Telerik blogs
  • Productivity Testing

    30 Days of TDD – Day Eight – Dealing With Defects

    I’ve previously discussed a bit of the TDD workflow; start with a requirement, derive a test from the requirement, write just enough code to make that test pass, repeat. This is sometimes referred to as “Red, Green, Refactor” which I’ll be coming back to several times over the course of this series. In this post I’ll show you how this approach can be extended to dealing with software defects.
    September 25, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    30 Days of TDD: Day Seven – Software Factories and DI Frameworks

    In the previous post I showed you how by starting to leverage the SOLID principles you can unlock the practice of Dependency Injection (DI). I also demonstrated how DI can help you write code that is free of static bindings, which makes your code flexible, open to change and testable. In this post I’ll demonstrate some practical techniques to manage the dependencies in your application by using software factories and DI frameworks.
    September 23, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    30 Days of TDD: Day Six – What Is Dependency Injection?

    In this series we’ve already discussed the basics of TDD by creating our first test and then making that test pass. Last time I discussed the SOLID principles and how they help us in our practice of TDD. This time we’ll put two of the SOLID principles into practical application by discussing Dependency Injection.
    September 20, 2013
  • Productivity

    JustCode! Now in .NET 4.0!

    In the past we’ve taken great pride in the new and exciting features we’ve added to our JustCode product. Be it the ability to run JavaScript unit tests in the same test runner as your C# and VB.Net code or the ability to debug decompiled code right in Visual Studio, the team has made pushing the envelope and delivering great innovative features a habit. And more great stuff is on the way!
    September 19, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    30 Days of TDD: Day Five – Make Your Code SOLID

    In the previous two posts we started our practice of TDD with a simple example of a requirement, a couple of test cases and tests to match. We implemented the code necessary to make those tests pass. Along the way we discussed some of the tools we’ll be using going forward, including NUnit and JustCode. In this post I’ll be discussing the SOLID principals and how they can help with your practice of TDD and help you write better software in general.
    September 18, 2013