Telerik blogs
  • Release

    Telerik Assembly Minifier - official release

    What is Assembly Minifier If you still don’t know what it is: You should first read my previous post, where I announced the first Beta version of the tool You can watch the “Introduction to Assembly Minifier” video, kindly provided by Todd Anglin and Telerik TV You can read “why Silverlight application size matters” (the xap file) and how Assembly Minifier helps you reduce the XAP file size - by Todd Anglin. Read more… You can go to,  get your reduced Silverlight assemblies, build your application's XAP file with the new assemblies and significantly improve your application performance and downloading experience   What is New in the Q2 2010...
  • Productivity

    Telerik Assembly Minifier

    What is it? Telerik Assembly Minifier is a tool that lets you extract only the controls’ classes and resources you need to use in your application development, thus significantly reducing the size of the assemblies. Using the Assembly Minifier you will achieve significantly better loading time when the XAP files containing the minified (optimized) assemblies are to be loaded on the client side. Reducing (minifying) the size of Telerik Silverlight assemblies In order to minify the assemblies, you should: Open the application at: Browse and upload Telerik Silverlight Assemblies, the ones that you want to optimize. See the tips at the bottom, for more information on uploading. After you select...
  • Web

    Decouple RadRibbonBar with Composite Silverlight (Prism)

    Let's suppose we want to decouple our application that uses RadRibbonBar as a main menu. Doing this using Composite Application Guidelines (Prism) is common scenario, so let's see how to achieve it. We'll make our RadRibbonBar to serve as RegionManager (This is possible because RadRibbonBar inherits from ItemsControl) and the RadRibbonTabs as actual views that will be plugged-in. So first we start with declaring RadRibbonBar as RegionManager : <telerikRibbonBar:RadRibbonBar Regions:RegionManager.RegionName="RibbonRegion" /> Having Region we can focus on creating the actual views. Let's add new Silverlight class library project and name it SalesRibbonTab. Now we need the view itself, so add new class let's say Ribbon...