers to have stable and reliable product. That is why we take testing seriously. We know that automated tests allow us to verify that the whole product is functioning correctly. Until now, we used UIAutomation for unit tests to ensure that our API is functioning properly. Regarding UI tests, we tried different tools and products. However, no one was able to handle our requirements. Therefore, based on our own experience and our customers' experience, we built our own tool - Telerik Test Studio - which already implements and is going to implement a bunch of the features we were not able to find anywhere else. More information about it you can find at the bottom of the article and soon we will make a deep dive into how to test UI for iOS with Telerik Test Studio. The main topic of the blog today, however, is the UI testing tool included in Xcode 7 which came as a nice surprise and complements Telerik Test Studio nicely. Read on to learn more about these two tools.
    September 15, 2015