Telerik blogs
  • Desktop

    Using the Grid App Template in Windows 8

    Microsoft Visual Studio offers a number of templates for building Windows 8 applications. In most of my postings, we’ve been using the Blank application template, but the Grid App template is extremely powerful. Unfortunately, it is not obvious how to adapt it to your own data and it doesn’t come with an instruction manual.
    January 22, 2013
  • Mobile

    Windows 8–Conference Buddy. Reading JSON From A File

    I’d like to have a page in Conference Buddy that lists all the customer contacts. We’re currently writing these contacts to file in JSON format. My goal for today is to read that file and populate a ListView with the contents, using data binding.
    January 17, 2013
  • Mobile

    Windows 8 GridView, ListView and SnapView

    Every Windows 8 application must also support SnapView, in which your application is allocated 320x768 pixels – that is, your application is squeezed into a relatively thin sliver on the left or right of the screen. GridView leaves much to be desired in SnapView and the common solution is to hide your GridView and to display the same data in a ListView, which works well in those dimensions as it scrolls vertically.
    January 17, 2013
  • Mobile

    Windows 8–Grid View

    GridView is one of the most powerful out-of-the-box controls in Windows 8, but fully understanding how to use it is not necessarily trivial. The complexity, I believe, comes because GridViews are often used to hold groups of collections, rather than simple collections. The GridView template assumes that it will be displaying groups of collections of items, and this can make working with the GridView, initially, more complex than it would otherwise be.
    December 18, 2012